may 29 2018 harriman the chazen companies

May 29, 2018 Harriman | The Chazen Companies Harriman | The Chazen - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

May 29, 2018 Harriman | The Chazen Companies Harriman | The Chazen Companies Village of Mamaroneck, New York May 29, 2018 | 1 Process: Goals Revitalize the manufacturing district in Mamaroneck and enhance the sustainability of the area

  1. May 29, 2018 Harriman | The Chazen Companies Harriman | The Chazen Companies Village of Mamaroneck, New York May 29, 2018 | 1

  2. Process: Goals Revitalize the manufacturing district in Mamaroneck and enhance the sustainability of the area  Preserve existing uses  Create incentives to grow the “maker” economy  Promote redevelopment that is environmentally sensitive  Establish buffers to abutting neighborhoods that are eco- friendly  Mitigate the impact of floods  Provide/encourage new recreational activities Harriman | The Chazen Companies Village of Mamaroneck, New York May 29, 2018 | 2

  3. Process: Proposed Zoning Overlays Green buffer zone along the Sheldrake to include current and future public access No-change zones on either side of the Industrial Area Retail zone to allow infill with additional retail uses Mixed-use zone that will allow live-work units Harriman | The Chazen Companies Village of Mamaroneck, New York May 29, 2018 | 3

  4. Process: Timeline Start up Phase I Phase II Phase III November 2017 June – September 2018 September – February 2019 December 2017 – June 2018 Public Meeting #1: April 4 Draft articles (Summer) GEIS • • • Beta Workshop: May 2 Final articles (September) • • IAC #2: May 17 Final presentation (September) • • BOT#2: May 29 • Public Meeting #2: June 4 • Harriman | The Chazen Companies Village of Mamaroneck, New York May 29, 2018 | 4

  5. Progress: Industrial Area Website: Harriman | The Chazen Companies Village of Mamaroneck, New York May 29, 2018 | 5

  6. Progress: Public Workshop#1 – April 4, 2018 Harriman | The Chazen Companies Village of Mamaroneck, New York May 29, 2018 | 6

  7. Progress: Beta Workshop – May 2, 2018 Harriman | The Chazen Companies Village of Mamaroneck, New York May 29, 2018 | 7

  8. Progress: Public Workshop #2 – June 4, 2018  Focus on building types and uses  Precedents  Second Visual Preference Survey  Draws and Anchors  Density  Discussion of other opportunities/ limitations  Parking  Stormwater management  Mobility and connection  Village roles Harriman | The Chazen Companies Village of Mamaroneck, New York May 29, 2018 | 8

  9. Policy Questions for Board of Trustees  Zoning  Zoning and Non-Zoning Strategies  Non-Zoning Implementation Strategies Harriman | The Chazen Companies Village of Mamaroneck, New York May 29, 2018 | 9

  10. Policy Questions: Zoning  Proposed New Uses  Inclusion of Work/Live Units  Measures for Use Preservation/Balance of Uses Harriman | The Chazen Companies Village of Mamaroneck, New York May 29, 2018 | 10

  11. Proposed New Uses: Original Proposal  Indoor Recreational Facilities under and over 50,000 SF  Art and Film Studios and Dance and Music Instruction under and over 50,000 SF  Theaters and Performance Spaces under and over 50,000 SF  Live/Work Units  Higher Education Uses (degree-granting institutions)  Micro-alcohol Establishments  Boutique Hotels Harriman | The Chazen Companies Village of Mamaroneck, New York May 29, 2018 | 11

  12. Proposed New Uses: Additional Proposed Uses  Co-working Space  Maker Space/Fabrication Labs  Incubator Spaces  Flex Space  Educational uses (non-degree granting) Harriman | The Chazen Companies Village of Mamaroneck, New York May 29, 2018 | 12

  13. Proposed New Uses: Next Steps  Definitions  Allowed As-of-right or by Special Permit and in which areas  Controls Harriman | The Chazen Companies Village of Mamaroneck, New York May 29, 2018 | 13

