Medical Technology meets Mobile- -Learning Learning Medical Technology meets Mobile Technology: Technology: Public Health Service by e- -learning System learning System Public Health Service by e YoungSung Lee, MD, PhD EunJung Lee, MyungJa Koh, ByoungKi Koo, Jun Park, YongMin Kim Chungbuk National University, Korea MedRIC, Korea Paul Kim, Arafe Karimi Stanford University, USA XRI, USA Medico-Social Issue! 배경1 SARS phobia/ Flu Phobia 2006-12-16 The 5th ATS, Kyushu Univ. Japan 2
Background • Regional epidemic crisis – Emerging Ds.; SARS, Bird flu, Mad cow ds, etc, Radiation hazard • Relation to Economic impact – Need systematic early intervention • Strong IT infrastructure – High speed mobile network • Public officers concern on development of nation or regional wide alert system 2006-12-16 The 5th ATS, Kyushu Univ. Japan 3 Why should doctors meet techies ? • Digital Society -More need for collaboration between public health science specialists and information technologists. • Bridging Medical Technologies & Information Technologies • Facilitating Medical Domain + Educational Domain + Cultural Domain 2006-12-16 The 5th ATS, Kyushu Univ. Japan 4
Desirable innovative program in health sciences education • According to the learning needs of the growing internet generation, a global internet project is required. • To respond to the Flu epidemic in Asia, an immediate pilot project is needed. • As a role model program, Korean CDC has implemented an innovative distant education program for the medical personnel and lay people. 2006-12-16 The 5th ATS, Kyushu Univ. Japan 5 Global role model programs • PBL, Flu Education Programs • Videoconferencing among Hospitals, research institues, goverenment agiences, medical schools. • Benchmark: NLM Health Info;, Stanford SMILE, Clinical Space etc. 2006-12-16 The 5th ATS, Kyushu Univ. Japan 6
Project outlines to be implemented • Establish Network Initiative Experts Committee • Raise funds and establish the information education center on each country • Announce detailed and specific education objects to select • Prepare a Collaboration Workshop in Korea • Implement action plans • Report to WHO and participating countries (program evaluation and feedback) 2006-12-16 The 5th ATS, Kyushu Univ. Japan 7 Stanford-MedRIC Mobile Inquiry-b ased Learning Environment (SMILE) 2006-12-16 The 5th ATS, Kyushu Univ. Japan 8
• SMILE is an assessment/inquiry maker • which allows students to quickly create own inquiries • or homework items based on their own learning. 2006-12-16 The 5th ATS, Kyushu Univ. Japan 9 11543604872116535675/SMILE MedRICCBNUKorea
2006-12-16 The 5th ATS, Kyushu Univ. Japan 11 2006-12-16 The 5th ATS, Kyushu Univ. Japan 12
Prof. Lee explaining how SMILE works to Prof. Kim 2006-12-16 The 5th ATS, Kyushu Univ. Japan 13 Activities in MedRIC • • • • • • • • • • • 2006-12-16 The 5th ATS, Kyushu Univ. Japan 14
학생들간의 토론 • Ok- cU&feature=BFa&list=ULJ6Id3PCn2vw&lf =mfu_in_order • Ow6ZtE&feature=related 2006-12-16 The 5th ATS, Kyushu Univ. Japan 15 • Interaction, HCI • Engagement and enjoyment • Critical reasoning • Synthesize acquired concepts • Problem solving Evaluation and assessment • 2006-12-16 The 5th ATS, Kyushu Univ. Japan 16
Critical thinking Creativity Motivation a Self-assessment nd interest Depth of lear Other variables (s ning ituation specificit y, cultural idiosyn Mobile devic crasies, scalability, es sustainability, the Interaction pote oretical applicabil ntiel through m ity, practical usab obile(Learner, te ility acher, content) Perceptions and dispositio ns (teacher, student, admin istrator, supporters, other s take holders). 2006-12-16 The 5th ATS, Kyushu Univ. Japan 17 THANK YOU to Paul Kim, Arafe Karimi Stanford University, School of Education for his great contribution ! 2006-12-16 The 5th ATS, Kyushu Univ. Japan 18
Thank you • • 043-261-2869 • CEO, Medical Research Information Center 2006-12-16 The 5th ATS, Kyushu Univ. Japan 19
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