Meter Data David Daniels Settlements Analyst
Agenda Meter Data • Submit Meter Data • Meter Agent Reports • Market Participant Reports • Common Questions/Errors 2
Submit Meter Data 5-Minute Intervals • Actual meter values should be submitted in either 5-minute or hourly intervals as indicated by commercial model registration per each MDSL (Generation, Load, and Interchange) Hourly • Settlement Meter Data reported must Intervals exclude transmission losses (few exceptions) 3
Submit Meter Data (cont’d.) • MA’s submit Meter Data in MWh via an Application Programming Interface (API) or Portal within “Open” Meter Data Submittal window: – Initial: OD+1 through OD+4 by noon , unless Saturday or Sunday, then due Friday – Final: OD+30 through OD+44 by noon , unless Saturday or Sunday, then due by Friday • Both 5-minute and hourly data may be submitted in same file for a single Operating Day (OD) for different MDSLs. Portal allows for zipped files (API does not) • Interchange data is submitted hourly (Currently). 4
Submit Meter Data (cont’d.) • If submitted after closing of initial window, file processed upon re-opening of window for Final Settlement. Submittal after Final Settlement window closes will require a Dispute to be created. • After file submitted, MA receives response from SPP indicating status of submission. If MA determines resubmittal is required, should follow same process as original submittal. – SPP will use latest date/timestamp. – All submittal or resubmittals must be for the entire Operating Day (no empty requests/null intervals) 5
Submit Meter Data (cont’d.) Meter Data Formatting Standards: Megawatt-hour (MWh) is SPP expects all incoming data standard unit of measurement. to be in XML format. Negative [-] values Metered data shall be entered, indicate net injection modified, and retrieved solely via Positive [+] values XML format. indicate net withdrawal 6
Submit Meter Data – Input Validation • Must be for a valid operating day that has ended • Meter Location must be valid and the meter agent must have proper certificate. • Meter Location registration must match hourly/5- minute submittal data type. • IntervalEnding values date and time with correct offset: <IntervalEnding>2011-04-01T01:00:00- 05:00 </IntervalEnding> *If any input validations fail submitter will receive error message 7
What are the API Messages on meter submittal… Submit before OD+1 – Message Returned: 1010|Submitted Operating Day Has Not Ended: 2014-09-01 – Status: FAILED Submit during Initial Window (Typically OD+1 – OD+4 noon except Sat/Sun Close is due on Friday noon) – Message Returned: No Message – Status: PROCESSED Submit between Initial and Final Window (Typically OD+4 Noon – OD+30). These files will automatically process when the Final Window opens. – Message Returned: The meter data file was submitted between the initial and final windows. The meter data file will not be processed until the final window opens – Status: PENDING Submit during Final Window (Typically OD+30 noon – OD+44 noon except Sat/Sun Close is due on Friday noon) – Message Returned: No Message – Status: PROCESSED Submit after Final Window (Typically After OD+44). These files will require a dispute to be filed with SPP to process. – Message Returned: The meter data file was submitted during a closed window. The meter data file will not be used unless a re-settlement occurs for the applicable operating date – Status: PENDING Any submittal that fails validation: – Status: FAILED – Message: the message will provide details on the reason the submittal failed 8
Market Participant Behavior Risks Meter Data Submission Accuracy – Behavior Description : Market Participants are submitting poor quality Meter Data – This includes failing to submit any MDSL (Gen, Load, or Interchange) and defaulting to State Estimator. – Behavior Results : Impacts of poor quality/inaccurate Meter Data: Directly impacts the MP's Load and Gen related Settlement charges (Asset Energy, Make Whole Payments, Operating Reserve Payments). Indirectly impacts market wide uplift and Revenue Neutrality charges. Over Collected Losses charge is particularly impacted by high Meter Data Calibration due to the shifting of MWs between Load and Gen Settlement Locations inherent in the Calibration MWs. High Meter Data Calibration will affect ALL MP’s in that Settlement Area. 9
