mid id term progress reportin ing

Mid id-Term Progress Reportin ing and Request for Additional Fin - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Republic of Sudan: Mid id-Term Progress Reportin ing and Request for Additional Fin inancing Dr. Sayeda Khalil Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF): Readiness Fund Participant Committee Meeting (PC 23) March 27-29, 2017,

  1. The Republic of Sudan: Mid id-Term Progress Reportin ing and Request for Additional Fin inancing Dr. Sayeda Khalil Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF): Readiness Fund Participant Committee Meeting (PC 23) March 27-29, 2017, Washington DC

  2. Outline • National Context • National REDD+ process RPP preparation • Overall progress in the implementation of the RPP • Mid-term progress in the implementation of the FCPF Grant RPP Implementation • Commitment and contribution of the Government of Sudan to REDD+ • Request for Additional Financing Readiness • Completion and consolidation of Sudan’s REDD+ readiness

  3. National Context • Sudan is an LDC with an annual gross domestic product of US$ 97.26 billion; rural economy contributes 70% of overall economic growth Context • Agriculture is the largest contributor to overall economic growth and rural livelihoods (70% of population) • Sudan’s forests cover about 11% of its total surface, with an estimated annual rate of deforestation of about 542,000 ha, or about 2.4% • Sudan aims to transform its agriculture sector towards climate smart agriculture capable of rapid and sustainable growth, thus supporting livelihoods of rural communities Aims • Sudan aims to achieve a transition towards “ sustainable forest management , where forestry resources will be used in a wise, efficient and sustainable manner, according to the values and in response to the needs of the people of Sudan Opportunity to pursue sustainable development pathways addressing Drivers of Deforestation and Forest Degradation and attract international funding for scaling up pilot programs and/or replicate new programs Opportunities across the country Enable Sudan to uphold its commitments to international climate agreements under REDD+ Contribute to achieving INDCs and national development priorities and objectives: low-carbon development interventions in the energy, forestry and waste

  4. Sudan REDD+ Process March 2015: FCPF Grant implementation started, covering all funded components of the RPP 2014 RPP approved by the FCPF Jan 2017: MTR, analysis of financing gap and request for 2015 Grant agreement 2012-2014: RPP preparation AF proposal prepared reached and signed for Coordinated by FNC with all US$ 3.8M MTR followed FCPF relevant institutions, Assessment Framework and Grant covers including NGOs common approach and implementation of the RPP funded by GoS with involved consultations with RPP components contributions from UNDP wide range of stakeholders except component 3 (US$ 30,000) and UNEP (US$ and sub-component 22,000) RPP implementation is 4.B progressing well, additional Active and voluntary capacity required engagement of national experts

  5. Overall Progress in in the Im Implementation of f the RPP RPP Component 1: Component 3: Reference Component 4: Monitoring Readiness Component 2: REDD+ emission level/reference system for forests and organization and Strategy Preparation level safeguards consultations 2.A: assessment of land- use, land-use change 1.A: national 4.A: National forest drivers, forest law, policy REDD+ monitoring system and governance Not yet management arrangements funded 2.B: REDD+ strategy options (additional 4.B: Information system for multiple- financing 1.B: significant 2.C: Implementation benefits, governance framework consultation, requested) and safeguards participation (not funded, additional 2.D: Social and Environmental impacts financing requested ) and outreach

  6. Mid-term Progress in Im Implementation of the FCPF Grant

  7. Component 1: : Support for REDD+ Readiness Management and In Institutional Arr rrangements 1.1: Set Up and Operation of the National REDD+ Management Unit 1.2: Set Up and Operation of the National REDD+ Steering Committee, Technical Advisory Committee and REDD+ Technical Working Groups 1.3: Strengthen Sub-national REDD+ Institutional Structures 1.4: Capacity-Building for REDD+ Institutional Arrangements 1.5: Feedback and Grievance Redress Mechanism for REDD+ 1.6: Program Monitoring and Evaluation

  8. Component 1: Support for REDD+ Readiness Management and In Institutional Arrangements Purpose Setting-up - The PMU was established as - Institutions lack adequate Progress Constraints and Gaps national readiness national REDD+ Secretariat capacities in a number of REDD+ management related technical and - 18 State level REDD+ focal points arrangements to technological issues and 5 sectorial (Regional Technical manage and Advisors) focal points are - TORs and mandates of the coordinate the established different Focal Points need to be REDD+ readiness further clarified documented to - Government providing office activities whilst ensure coherence and better facilities, logistics and salary mainstreaming coordination support for staff REDD+ into - M&E system needs to be built broader strategies - The steering and technical advisory committees established - Additional financing is required to strengthen and enhance the - 3 Working Groups established on REDD+ arrangements on safeguards/SESA (ongoing); Land- technical and institutional use, land tenure (finished); and capacities MRV -Technical committee at the state - A study on the Grievance Redress level to ensure better Mechanism is planned coordination

  9. Component 2: Support for national REDD+ Strategy (in including Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment)

  10. Su Sub-Component 2a 2a: : In In-depth an analysis is of of driv rivers of of deforestation an and forest degradation in inclu cludin ing stu tudies on on poli olicie ies, wood-based energy, lan land tenure, an and for orest governance Identification of - The land-use and land - Delays in the Constraints and Gaps Progress Purpose key drivers of tenure study report is procurement deforestation being finalized - Delays in the transfer and/or forest - The study on drivers of of funds degradation and deforestation and forest - The study covers a activities degradation is underway wide range of issues; its concerning outcomes are expected conservation, to reveal further gaps sustainable and needs for further management of analytical work for the forests, and preparation of the enhancement of national REDD+ strategy forest carbon stocks

  11. Sub-Component 2b: : In In-depth Analysis of Strategic ic Optio ions to Address Deforestation and Forest Degradation Develop a set - TORs have been prepared for - Study depends on the Purpose Progress Constraints and Gaps of strategic the identification of the strategy outcomes of other studies (land- options options and preparation of the use, drivers etc.), thus is delayed (policies, REDD+ strategy, the expression - Need for a plan or process for programs, etc.) of interest advertized, the best drafting, consultation, validation for addressing company selected and approval, and outreach for the drivers and - The TORs cover, amongst the REDD+ strategy preparation barriers of others, need for the strategy - Need for further technical deforestation options to be assessed, work to develop estimates of and/or forest prioritized for their social, the potential emission degradation environmental and political reductions of the feasibility, risks and options/interventions and how opportunities and analysis of they inform the design of the their costs and benefits REDD+ strategy - The strategy option study is currently under no-objection and then to signing the contract.

  12. Su Sub-Component 2c: : St Strategic ic Envir ironmental l and So Socia ial l Ass ssessment (S (SESA) and develo lopment of f Envir ironmental l an and So Social l Man anagement Fram amework (E (ESM SMF) - Work depends on the outcomes Ensure - Recent progress in Purpose Progress Constraints and Gaps of other studies, e.g. studies and compliance with sequencing SESA after tasks leading to the identification the Common Strategic Options Study of the strategic options Approach and resulted in moving ahead - Tasks included in the TORs are prepare a with SESA and ESMF ambitious and require adequate country specific preparations resources and time to be successfully completed Environmental - TOR finalized and and Social - The outcome of the study is procurement of consultants, expected to reveal gaps and needs Management study planned to start in April for further work Framework 2017. now under no-objection - Need for follow-up work on (ESMF) and then to signing the capacity-building, consultations, contract awareness raising and institutional - TOR is aligned with FCPF strengthening requirements for the SESA and - Gender Gap under REDD+ has ESMF as indicated in the not been well established yet; assessment Framework thus there is a need for support for a gender analysis

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