meaningful engagement

Meaningful Engagement Module 3: Patient/Family Advisor and Staff - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Alberta Health Services Meaningful Engagement Module 3: Patient/Family Advisor and Staff Liaison Orientation . Education Series Overview Module 1 : Module 2: Patient and Module 3: Family Staff Liaisons: Meaningful Advisors: Roles Roles

  1. Alberta Health Services Meaningful Engagement Module 3: Patient/Family Advisor and Staff Liaison Orientation .

  2. Education Series Overview Module 1 : Module 2: Patient and Module 3: Family Staff Liaisons: Meaningful Advisors: Roles Roles and Engagement and Responsibilities Responsibilities

  3. For Today’s Discussion Key Learning Goals: • What is meaningful engagement • Why we engage • The different ways we engage • Key concepts and methods • Examples from an experienced patient and family advisor and staff liaison

  4. Why Engage?

  5. Ways We Engage Collaborating Patient & Collecting at the Family Survey Data Feedback Planning Councils Table Quality Teams Concerns & & Committees Commendations Patient Comment Researchers Cards T HE V OICE OF P ATIENTS Patient and Family AND F AMILIES Structured Advisors Interviews Leader Focus Groups Rounding Interactions at Narratives and the Point of Stories Care Real Time Encounters Patient Mapping the Patient Journey Shadowing

  6. What Meaningful Engagement Is… What makes patient and family engagement meaningful?

  7. What Makes Engagement Meaningful? Shared values Values Based What matters most? Scope of influence What’s the decision to be made? Decision Oriented Level of engagement Scope of influence Goal Driven Who will make the final decision?

  8. IAP2 Spectrum of Engagement – Increasing Level of Engagement -------> Inform Consult Involve Collaborate Empower To provide the To obtain To work directly To partner with To place final Participation patient/family patient/family with patients/families in decision making Goal with balanced feedback on patients/families each aspect of the in the hands of and objective analysis, throughout the decision including patients / information to alternatives, process to ensure the development families. assist them in and/or that patient/family of alternatives and understanding decisions. concerns and the identification of the problem, aspirations are the preferred alternatives, consistently solution. opportunities, understood and and solutions. considered. We will keep We will keep We will work with We will look to you We will Promise you informed. you informed, you to ensure that for advice and implement what Back to the listen to and your concerns innovation in you decide. Patient / acknowledge and aspirations formulating Family concerns and are directly solutions and aspirations and reflected in the incorporate your provide alternatives advice and feedback on developed and recommendations how provide feedback into the decisions patient/family on how to the maximum feedback patient/family extent possible. influenced the input influenced decision. the decision.

  9. Engaging the Voice of Patients Through the Project Lifecycle • How will the project help patients and Co-Define families? Discover what matters most to patients and families. Define Opportunity • What are patients and families currently Co-Assess experiencing ? Build Understanding • How can we, together with patients & families, identify which ideas will make a Co-Create difference for patients and families? Act to Improve • How can patient and family perspectives Co-Evaluate be sought to assess what difference the change/intervention has actually made? Sustain Results

  10. Questions and Words of Wisdom

  11. Evaluation

  12. THANK YOU! For more information: Engagement and Patient Experience Website:

  13. References/Acknowledgements/Resources • Alberta Health Services. (2016). Collaborative Provider Interview with Verna Yiu . Retrieved September 27, 2017 from: 3FzY01lX2lSblE • Engagement and Patient Experience. (2015). Methods of Engagement: Crucial Considerations . Alberta Health Services. • International Association for Public Participation. (2016). Planning for Effective Public Participation . Internal Association for Public Participation.


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