Market Participant Behavior Risks Meter Data Submission Timeliness – Behavior Description : Market Participants are submitting poor quality Meter Data for Initial Settlement Statement – This includes failing to submit any MDSL (Gen, Load, or Interchange) and defaulting to State Estimator. – Behavior Results : Incomplete and inaccurate meter submitted for the Initial Settlement Statement can impact the following: Initial Settlement Statement can be more difficult to shadow – Unexpected charges and deviations due to meter data not matching dispatch. High calibration charges across ALL MP’s LOADS in the SA . Large swings in money between Initial and Final. More Resettlements which impacts the entire SPP market . 10
Market Participant Behavior Risks Meter Data Submission Accuracy – Risk Mitigation: Poor quality Meter Data can attribute to many issues within the Integrated Marketplace. Asset owners need to recognize it and validate for themselves that they are submitting quality Meter Data. What is quality Meter Data: – – First, accurate representation of the real MWs submitted during initial meter window. produced/consumed/imported/exported. – Second, correctly signed (+/-) Gen, Load and Tie-line data. Tie-line data in particular must be signed to correctly represent the flow on the given Tie Line location. » Import (-) or Export (+) » Gen (-) or Load (+) – Third, low to zero MWhs of Calibration. Calibration is used to adjust the Load SL in a Settlement Area so that the net of all meter data, tie line data and SE losses is equal to zero MWs. High Calibration results in a shifting of settlement MWhs from the Settlement Location where the MWhs should have been reported to affect the Load Settlement Location. 11
Near Real Time Meter Reports Meter Data Reports and Meter Data MP Reports are available via the portal and through API’s and can be generated near real time (currently every 30 minutes) during open meter windows for a given Operating Day : • Meter Agent Report Card (MA & MP) - provides a point-in-time view for a Meter Agent into the data processed for a given Operating Day. • Interchange Report (MA) - point-in-time view for Meter Agents into the data available for a given Operating Day for all “Tie Line” Meter Data Submittal Locations for which the Meter Agent can submit data and the reciprocal information. • Calibration Report (MA & MP) - point-in-time view for a Market Participant into a Settlement Area for a given Operating Day for the Calibration broken into hourly intervals. 12
Meter Agent – Meter Agent Report Card Meter Location Name: L6 Hourly Qty: 10 FiveMinInterval FiveMin Profiled State Estimator RtLoadGrossUp RtSELoss RtCalMtr RtMlBillMtr 2012-09-06T00:05:00-05:00 9.483 104 5.000 -4.314 0.169 • If meter data for a settlement location is submitted in Hourly Intervals: The Hourly Qty will display the actual submitted value – – The Five Min column will be blank – The Profiled Amount will show Submitted Hourly profiled into 5min increments based on the State Estimator values. Meter Location Name: G6 Hourly Qty: FiveMinInterval FiveMin Profiled State Estimator RtLoadGrossUp RtSELoss RtCalMtr RtMlBillMtr 2012-09-06T00:05:00-05:00 10 0.002 -139.609 -19.609 • If meter data for a settlement location is submitted in Five Minute Intervals: – The Hourly Qty will be blank – The Five Min column will contain actual submitted values – The Profiled column will be blank – State Estimator will be displayed for All meter locations, used for profiling for hourly submittal 13
Meter Agent - Report Card Meter Location Name: L5 Hourly Qty: FiveMinInterval FiveMin Profiled State Estimator RtLoadGrossUp RtSELoss RtCalMtr RtMlBillMtr 2012-09-06T00:05:00-05:00 129 0.000 57.517 186.517 • If NO meter data for a settlement location was submitted: - The Hourly QTY will be blank - The Five Min column will be blank - Profiled Column will be blank - Billable Meter Amount will be based from State Estimator Meter Location Name: L6 Hourly Qty: 10 FiveMinInterval FiveMin Profiled State Estimator RtLoadGrossUp RtSELoss RtCalMtr RtMlBillMtr 2012-09-06T00:05:00-05:00 9.483 104 5.000 -4.314 0.169 • Real Time Load Gross Up represents the amount of load gross up associated with a Demand Response for a settlement area and will only be displayed when applied to that settlement location. • Real Time State Estimator Loss represent the total State Estimator loss value for a settlement area and will only be displayed when being applied to a settlement location registered as a “Top Down” . • Real Time Calibration Meter represents the calibration quantity calculated by SPP for that settlement location and will only be displayed when being applied to calculate the Billable Meter Amount. • Real Time Billable Meter represents value from summing Adjusted Meter and Calibration to provide the value used for Settlements Billing 14
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