Measurement of absolute energy scale of ECAL of DAMPE with geomagne;c rigidity cutoff Jingjing Zang *(PMO,CAS), Chuan Yue, Xiang Li (On behalf of DAMPE collabora;on) *Speaker, 35th ICRC, BUSON KOREA 2017 1
Outline • Introduc;on of DAMPE detectors • Mo;va;on and method reseach • CRE flux measurement – Pre-selec;on – Background contamina;on 1. hadron background 2. Secondary background • CRE flux and cutoff • Systema;c Uncertainty Launched on Dec. 17 th 2015 • Conclusion 35th ICRC, BUSON KOREA 2017 2
DAMPE Detectors Plas;c Scin;llator Detector(PSD) Silicon Tungsten Tracker(STK) Ø γ an;coincidence Ø γ convertor, par;cle track Ø Z-measurement Ø Z-measurement BGO Calorimeter(BGO) Ø Energy measurement(32X 0 &1.6 λ I ) Neutron Detector(NUD) Ø e/p separa;on Ø e/p separa;on Ø Trigger primi;ves More details and performances can be found at arXiv:1706.08453 35th ICRC, BUSON KOREA 2017 3
Mo;va;on and Method research Mo;va;on: • Energy scale of BGO-ECAL is given by on-orbit simulated energy deposi;on of cosmic ray proton “MIP” events, the real absolute energy scale remains unknown. • Absolute energy scale is a systema;c uncertainty on energy measurement Method research: • Geomagne;c cutoff on cosmic ray electron and positron spectrum provides a strong spectral feature. 35th ICRC, BUSON KOREA 2017 4
Procedure of absolute energy scale measurement 1. Measure low energy CRE flux with 1<L<1.14 – Primary cosmic ray electron + positron flux from 8GeV to 100GeV – Filng flux in 1<L<1.14 to extract cutoff value 2. Calculate Geomagne;c cutoff – Trace CRE in the Earth’s magne;c field – Calculate geomagne;c cutoff within L bin range 35th ICRC, BUSON KOREA 2017 5
Flight Data Sample Jan 2016 – Feb 2017 (425days, 2.15B events in total ) • Pre-selec;on : • 1. High energy Trigger 2. 400MeV<Total deposited Energy<150GeV 3. Reject side and upward events 4. Reject heavy ion events by charge measurement Aqer Pre-selec;on, 40M events leq • First sight on G-cutoff Energy distribu;on 35th ICRC, BUSON KOREA 2017 6
Acceptance The pre-selec;on efficiency is evaluated by MC Simula;on and corrected by • flight data. Acceptance is calculated in 30 energy intervals • Due to strict pre-selecCon criteria, acceptance is limited within the absolute energy scale analysis 35th ICRC, BUSON KOREA 2017 7
Hadron Background contamina;on electron-hadron discrimina;on electron candidates sta;s;c e-candi selec;on criteria are kept at lowest valley between e-peak and H- peak. [14.4, 15.7]GeV e-candidate Electron pid efficiency is 90%@8GeV, rapidly increase to 98-99% above 20GeV. [36.4, 39.6]GeV e-candidate Background contaminaCon 20%@8GeV, 1%@12GeV,5%@100GeV 35th ICRC, BUSON KOREA 2017 8
How to es;mate Secondary Background The selected CRE candidates have two sources • 1. Primary electrons originate from interstellar space (primaries) 2. Secondary electrons generated in the atmosphere (secondaries) Primaries and secondaries have different features on azimuth distribu;on • Back Tracing for primary template • IGRF-12 for geomagne;c field • Trace par;cle trajectory in geomagne;c field • Data-Driven method of making secondary template • – Geomagne;c field blocks charged par;cles with low rigidity – CREs with energy far less than cutoff should be secondary dominant. Geomagne;c cutoff Secondary Template 1<L<1.14 Sub-cutoff events are selected to extract secondary template 35th ICRC, BUSON KOREA 2017 9
Secondary Background Contamina;on Ø Ra;o of Secondary: Secondary background ra;o change with Energy ü 8-13GeV:56% to 0% ü >13GeV :0% 10-11GeV 13-14GeV 10 35th ICRC, BUSON KOREA 2017
CRE Flux & G-cutoff CRE flux in L bin can be calculated by formula • ( ) 1 − δ s ( ) N 1 − δ h Flux = A ⋅ ε pid ⋅ T ⋅Δ E 8 p − Cutoff filng func;on y p x / 1 x p / • ( ) = ∗ + 1 0 2 p 0 : normaliza;on constant, p 1 : spectrum index, p 2 : G-cutoff • Cutoff energy = 13.20GeV C data /C tracer = 1.0125 ± 0.0175(stat) Flight data G-cutoff have a 1.25% exceeding comparing with back tracing result. 35th ICRC, BUSON KOREA 2017 11
