min ining ing webinar inar seri ries es succ ccessf ssful

Min ining ing Webinar inar Seri ries es: : Succ ccessf ssful - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

D R I V E N B Y V A L U E Min ining ing Webinar inar Seri ries es: : Succ ccessf ssful ul Im Imple leme ment ntati ation on of of Bio iolo logi gically cally-Based ased Pas assi sive Reme mediat diation

  1. D R I V E N B Y V A L U E Min ining ing Webinar inar Seri ries es: : Succ ccessf ssful ul Im Imple leme ment ntati ation on of of Bio iolo logi gically cally-Based ased Pas assi sive Reme mediat diation ion Syst stem ems May 1, 2018 fcx.com

  2. Who is Fre reepo port-Mc McMoRan MoRan Inc.? .? Freep Fr epor ort-McMo McMoRan Ran Inc Inc. (FC FCX) X) is is a premier premier U.S.-bas based ed natur natural res resourc ources es company ompany wi with an an industr industry-leading leading gl globa bal por portf tfoli olio of of mine mineral ral as asse sets ts. FC FCX is is th the wor world's ld's lar large gest st pu publi blicl cly tr trad aded ed co copp pper pr produc oducer. FCX' FCX's por portf tfoli olio of of asset as ets inc includ ludes es th the Grasb rasberg miner minerals ls dist distric rict in in Ind ndon onesia, esia, one one of of the the world orld's lar larges gest copp copper er and and gold ld deposit deposits; significant significant mining mining ope operat rations ons in in the the Ame Ameri rica cas, s, inclu includin ding th the la larg rge-sca scale Moren orenci ci miner minerals ls district district in in North America ca and the Cerro Verde operatio ion in in South America ca. Our gl Our globa bal wor orkf kforce, orce, compri omprised sed of of empl employe oyees and and co cont ntra ractor ctors, s, inc include ludes app approxima oximatel ely 53 53,000 000 mem ember ers. FC FCX has has a st strong ong commitm ommitment ent to to saf safet ety per erfor orman mance ce, env envir ironm onment ental manag managem ement ent and and to to th the loc ocal commu ommunit nitie ies wh where ere it it op oper erat ates es. FC FCX is is a fou ounding nding mem member er of of the Int th Inter ernatio national nal Council ouncil on on Mining Mining and nd Met etal als (I (ICMM) M) and and co committed mmitted to impleme to ment ntatio ation of of the ICMM Sustainab ainable Development ent Frame mewo work rk. D R I V E N B Y V A L U E 2

  3. Envir ironme nmental ntal Technology gy and d Life fe Cycle le Tra ransf nsformatio rmation Deliv iver ers s value across s the portfoli tfolio o by: A. A. Identif ntifying, ying, developin oping g and deploy oying ing technology ology to more e effectiv ctively ely and efficien ently tly manage ge liabilities ilities B. Developing B. loping and deployin ying g experience erience and expertise rtise to: a. a. reduce uce reclamation mation and closure re costs b. reduce b. uce closure re risk C. Developing C. loping residu dual al resource ource projects ects and products cts to reduce uce holding ng costs s and nd exten end sus ustaina tainabili bility ty of facilitie ities D. Increasing D. easing project ect deployment yment velocit ity in accordan ance ce with h market rket conditi tions ons and changin ing g regulations ulations E. Prov E. ovidi iding ng data necessary sary for obtaining ining agency and public ic accepta tance nce of innovat ative ive programs rams D R I V E N B Y V A L U E 3

  4. Envir ironme nmental ntal Technology gy & Life fe Cycle Analys ysis is Team Active water treatment Water Treatment Liability management Liability prevention Source Control Migration Control Liability management Passive Bioremediation Monetizing residual assets Residual Resources Generating offset costs Life Cycles Analysis Implement advances in technology Minimize and manage future liabilities Develop sustainable practices D R I V E N B Y V A L U E 4

  5. What is ahead? d?  Wh What cons nstitu titutes tes a bi biologically ogically-bas based ed passive ive bioremediat remediation n system? tem?  Factor ors s affecti ting g successful ssful implem ement ntat ation ion  Design ign criteri eria (opport ortunity unity for success) ss)  Short rt br break k + q que uestions tions  Test st cases • Laborat oratory ory treat atabilit ability y testi ting ng • On On-site site pilot ot-sc scale ale treat atability ability test stin ing • Successfu essful l implemen lementa tation tion  Quest stions ions / Discussio ssion D R I V E N B Y V A L U E 5

  6. What is a Biologically gically-Bas Based d Pas Passiv ive Biore remedi diation ation System? Rock Reactors Biologic gical ally-based sed passiv sive wat water treatme tment nt Reacti tive strat rategies gies “Barriers” Sulfate-Redu duci cing ng Biore react ctor ors Enhanc nces es Constr struct cted d natura ural Wet etlands nds proce cess sses es physic sical al, , chemica cal, and biologica gical D R I V E N B Y V A L U E 6

