meta analytic approaches for multi stressor dose response

Meta-analytic approaches for multi- stressor dose-response function - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Meta-analytic approaches for multi- stressor dose-response function development: strengths, limitations, and case studies Jonathan Levy, Sc.D. Professor of Environmental Health Boston University School of Public Health Methods for Research

  1. Meta-analytic approaches for multi- stressor dose-response function development: strengths, limitations, and case studies Jonathan Levy, Sc.D. Professor of Environmental Health Boston University School of Public Health Methods for Research Synthesis: A Cross-Disciplinary Approach October 3, 2013

  2. Context  Cumulative risk assessment: An analysis, characterization, and possible quantification of the combined risks to health or the environment from multiple agents or stressors (EPA, 2003)  Stressors = Chemicals, biological agents, physical agents, psychosocial factors, socioeconomic status, etc., etc., etc.  Epidemiological emphasis

  3. Challenges in combining evidence  Conventional meta-analyses may not be adequate for multi-stressor characterization  Single stressor epidemiological emphasis  Methodological variability  Disconnect between what risk assessors need and what epidemiologists report

  4. 3 case studies/3 approaches  Differential toxicity of particle constituents  What can we learn from meta-analysis vs. new multi-city epidemiology?  Effects-based CRA of blood pressure  What can we learn from meta-analysis vs. new structural equation modeling?  Discrete event simulation of asthma exacerbation  How can we incorporate literature into a synthesis model that provides new insight?

  5. Case #1  Different particle constituents may have differing toxicity  Does the available epidemiological literature provide a basis for incorporating differential values into risk assessments?  If not, what is lacking, and can differential values be determined through new epidemiological approaches?

  6. Literature review  1338 abstracts identified in Oct 2010  65 primary epi studies including at least one of sulfate, nitrate, EC, OC  42 studies with CRFs for at least one constituent, including uncertainty  8 studies with quantitative estimates for all four constituents, largely from single-constituent models  0 studies with probabilistic comparisons of toxicity across constituents

  7. New epidemiology  119 counties with Medicare data from 2000-2008  Bayesian hierarchical model of joint posterior distribution of health effects of four constituents  Posterior probability that each constituent is more toxic than another  Posterior correlation between each pair of health effects

  8. Levy et al., 2012

  9. Levy et al., 2012

  10. Approach Most likely Strengths Weaknesses application • • • RAs of limited Analytically less Non-uniform number of related complex methods • • chemicals, where Integrates current General lack of Literature causality has been state of knowledge insight regarding meta- well established multi-stressor analysis associations • • • RA of mixtures of Standardized Statistically complex • correlated methods across Only applicable to pollutants (e.g., air locations limited number of Multi-site • pollution) Ability to “borrow exposures that can epidemiology • RA of chemical strength” across be characterized with exposures site-specific over many locations Bayesian monitored analyses methods to regularly, where pool associations may evidence vary spatially

  11. Case #2  Numerous chemical and non-chemical risk factors can influence blood pressure/hypertension  Challenges in discerning associations from published literature given complex pathways  Benefits of fish consumption vs. adverse effects of mercury

  12. Literature review Chemical Synopsis of Epidemiological Evidence Stressors Arsenic Systematic review found association with prevalent hypertension. Study (Jones et al. 2011) in NHANES data found no association with SBP or DBP. Bisphenol A Two recent studies found association with hypertension, one using NHANES data. Cadmium Results with blood levels vary by gender, race and smoking status. Result with urinary levels inconsistent but suggests inverse relationship. Lead Systemic review suggested sufficient evidence to infer causal relationship with hypertension. Mercury Inconsistent findings with hypertension. PCBs Studies consistently report association with hypertension including in NHANES.

  13. Structural equation modeling  Ideal approach to evaluate simultaneous effects of multiple stressors that can operate through multiple pathways  Requires clearly defined theoretical relationships among variables (not meant for data mining)

  14. SEM results Age Gender Race/Ethnicity R 2 =0.39 Education Pb 0.03 Smoking Status Alcohol US Born Menopause R 2 =0.41 Age R 2 =0.44 Gender SBP 0.02 Race/Ethnicity Cd Smoking Status Family Smoking A ge Age Gender Gender R 2 =0.53 Race/Ethnicity Race/Ethnicity Lipid BMI 0.07* PCB Smoking Status Lipid Fish Diet Menopause Age of Home

  15. Approach Most likely Strengths Weaknesses application • • • RAs of limited Analytically less Non-uniform number of related complex methods • • chemicals, where Integrates current General lack of Literature causality has been state of knowledge insight regarding meta- well established multi-stressor analysis associations • • • Cumulative RA of Clarifies pathways Statistically complex • chemical and non- among multi-level Works best with chemical stressors stressors continuous and • • RAs in which non- Flexible modeling normally-distributed Structural approach covariates equation chemical stressors modeling could influence exposures and outcomes

  16. Case #3  Multiple indoor environmental stressors can exacerbate asthma, and interventions will change combinations of stressors in complex ways  Standard literature synthesis cannot capture these complexities, especially for infrequent outcomes  Can we link literature synthesis with a modeling approach to develop new insights?

  17. Discrete event simulation model

  18. Example of literature synthesis (Fabian et al. 2012)  Joint literature review of PM 2.5 and NO 2 vs. FEV1%  413 abstracts identified  17 primary epi studies meriting closer scrutiny  5 studies with relevant outcome measures and appropriate quantification  1 study with multi-pollutant estimates that could be connected with our indoor air model

  19. Fabian et al., 2013

  20. Approach Most likely Strengths Weaknesses application • • • RAs of limited Analytically less Non-uniform number of related complex methods Literature • • chemicals, where Integrates current General lack of meta- causality has been state of knowledge insight regarding analysis well established multi-stressor associations • • • RA applications Integrates multiple Statistically with time-varying types of data to complex and associations and answer complex computationally feedback loops health outcome demanding • • RAs in which questions Model • multiple policy Allows for evaluation parameterization Discrete options are under of intervention limited by event consideration scenarios modifying published simulation • RA of rare individual or clusters literature modeling outcomes which of factors • would be Generates evidence logistically for policy analysis • challenging to Allows for inclusion study with only of rare events and epidemiology dynamic systems

  21. Important research needs  Application of multiple approaches to the same question (meta-analysis vs. multi- city epidemiology)  More formal consideration of optimal epidemiological methods for mixtures/multiple stressors  More collaborative research between epidemiologists and risk assessors

  22. Acknowledgments  Funding from EPA (RD83457702, RD82341701 and RD83479801), NIEHS (R01ES012054, R01ES019560, R21ES017522), FAA (07-C-NE- HU and 09-C-NE-HU).  Co-authors: Patricia Fabian, Junenette Peters  Collaborators: David Diez, Yiping Dou, Christopher Barr, Francesca Dominici, Natasha Stout, Gary Adamkiewicz, Amelia Geggel, Cizao Ren, and Megan Sandel

  23. References  Levy JI, Diez D, Dou Y, Barr CD, Dominici F. A meta- analysis and multisite time-series analysis of the differential toxicity of major fine particulate matter constituents. Am J Epidemiol, 2012;175:1091-1099.  Peters JL, Fabian MP, Levy JI. Multiple chemical and non-chemical exposures related to blood pressure within the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Presented at Environmental Health 2013, Boston, MA, Mar 3-6 2013.  Fabian MP, Stout NK, Adamkiewicz G, Geggel A, Ren C, Sandel M, Levy JI. The effects of indoor environmental exposures on pediatric asthma: a discrete event simulation model. Environ Health, 2012;11:66.

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