microso in chicago beyond pilot projects in the city of

Microso' in Chicago: Beyond Pilot Projects in the City of Broad - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Microso' in Chicago: Beyond Pilot Projects in the City of Broad Shoulders Sco; Mauvais Director of Technology and Civic Innova@on Microso' Corpora@on @LSco; New trends are driving change Robust and Open data Easier access 21st century skill

  1. Microso' in Chicago: Beyond Pilot Projects in the City of Broad Shoulders Sco; Mauvais Director of Technology and Civic Innova@on Microso' Corpora@on @LSco;

  2. New trends are driving change Robust and Open data Easier access 21st century skill Poli4cal growing and transparent to tech for all popula4ons a;en4on on smart, civic tech government infrastructure sustainable ci4es communi4es and tools Opportuni@es For Change

  3. Busines s Tech Academia Education Civic Influencers Tech

  4. Center for Neighborhood Technology (CNT) CNT delivers game-changing research, tools, and solu7ons to create sustainable + equitable communi7es. • Areas of Work Transporta4on + Community Development Water Sustainable Prosperity Transit-Oriented Development Cargo-Oriented Development Urban Apps (Hackathons) Policy Climate

  5. City of Chicago- Large Lot Program The Large Lot Program is a City of Chicago neighborhood stabiliza4on ini4a4ve to help property owners, block clubs and non-profit groups in select Chicago neighborhoods to purchase City-owned land for $1 per parcel. • To apply, visit www.LargeLots.org or stop by City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St., Room 905 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. • City zoning map

  6. CUTGroup Civic User Testing Group A community of over 1,200 residents in Cook County who are paid to test websites & apps and help create better technology. “If it doesn’t work for you… it doesn’t work!” A project of Smart Chicago Collaborative www.cutgroup.org www.smartchicagocollaborative.org www.cutgroupbook.org

  7. City Digital Innova@on at the points of physical-digital convergence in Smart Ci@es today and tomorrow City Digital is a collabora7ve partnership among leading corpora4ons, research ins4tu4ons, and the public sector that: Establishes and priori7zes cri7cal areas of need § Develops innova7ve solu4ons § Deploys solu7ons leveraging Chicago as a pilot test-bed § Facilitates scale-up and global implementa7on § 7 CONFIDENTIAL – NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION

  8. CityDigital Ac@ve Pilots Driving pilots to digi@ze water, buildings and infrastructure Smart Green Underground Smart Buildings Data Infrastructure Monitoring Infrastructure Mapping Service 8 CONFIDENTIAL – NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION

  9. CityDigital: Underground Infrastructure Mapping CONFIDENTIAL – NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION

  10. Keep the conversation going


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