  7. Ac Acronyms yms Used BCR – BioChem Chemic ical al Reactor tor  BOD OD – Biochem chemical cal Ox Oxygen gen Demand nd   EB EBCT – Em Empty y Bed Contact tact Time  FWS S – Free ee Water er Sur urface ce Wetla land nd  SRBR – Sul ulfate te-Red Reduc ucing ing BioReac eacto tor HRT HRT – Hydra rauli ulic c Retention ention Time  NOS – Natura ural l Organic c Sub ubstrate trate   MeLR LR – Metal Loading ding Rate  MeRR – Metal Removal oval Rate  SLR – Sul ulfate te Loading ding Rate SRB – Sul ulfate te-Red Reduc ucing ing Bacter eria ia  SRR – Sul ulfate te Removal oval Rate   VFW FW – Verti tical al Flow w Wetla land nd D R I V E N B Y V A L U E 7

  8. Acti Ac tive vs. Pas Passiv ive Sulfat ate-Reducing ducing Biochemical mical Reactor ors (SRBR) Active SRBR Passive SRBR Reactor Tank (stirred) reactor Packed reactor type Membrane reactor Submerged packed bed reactor Microbial Suspended or Attached growth growth attached growth (media = substrate) Electron Liquid or gas phase Solid phase donor Slowly degradable liquid Sulfate reduction rate (SRR) & Metal removal rate (MeRR) Active treatment >> Passive treatment D R I V E N B Y V A L U E 8

  9. Pri rimar mary y Com ompo pone nent nts s of of Biologically gically-Bas Based d Pas Passiv ive Biore remedi diation ation System  Pr Pre-tre treat atmen ment t al alkal alin init ity y rea eactor or • Alkalinit alinity y source e (limest imestone one) • Raise se pH to precipitate pitate Al and Fe decreasi asing ng acidity ty loadin ding  Sulfa fate te-re reduci ducing g bio ioche hemica mical l rea eactor or (SRBR) • Elect ectron on source ce (organic anic subst strat rate) e) - Sul ulfate fate (elect ectron n acceptor or) ) to Sul ulfid ide e ions ns - Target gets s metal al precipitati pitation on as metal l sulfides ides • Alkalinit alinity y source e (limest imestone one and sulfat ate e reducti tion) on) - Achiev eve e circumneu mneutral tral pH D R I V E N B Y V A L U E 9

  10. Pri rimar mary y Com ompo pone nent nts s of of Biologically gically-Bas Based d Pas Passiv ive Biore remedi diation ation System  Construc ructe ted d wet etland d or aqueo eous s po polis ishin ing g cel ell (APC) • Seque uest strat ation ion (plant nt roots ts, , stems, ms, and leaves) s) • Preci ecipitati pitation on (oxid ides es, , oxyhydrox droxid ides es, , carbonat ates es) • Sorpt rption ion (mine neral ral and biologic ogical) al) • Sediment imentat ation ion • Filtrat ltration • Increase ease alkalinity linity • Increase ease dissolved olved oxygen en • Reduce ced d BOD D R I V E N B Y V A L U E 10 10

  11. Biologically gically-Bas Based d Pas Passiv ive Biore remedi diation ation System Design gn Cri riteria ria  Fl Flow Rate • Low flow rates es (1 to 50 gpm) most st favorable ble • Hydra draulic ulic retenti ntion n time e (HRT) RT) - Reactio tion n rates es - Treatmen atment t criter eria ia - Longevi gevity ty  Mas ass Load adin ing • Sulfat fate e – criti tical al to successful ssful SRBR applic icat ation • Metals als – acidic c metals ls (Al, Fe); ; metal l sulfides ides (Zn, Cu, Cd, Pb, b, Ni Ni, Co); ; oxidized dized metall lloids oids (Mn) n) • Potentia tential l toxins ins (DO, , H 2 S, , antiba bacteri cterial l materi erials) als) D R I V E N B Y V A L U E 11 11

  12. Biologic gically ally-Bas Based d Pas Passiv ive Biore remedi diation ation System Design gn and d Ope pera rational nal Conside dera rati tions ns  Water er qualit ity y objecti tives es  Site te conditi tions ons and topogr graphy phy  Available lable inf nfrastr struc ucture ture  Higher gher flow rates es provide de less s contact t time me for the same me sized ed sulfat ate-reducin reducing g biore reactor actor • Incomplete mplete reacti tions ons • Wa Wash out ut (ba bacteria; teria; fine ne sul ulfide ide precipitates) pitates)  Potentia tential l toxins ins (dissolve ssolved d oxygen en, , excess ss H 2 S, , antibac ibacter terial ial materials erials used in subst strat rate) e) D R I V E N B Y V A L U E 12 12


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