Systema;c uncertainty (1.29%) Five major systema;c uncertainty sources • Filng range I. Binning migra;on rms/mean = 1.1% cutoff aqer unfolding = 13.22GeV, varia;on = 0.15% Ø II. Choice of filng range change range wider or narrower, uncertainty = 1.1% Ø III. IGRF-12 model Difference between DAMPE and Fermi-LAT Ø uncertainty level = 0.5% Fermi-LAT result IV. e/p Template from Astropar;cle Physics 35(6), 2012, 346-353 change tail longer or shorter, uncertainty = 0.4% Ø V. Choice of energy interval for secondary template Change energy interval wider or narrower, closer or farther to the cutoff, Ø uncertainty = 0.15% e/p template rms/mean = 0.4% 35th ICRC, BUSON KOREA 2017 12
Conclusion • We measured absolute energy scale of BGO calorimeter of DAMPE with geomagne;c cutoff on CRE spectrum using 2.15B events collected from Jan2016 to Feb 2017. • By comparing measured geomagne;c cutoff by flight data with predicted one by back tracing, we found DAMPE’s absolute energy scale is higher by 1.0125 ± 0.0175(stat) ± 0.0134(sys) in ~13GeV range. 35th ICRC, BUSON KOREA 2017 13
Thanks for your a}en;on We’re very appreciated for your ques;ons and comments! 35th ICRC, BUSON KOREA 2017 14
BGO energy scale in the official DAMPESW see PDG chapter 32 Energy scale determina;on procedure • in DAMPESW – “MIP” calibra;on run within la;tude -20 ° ~ Avoid cliffy <2GeV +20 ° , “MIP” calibra;on run range flat – Reconstruct proton “MIP” energy spectrum of each BGO crystal, – DAMPESW simulate CR-proton, and give verCcal rigidity cutoff @ DAMPE Orbit simulated proton “MIP” spectrum, – Simu & flight spectra are in good agreement Energy scale of BGO-ECAL is given by • on-orbit simula;on of CR-proton “MIPs” Same method has been verified with • beam test “MIP” spectrum is the reference of energy reconstrucCon. 35th ICRC, BUSON KOREA 2017 16
Systema;c uncertainty - Binning G-Cutoff obtained by filng differen;al flux, the migra;on from bin to bin • will change flux and affect filng result. Es;ma;on Method • – Based on MC Reco vs Ekin matrix, do unfolding Results • – cutoff Aqer unfolding = 13.22GeV, varia;on = 0.15% 35th ICRC, BUSON KOREA 2017 17
Systema;c uncertainty – Filng range Choice of filng range will affect filng result. • Method • – Modify filng range wider or narrower while keep range cover cutoff energy – Fit elow = Gaus(11,1),Fit ehigh = Gaus(80,10), do 500 ;mes filng – The rms of filng results is systema;c uncertainty Results • – Uncertainty = 0.1464/13.21 = 1.1% 35th ICRC, BUSON KOREA 2017 18
Systema;c uncertainty – IGRF IGRF-12 model was used to do backtracing and primary template. • Method • – It’s difficult to directly es;mate the uncertainty caused by IGRF – We can use Fermi-LAT result to assess uncertainty level, since Fermi-LAT and DAMPE are two independent experiment. Results • – Fermi-LAT, 1<L<1.14, G-cutoff = 13.27GeV – DAMPE, 1<L<1.14, G-cutoff = 13.20GeV – Rela;ve error = 0.5% Fermi-LAT result 35th ICRC, BUSON KOREA 2017 19
Systema;c uncertainty – e/p template The Monte Carlo template we used to es;mate hadron background contamina;on • could induce uncertainty on cutoff rigidity. Method • Background contamina;on is ~1% at 12GeV – Verify leq tail of MC template longer or shorter – and calculate background ra;o and flux to perform filng rigidity cutoff. Result • Background contaminaCon 1%@12GeV,13%@100GeV, 20%@8GeV Filng result changed within ~0.5% 35th ICRC, BUSON KOREA 2017 20
Systema;c uncertainty – secondary template • Secondary template was obtained from low energy flight data sample (E<<E_cutoff) where the CRE is secondary dominant. Choice of energy interval (2-4GeV) will affect shape of template and thus flux and final value of rigidity cutoff Method • Change energy interval wider or narrower, closer or farther to the – cutoff to extract template Flux measurement and filng to get final value of rigidity cutoff – Template change slightly with energy The spread of cutoffs reflect systema;c uncertainty caused by interval. – secondary template Energy Width Energy center Result • Max DeviaCon: (13.18-13.20)/13.20=0.15% – 35th ICRC, BUSON KOREA 2017 21
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