mechanisms of molecular cooperation

Mechanisms of molecular cooperation Peter Schuster Institut fr - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Mechanisms of molecular cooperation Peter Schuster Institut fr Theoretische Chemie, Universitt Wien, Austria and The Santa Fe Institute, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA Homo Sociobiologicus Evolution of human cooperation

  1. Mechanisms of molecular cooperation Peter Schuster Institut für Theoretische Chemie, Universität Wien, Austria and The Santa Fe Institute, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA „Homo Sociobiologicus “ – Evolution of human cooperation Universitätszentrum Althanstraße I, 29.05.2009

  2. Web-Page for further information:

  3. 1971 1977 1988 Chemical kinetics of molecular evolution

  4. 1. Cyclic reaction networks ¨ catalysts 2. Cyclic catalytic networks ¨ autocatalysts 3. Cyclic autocatalytic networks ¨ hypercycles 4. Neutrality – a source for coexistent competitors

  5. 1. Cyclic reaction networks ¨ catalysts 2. Cyclic catalytic networks ¨ autocatalysts 3. Cyclic autocatalytic networks ¨ hypercycles 4. Neutrality – a source for coexistent competitors

  6. The Bethe - vonWeizsäcker catalytic cycle ist responsible – in part – for the energy production in massive stars.

  7. The tricarboxylic acid or citric acid cycle is fuelling the metabolic reactions of the cell.

  8. The citric acid or Krebs cycle (enlarged) The reaction network of cellular metabolism published by Boehringer-Mannheim.

  9. A B C D E F G H I J K L Biochemical Pathways 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 The reaction network of cellular metabolism published by Boehringer-Mannheim.

  10. 1. Cyclic reaction networks ¨ catalysts 2. Cyclic catalytic networks ¨ autocatalysts 3. Cyclic autocatalytic networks ¨ hypercycles 4. Neutrality – a source for coexistent competitors

  11. Complementary ( � ) replication of RNA as an example of an autocatalytic cycle.

  12. A synthetic oligopeptide ligase becomes a replicator for E = P K. Severin, D.H. Lee, A.J. Kennan, M.R. Ghadiri, Nature 389 , 706-709, 1997 D.H. Lee, J.R. Granja, J.A. MartinezK. Severin, M.R. Ghadiri, Nature 382 , 525-528, 1996

  13. Cross-catalysis of peptide replicators D.H. Lee, K. Severin, Y. Yokobayashi, M.R. Ghadiri, Nature 390 , 591-594, 1997

  14. A chiroselective peptide replicator A. Saghatelian, Y. Yokobayashi, K. Soltani, M.R. Ghadiri, Nature 409 , 797-801, 2001

  15. Cross-catalysis of two RNA enzymes leads to self-sustained replication Tracey A. Lincoln, Gerald F. Joyce, Science 323 , 1229-1232, 2009

  16. Exponential growth levels off when the reservoir is exhausted (l.h.s.). RNA production in serial transfer experiments (r.h.s.) Tracey A. Lincoln, Gerald F. Joyce, Science 323 , 1229-1232, 2009

  17. RNA evolution of recombinant replicators Tracey A. Lincoln, Gerald F. Joyce, Science 323 , 1229-1232, 2009

  18. 1. Cyclic reaction networks ¨ catalysts 2. Cyclic catalytic networks ¨ autocatalysts 3. Cyclic autocatalytic networks ¨ hypercycles 4. Neutrality – a source for coexistent competitors

  19. Hypercycles with one and two members are common in nature.

  20. Hypercycle dynamics for n=3

  21. Hypercycle dynamics for n=4

  22. Hypercycle dynamics for n=6

  23. 1. Cyclic reaction networks ¨ catalysts 2. Cyclic catalytic networks ¨ autocatalysts 3. Cyclic autocatalytic networks ¨ hypercycles 4. Neutrality – a source for coexistent competitors

  24. Chemical kinetics of replication and mutation as parallel reactions

  25. A fitness landscape including neutrality

  26. Motoo Kimura Is the Kimura scenario correct for frequent mutations?

  27. d H = 1 = = lim ( ) ( ) 0 . 5 x p x p → p 0 1 2 d H = 2 = lim ( ) x p a → p 0 1 = − lim x ( p ) 1 a → p 0 2 d H ≥ 3 = = lim x ( p ) 1 , lim x ( p ) 0 or → → p 0 1 p 0 2 = = lim x ( p ) 0 , lim x ( p ) 1 → → p 0 1 p 0 2 Random fixation in the Pairs of genotypes in neutral replication networks sense of Motoo Kimura

  28. Neutral network: Individual sequences n = 10, � = 1.1, d = 1.0

  29. Consensus sequence of a quasispecies of two strongly coupled sequences of Hamming distance d H (X i, ,X j ) = 1.

  30. Neutral network: Individual sequences n = 10, � = 1.1, d = 1.0

  31. Consensus sequence of a quasispecies of two strongly coupled sequences of Hamming distance d H (X i, ,X j ) = 2.

  32. N = 7 Neutral networks with increasing � : � = 0.10, s = 229

  33. N = 24 Neutral networks with increasing � : � = 0.15, s = 229

  34. N = 70 Neutral networks with increasing � : � = 0.20, s = 229

  35. R 1D 2D GGGUGGAAC CACGAG GUUC CACGAG GAAC CACGAG GUUCCUCCC G 3 13 23 33 44 R 1D 2D 23 13 33 C G C G C G A A A A G/ A A C G C C G G G C G C G C A U A U U A U A A U A U G C G C G C G C G C G C A A U A /G A U G C 13 3 G C G CCC 44 1D 2D C G 33 GG 23 R A A 5' 3’ C G C G -1 -28.6 kcal·mol A U A U -1 -28.2 kcal·mol G C G C U U G C 3 G C An RNA switch G C 44 5' 3’ JN1LH -1 -28.6 kcal·mol -1 J.H.A. Nagel, C. Flamm, I.L. Hofacker, K. Franke, -31.8 kcal·mol M.H. de Smit, P. Schuster, and C.W.A. Pleij. Structural parameters affecting the kinetic competition of RNA hairpin formation. Nucleic Acids Res. 34 :3568-3576 , 2006 .

  36. E.A.Schultes, D.B.Bartel, Science A ribozyme switch 289 (2000), 448-452

  37. Two ribozymes of chain lengths n = 88 nucleotides: An artificial ligase ( A ) and a natural cleavage ribozyme of hepatitis- � -virus ( B )

  38. The sequence at the intersection : An RNA molecules which is 88 nucleotides long and can form both structures

  39. Two neutral walks through sequence space with conservation of structure and catalytic activity

  40. Web-Page for further information:


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