mental health in all policies

Mental Health in All Policies E . G . M A R C H 1 4 2 0 1 3 H S - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Mental Health in All Policies E . G . M A R C H 1 4 2 0 1 3 H S C I 8 2 5 Where Are We Going? ! Definitions & Numbers ! Impact of MI & Solution ! Morals and Economics ! MHIAP UK ! The lighter side of MHIAP Mental Health !

  1. Mental Health in All Policies E . G . M A R C H 1 4 2 0 1 3 H S C I 8 2 5

  2. Where Are We Going? ! Definitions & Numbers ! Impact of MI & Solution ! Morals and Economics ! MHIAP – UK ! The ‘lighter’ side of MHIAP

  3. Mental Health ! “state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community” (WHO, 2011)

  4. Oppositional Defiant Disorder to Dementia ! Chance of a lifetime: ¼ (McManus, Meltzer, Brugha et al. (2009)) ! 5 to 16 years old ~ 1/10 (Green, McGinnity, Meltzer et al. (2005)) ! 50% of people with lifetime mental health problems first experience symptoms by the age of 14 (kim-cohen, caspi, Moffitt T et al. (2003)) ! ¾ before their mid-20s (Kessler and Wang (2007))

  5. Impact & Solution ! By 2030 the leading cause of disability in high income countries will be mental illness (Mathers & Loncar, 2006) ! Starting early + persisting + predicted escalation equals PREVENTION

  6. Morals & Economics ! Prevention and early intervention ‘morally right’ ! Help those in need ! Prevent illness in those at risk ! BUT, can we afford it?

  7. Economics 101-Return on Investment (ROI) ! Problem: Returns in MH promo and MI prevention show up in areas where $ not initially invested (Roberts & Grimes, 2011) ! Fragmentation ! CD program funded by education = return for CCJ ! Majority of the costs associated with MH fall somewhere other than on the health and social care systems (Freidli & Parsonage, 2009) ! Solution: Mental Health in All Policies (Roberts & Grimes, 2011)

  8. MHIAP Example “No Health Without Mental Health: A Cross- Government Mental Health Outcomes Strategy for People of All Ages” -HM Government, United Kingdom 02 02 2011

  9. MHIAP Ex Cont. “Our objectives for employment, for education, for training, for safety and crime reduction, for reducing drug and alcohol dependence and homelessness cannot be achieved without improvements in mental health.” -HM Government, United Kingdom

  10. MHIAP Ex Cont. “We are drawing on commitments across Whitehall departments, employers, schools, local authorities and the voluntary and community sector “ -HM Government, United Kingdom

  11. MHIAP Ex Cont. ! Stresses the importance of: ! mental health in everyone’s well being ! we as individuals have a responsibility to ourselves and others ! AND, that government has a responsibility (i.e. not just a healthy economy, but a ‘well’ population) ! Life course approach, quality and equitable care for those in need

  12. MHIAP ! A change in thinking: ! Systems thinking ! Ecological model (micro, meso, macro) ! Epistemology ! Life is messy

  13. Mental Health in All Policies? A N ‘ A M U S I N G ’ E X A M P L E

  14. MHIAP Example ! Considering mental health may seem to make more sense in some areas more than others ! E.g. education, health, criminal justice ! But what about other areas? ! What about environment or energy?

  15. MHIAP Example I’m glad you asked!

  16. “Wind turbines causing depression, study suggests” - CBC ! Wind turbines cause depression? ! Are you being serious?

  17. In Case You’re Sick of Reading ! “Wind Rush” – an episode of Doc Zone on CBC ! Wind farmers complaining of depression, anxiety, heart palpitations ! Importantly, insomnia due to noise pollution from wind turbines

  18. Purpose of Illustration: Framing ! Wind turbines as a green energy issue…

  19. Purpose of Illustration: Framing ! Wind turbines as a migratory birds issue…. ! Migratory birds injured by wind turbines

  20. Purpose of Illustration: Framing ! Wind turbines related to mental health and physical health concerns….

  21. In Sum ! Life is messy and interconnected ! What is a ‘mental health issue’ really? ! MHIAP challenges us to think more broadly, and outside traditional barriers

  22. References & Resources ! Mental Health: A State of Well Being. WHO. 2011. mental_health/en/index.html ! McManus s, Meltzer h, Brugha T et al. (2009) Adult Psychiatric Morbidity in England, 2007: Results of a household survey . leeds: nhs Information centre for health and social care. ! Green h, McGinnity A, Meltzer h et al. (2005) Mental Health of Children and Young People in Great Britain, 2004. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

  23. References & Resources ! Kim-Cohen J, Caspi A, Moffitt T et al. (2003) Prior juvenile diagnoses in adults with mental disorder. Archives of General Psychiatry 60: 709–717; ! Kessler R & Wang P (2007) The descriptive epidemiology of commonly occurring mental disorders in the united states. Annual Review of Public Health 29: 115–129.

  24. References & Resources ! C. D. Mathers and D. Loncar, “Projections of Global Mortality and Burden of Disease From 2002 to 2030,” PLoS Medicine 3, 11 (2006): p. e442 ! Roberts & Grimes. 2011. Return on Investment: Mental Health Promotion and Mental Illness Prevention. Canadian Policy Network University of Western Ontario. Canadian Institute for Health. roi_mental_health_report_en.pdf

  25. References & Resources ! Friedli, L., & Parsonage, M. Promoting Mental Health and Preventing Mental Illness: The Economic Case for Investment in Wales (Cardiff, Wales: All Wales Mental Health Promotion Network, 2009). 749/Promoting%20Mental%20Health%20Report %20(English).pdf

  26. References & Resources ! Department of Health, Her Majesty’s Government, No Health Without Mental Health: A Cross-Government Mental Health Outcomes Strategy for All People of All Ages (London, U.K.: Department of Health, 2011). ! Full: dh_digitalassets/documents/digitalasset/dh_124058.pdf ! Easy Read: dh_digitalassets/documents/digitalasset/dh_125123.pdf

  27. References & Resources ! bc-wind-turbines-health-effects.html ! rush.html

  28. ?

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