measurement and analysis of osn ad auctions

Measurement and Analysis of OSN Ad Auctions Yabing Liu Chloe - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Measurement and Analysis of OSN Ad Auctions Yabing Liu Chloe Kliman-Silver Robert Bell Balachander Krishnamurthy Alan Mislove Northeastern University AT&T LabsResearch Brown University Motivation Online

  1. Measurement and Analysis of OSN Ad Auctions Yabing Liu † Chloe Kliman-Silver ‡ Robert Bell § Balachander Krishnamurthy § Alan Mislove † � † Northeastern University § AT&T Labs–Research ‡ Brown University

  2. Motivation Online advertising networks are everywhere Google earned over $50 billion in advertising in 2013 � How is online advertising implemented? Through Auctions! Advertisers pick keywords, search terms and bid on ads Advertising networks select the winning bidders and present ads to users Two ways to pay CPM: Cost Per Mille, the cost of 1,000 ad impressions CPC: Cost Per Click COSN'14 Yabing Liu 2

  3. Motivation The new OSN-based ad services became popular Facebook had over $7.8 billion in advertising in 2013 Ask users to fj ll in their information � Signi fj cant data about the users Personal information (demographics, interests, educational history, relationship status, etc) Identities of friends User activity � Target users directly (not keywords, or search terms) Atlas to serve ads on non-OSN sites across multiple devices COSN'14 Yabing Liu 3

  4. What has been studied? Web-search-based advertising networks "Estimated prices" from Google's Tra ffi c Estimator Tool [Manage.Sci.'11] Analytical models to predict the clicks, prices, CTR [WWW'14] New models for conducting online auctions [EC'12] � User Value In fm uential users in OSNs [EC'12] The contribution of users to advertising revenue is skewed [IMC'13] 65% of ad categories received by users are targeting interests [HotNets'13] � Unfortunately Little academic study of the OSN-based ad networks OSNs have released little data about their advertising markets � COSN'14 Yabing Liu 4

  5. This paper Goal Develop techniques to measure and understand OSN ad markets Bring visibility to OSN ad markets, focusing on Facebook Research problem meaningful for advertisers, users, and other researchers � Assumption No current tool to measure Facebook ad market No visibility to Facebook internal system (as external researchers) COSN'14 Yabing Liu 5

  6. Outline Motivation � Exploring suggested bid mechanism � How are suggested bids calculated? � Exploring user value COSN'14 Yabing Liu 6

  7. Facebook advertising COSN'14 Yabing Liu 7

  8. Facebook's targeting parameters Basic Fields Parameters/Examples Country, State, City, Postal code Location Gender Male, Female, All Range (from 13–65) Age Travel, Science, Music, ... Precise Interest Broad Category Cooking, Gardening, iPhone 5, ... Male, Female, All Interested In All, Single, In a relationship, Married, Engaged, Not speci fj ed Relationship Status English, Spanish, French, ... Language Education Anyone, In high school, In College, College Grad Google, Facebook, AT&T, ... Workplaces Notes Target any combination of these parameters Required to specify at least one country COSN'14 Yabing Liu 8

  9. Facebook advertising COSN'14 Yabing Liu 9

  10. Methodology What are suggested bids? Facebook undocumented feature "The suggested bid range you see when creating your ads is based on the bids that are currently winning the ad auction for the users you've chosen to target." How to collect suggested bids in scale? Programmatically send HTTP GET requests to the Facebook Ad Creation URL COSN'14 Yabing Liu 10

  11. Suggested bid data Example Dataset 1,000 suggested bids Each of the 204 countries that Facebook supports Queries were roughly spaced 35 milliseconds apart U.S.: 159M; New Zealand: 2.2M; Antigua and Barbuda: 29K users � CPM ad prices reasoning about CPC requires knowing an advertiser's CTR CTR (click-through rate): the fraction of impressions that result in a click COSN'14 Yabing Liu 11

  12. Suggested bid observations 1 Skewed distribution maximum $1.00 median CPM Price minimum $0.10 $0.01 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Time (seconds) United States (159,115,060 users) COSN'14 Yabing Liu 12

  13. Suggested bid observations 1 Skewed distribution maximum $1.00 median CPM Price minimum $0.10 2 Signi fj cant variance $0.01 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Time (seconds) Antigua and Barbuda (29,580 users) COSN'14 Yabing Liu 13

  14. Suggested bid observations Coefficient of Variation 0.5 1 Skewed distribution CPM maximum CPM median 0.4 CPM minimum 0.3 0.2 2 Signi fj cant variance 0.1 0 1000 10000 100000 1e+06 1e+07 1e+08 1e+09 Audience Size 3 Variance independent of audience size 204 Countries COSN'14 Yabing Liu 14

