THE MERIT AWARD IS MADE UP OF DEDICATED AND PASSIONATE VOLUNTEERS WHO ARE COMMITTED TO ENCOURAGING STUDENTS TO SUCCEED. OUR BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Brian Smeenk, Sarah Marriott, Steve Dunn, Kathy Mok, Jeff Harvie, Sonia Fung, Tabitha Aquino, Tim Robertson, Melanie Moore, Jennifer Lee 2 2
Our Mission OUR VISION To be a leading contributor of recognition and financial awards to senior secondary school students in high needs Ontario schools, by providing: • incentives to youth of all abilities to pursue advancement through education; • incentives to youth to contribute to their community; and • a powerful motivational tool which can be employed by educators and parents. OUR MISSION Inspiring youth to pursue higher education and contribute to the community. 3
We are proud of our accomplishments 4
2013 - 2014 in Review Celebrating our accomplishments 5 5
2014 in review: MERIT Award key accomplishments APPLICATIONS Received 386 applications. 1 Awarded 145 bursaries in 2014. Increased the number of schools participating in the program - from 45 to 47 schools in the GTA Committed to $114,500 in bursaries for 2014 - 2015. SELECTION COMMITTEE 2 Increased the number of selection committee members to record high of 40 selectors. Strategically leveraged MERIT Award Selection Committee and introduced the “Newbie” Selection Committee. 3 BOWLING FUNDRAISING & AWARD CEREMONY Bowling Fundraising was a hit! We raised ~$65,000 (gross) AWARD CEREMONY WAS A HIT!!!!! MAINTAINED & GREW DONOR BASE 4 TD, Faskens, Google, Deloitte Foundation, Telus, National Bank (Sponsor). ADDED: NBCN, Smarten Up Institute, TELUS, Heathbridge Capital Management, and food sponsor Marigolds & Onions. 6
We are proud of our operational accomplishments LEADERSHIP EMPOWERMENT Leaders from each operational stream are consistently providing Chair reports and streamlined board meeting agendas and improved attendance. DE- IMPROVED CENTRALIZED ONLINE IMPROVED ONLINE EXPERIENCE DECISION EXPERIENCE Initiated online application process and implemented MAKING online student verification process to save time Enhanced the website to convey MERIT INCREASED Award’s compelling story and to engage key ENGAGEMENT stakeholders by providing relevant information. DECENTRALIZED DECISION MAKING Improved decentralized decision making by allowing leads to drive decisions with committees and report back to the board when required INCREASED ENGAGEMENT Increased Alumni recruiting and volunteer participation for events such as Bowling, Selection Committee and speaking events. MERIT AWARD ACTIVELY GATHERED FEEDBACK Launched MERIT Award student survey to gather feedback and collect critical student data for reporting purposes 7
2014 Bursary Awards Fulfilling Our Mission 8 8
We had a successful year • Grade 11: 27 bursary recipients receiving $500 each • Grade 12: 108 bursary recipients receiving $750 each • Grade 12: 10 recipients receiving our limited MERIT $2,000 bursary • 20 laptops awarded 145 BURSARIES AWARDED IN TOTAL FOR 2014 9
2014 - 2015 Strategic Focus Guiding Principles 10 10
Our Guiding Principles Concentrate on the students and what their realities are – significant personal challenges and the increasing need for higher education. Keep reminding us – why does the MERIT exist? Ensure we build a strong foundation on existing initiatives before we launch any new projects. Ensure we build strong governance, business processes and financials before we invest in other initiatives. To launch new projects, each project needs to undergo a resource assessment to ensure that the support is provided to drive success. Board is currently an operational board as well as a policy board. Building the right talent base both on the board and the core teams. Commitment to accountability and follow through. 11
2014 - 2015 Areas of Strategic Focus Continue to build a sustainable future 12 12
Organizational structure President “Building on a sustainable foundation” BRIAN SMEENK Online Strategy & Selection Committee Financials & Strategic Planning Project Management Execution & Student Liaison Reporting ADMIN & SONIA FUNG KATHY MOK TIM ROBERTSON JENNIFER LEE SARAH MARRIOTT OPERATIONS Event Management Fundraising Alumni Outreach School Outreach Communications TABITHA AQUINO JEFF HARVIE MELANIE MOORE SARAH MARRIOTT RANIA AHMED STRATEGIC AREAS OF FOCUS Governance Advisory Committee BRIAN SMEENK JENNIFER LEE 13
