MEDICAL SPECIALTY TRAINING IN GREECE Regulated and controlled by the Greek Ministry of Health Nicholas V. Dombros Specialty Training in Greece � Population: 11,000,000 � Physicians: 72,000 [ r= 1/153] � Public service: 12,000 � Trainees: 10,000 � Private: 50,000 General practitioners: 2,500 [r= 1/4,400] Specialty Training in Greece � Total graduates from the 7 Greek Medical Schools: ~ 1,000 per year � Plus � A decreasing number of non EE Medical Schools graduates who obtain license through exams → → → → [2006: 400 350 300 250 ? ] 1
Specialty Training in Greece � Any licensed to practice physician is allowed to apply for … � Any specialty training program in a public hospital … � anywhere in the country (choice influenced by length of waiting list) Specialty Training in Greece � Priority on a “ first come, first served basis ” � On the day of their graduation young physicians rally to the relative prefecture office to apply for the training program of their choice. Specialty Training in Greece � Median time on waiting list 5 (range1-8) yrs � Waiting time varies by specialty, city, hospital, clinic or lab � 38 Medical Specialties offered almost in each Greek city 2
Specialty Training in Greece � Training offered by licensed “ Training Units ” in � Public Hospitals � University Hospitals � Military Hospitals Specialty Training in Greece � Proposals for reform: � Priority through national entering exams � Rotating training in different “ training units ” of the same specialty in one region � “ Log book ” for each trainee � Frequent evaluation of trainees and units � National final exams harmonized with UEMS 3
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