  15. Suggested bid observations $1.80 1 Skewed distribution Account1 $1.60 Account2 CPM maximum $1.40 $1.20 $1.00 $0.80 $0.60 2 Signi fj cant variance $0.40 $0.20 $0.00 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Time (seconds) 3 Variance independent of audience size United States (159,115,060 users) 4 Variance across accounts COSN'14 Yabing Liu 15

  16. Suggested bid observations 1 Skewed distribution maximum $1.00 median CPM Price minimum $0.10 2 Signi fj cant variance $0.01 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Time (seconds) 3 Variance independent of audience size United States (159,115,060 users) 4 Variance across accounts 5 Non-persistence of min or max COSN'14 Yabing Liu 16

  17. Outline Motivation � Exploring suggested bid mechanism � How are suggested bids calculated? � Exploring user value COSN'14 Yabing Liu 17

  18. Reverse-engineering suggested bids Goal: The suggested bid algorithm is a black box Look for the most reasonable explanation � Hypothesis 1: Winning bids change rapidly Derived from the most-recent-k winning bids for the target users maximum $1.00 median CPM Price minimum $0.10 $0.01 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Time (seconds) Antigua and Barbuda (29,580 users) Not true: signi fj cant variance observed on very short timescales COSN'14 Yabing Liu 18

  19. Reverse-engineering suggested bids Hypothesis 2: Adding random noise In order to obfuscate the true value Statistical tests: if the data matched a number of common statistical distributions (Uniform random, Gaussian, Cauchy, Log-Normal or Logistic) 0.06 � 0.05 � Frequency 0.04 � 0.03 � 0.02 � 0.01 � 0 $0.20 $0.40 $0.60 $0.80 $1.00 $1.20 $1.40 $1.60 $1.80 � CPM maximum Example probability distribution function of CPM max values for 20,000 suggested bids. Fails statistical tests. � Not true: poor fj t for all distributions, with a p-value of less than COSN'14 Yabing Liu 19

  20. Reverse-engineering suggested bids Hypothesis 3: Sampling winning bids Sampling from the recent-k winning bids Reporting the min, median, and max of the sample Logical mechanism for calculating suggested bids Consistent with all the fj ve properties of suggested bids Suggested bid is most likely sampled from the recent-k winning bids COSN'14 Yabing Liu 20

  21. How real auctions a ff ect suggested bids? Changes to the market Actively participate in the advertising market See how quickly we can a ff ect the ad market Chose a small country (Seychelles, 26K users) with low suggested CPM Bid a higher CPM ($1.00) than the suggested CPM max ($0.16) from 3 accounts Ran campaigns concurrently for 8 hours � $0.08 $0.07 CPM median $0.06 $0.05 $0.04 $0.03 $0.02 $0.01 4:00pm 4:00am 4:00pm 4:00am 4:00pm 4:00am 05/03 05/04 05/04 05/05 05/05 05/06 Time (EST) Changes to the ad market are re fm ected in the suggested bids. COSN'14 Yabing Liu 21

  22. How suggested bids correlate with revenue? Comparison with Facebook's revenue The ground truth: Facebook's SEC fj lings Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) at the granularity of regions Aggregate our CPM median data into the same regions Notes Rank the regions in the same order Europe and Rest of the World regions at approximately the same ratios The suggested bid data at least correlates with the distribution of Facebook's revenue. COSN'14 Yabing Liu 22

  23. How researchers use suggested bids Suggested bid data is most likely calculated by sampling from the recent winning bids for the target users. � Multiple samples Extract the overall min, median, and max from the collated samples � Convergence How many samples to collate together? We use 25 collated suggested bids COSN'14 Yabing Liu 23

  24. Outline Motivation � Exploring suggested bid mechanism � How are suggested bids calculated? � Exploring user value COSN'14 Yabing Liu 24

  25. Location How the location in fm uences the ad auction winning bids? GDP ( Gross Domestic Product) per capita for 204 countries The output of a country's economy per person $1.00 Russia Japan CPM median Norway Australia Nigeria US $0.10 $0.01 $1 $2 $5 $10 $20 $50 $100 Note GDP per capita (2011, thousands) Observed a correlation of 0.37 between the GDP per capita and CPM values Dramatic di ff erences in ad auction prices across di ff erent countries COSN'14 Yabing Liu 25

  26. Age How is CPM median price correlated with user age? Select the same three countries (US, NZ, AG) The smallest age is 13, while targeting age 65 encompasses all users 65 and over $0.30 U.S. New Zealand $0.25 Antigua and Barbuda CPM median $0.20 $0.15 $0.10 $0.05 $0.00 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Notes Age For U.S. and NZ, as age increases, the CPM median price increase as well Less clear trend for AG COSN'14 Yabing Liu 26


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