Strategic Areas of Focus Governance Communication Fundraising Event Advisory Management Committee Alumni School Outreach Outreach 14
Event Management Lead: Tabitha Develop an overall integrated communication strategy with Rania that will support all key activities and events throughout the year Contact list management for effective communications (Sponsors: Tab/Sonia/Rania/Melanie) Current lists: Selection Committee, AGM, Bowling, Alumni, Donor, Sponsor, Past supporter Create a “critical path document” for key events with project management timelines and a document repository Annual Award Ceremony: Will further streamline and delegate operations Leverage alumni volunteers and/or interns to assist us Limit the number of recipient guests Integrate a learning component targeting students as a value add (i.e. workshops, key note speakers) Communications plan to align video contest with Awards Ceremony Bowling event: Make delivery a turnkey event Develop a post-event follow up strategy which includes a post-event process Improve processes for donations and payment collections as well as charitable receipts Recruit volunteers for specific functions: sales, client coordination, design, event management 15
Fundraising Lead: Jeff & Steve Formal fundraising team still needs to be built out. Jeff is focusing on building a core team. Team has flagged this as the highest concern for MERIT’s sustainability. Divide fundraising into sections – corporate, foundation, individual Reconsider timing of the MERIT events to ensure that we have a calendar that is well planned out and that events have sufficient planning time for those involved. Add additional leaders for fundraising components: Steve Dunn for foundations Others for corporate or foundations Continue to build relationship with the other corporate partners Rotary Club Proposal for server/cloud solution costing Apply to the TELUS foundation (Jen to lead, with Steve’s help) 16
Event Management Lead: Tabitha & Jeff Reconsidering the way the events are managed Divide up responsibility for Bowling Event and Award Ceremony. Bowling Event ‒ Event management changes noted above Award Ceremony ‒ Establish a core team that will lead the execution of the Awards Ceremony ‒ Identify the right individual to lead the team ‒ Break the award ceremony into operational “buckets” • SWAG team • Operational execution of the ceremony • Powerpoint prep & Communications • Speaker identification and recruitment • Leverage and recruit Alumni to assist in the award ceremony 17
Alumni Outreach Lead: Melanie 1. Continued population of Alumni records since 2006 - present. 2. Analysis of 2014 MERIT Survey with resulting follow-ups including an engaged volunteer list for other board initiatives. 3. Summarize historical statistics from TDSB and TCDSB and formalize the ongoing process of such. 4. Following the success of the first annual MERIT Video Contest, incorporate digital testimonial assets on website, for pitch decks and elsewhere. 18
School Outreach Lead: Sarah Focus on increasing number of applications per school (2014 applications decreased from 392 to 386 with prior high of 527). Increase footprint to cover strategic schools. Goal is to have all schools send quality applications then possibly expand to more schools. Recruitment of additional volunteers. Develop a list of strategic school events to attend. Reinstate direct communications with schools to reinforce MERIT’s presence. Create master list of contacts Identify key point of contact within each school. Publish list of schools and teacher champions on as a resource for students. 19
Communications Lead: Rania Develop communications strategy and program. Communication elements needed to ensure consistency and timelines for: Sponsors Donors Alumni Students Teachers Strategy to compliment activities of committees. Alumni outreach School outreach Events Fundraising 20
Governance Lead: Brian Conduct a “gap” analysis on the board skillset to identify future needs. Improve risk management overall in areas such as: Cloud filing system Key documents accessible to key volunteers for a consistent look and feel Common, universal filing system Board Code of conduct – guiding principles Fundraising policy – guiding principles Communication policy Documentation policy Set up Advisory Committee. 21
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