  14. Inclusion of Work/Live Units Live/work units would bring additional residents to the area. Benefits Costs Additional residents increase the activity in the Industrial Area beyond Controls Incentives regular working hours. Harriman | The Chazen Companies Village of Mamaroneck, New York May 29, 2018 | 14

  15. Inclusion of Work/Live Units  Does the Board of Trustees want to allow additional residential uses in the Industrial Area?  If yes, how does the Board want to control these additional uses? Harriman | The Chazen Companies Village of Mamaroneck, New York May 29, 2018 | 15

  16. Use Preservation/Balance of Uses Industrial uses typically rent at a lower price per square foot than commercial and Benefits Costs residential uses. This means there is potential for industrial uses Controls Incentives to disappear over time. Harriman | The Chazen Companies Village of Mamaroneck, New York May 29, 2018 | 16

  17. Measures for Use Preservation/Balance of Uses  Does the Board of Trustees want to require that industrial uses remain a part of the Industrial Area?  Does the Board of Trustees want to incentivize industrial uses to remain in or relocate to the Industrial Area?  Restrictions vs. Incentives Harriman | The Chazen Companies Village of Mamaroneck, New York May 29, 2018 | 17

  18. Policy Questions: Zoning and Non-Zoning Strategies  Parking Management  Resiliency Harriman | The Chazen Companies Village of Mamaroneck, New York May 29, 2018 | 18

  19. Use Parking Management Need to address the use of public parking spaces by uses that are “auto- centric.” Benefits Costs Need to manage existing and future parking needs. Current parking requirements may be limiting redevelopment. Controls Incentives Public structured parking is not a near-term solution. Harriman | The Chazen Companies Village of Mamaroneck, New York May 29, 2018 | 19

  20. Parking Management: Strategies  Does the Board of Trustees want to create a Parking Management Plan?  Does the Board of Trustees want to encourage shared parking and shared driveways?  Does the Board of Trustees want reduce parking requirements in exchange for owners collaboration in addressing vehicle storage in public space?  Does the Board of Trustees want to consider providing parking to support new development if market demand over time indicates a need? Harriman | The Chazen Companies Village of Mamaroneck, New York May 29, 2018 | 20

  21. Use Resiliency Army Corps of Engineers project will mitigate – but not prevent – future flooding. Benefits Costs Current stormwater control requirements may restrict development at certain scales. All new structures will need to Controls Incentives comply with requirements for Flood Prevention/Protection. Harriman | The Chazen Companies Village of Mamaroneck, New York May 29, 2018 | 21

  22. Resiliency: Strategies  Does the Board wish to consider threshold changes with regard to the preparation of a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)?  Consultant team is continuing to work on additional measures for addressing resiliency. Harriman | The Chazen Companies Village of Mamaroneck, New York May 29, 2018 | 22

  23. Policy Questions: Non-Zoning Implementation Strategies An area does not change only because zoning changes. The Board of Trustees may want to consider additional tools to spur investment in the Industrial Area. Source: wayfinding/1088/ img/original%20images/luke_city_orig.jpg Harriman | The Chazen Companies Village of Mamaroneck, New York May 29, 2018 | 23

  24. Policy Questions: Non-Zoning Implementation Strategies  What other investments does the Board of Trustees want to make within the Industrial Area?  Should these investments be in marketing and outreach, in infrastructure improvements, and/or in changes to policy and process?  Should the investments be short-term or long-term; temporary or permanent?  How should they be financed? Harriman | The Chazen Companies Village of Mamaroneck, New York May 29, 2018 | 24

  25. Please Join Us! Public Workshop#2 – June 4, 2018 Monday June 4, 2018 7:30 pm The Courtroom 169 Mount Pleasant Street Harriman | The Chazen Companies Village of Mamaroneck, New York May 29, 2018 | 25

  26. May 29, 2018 Harriman | The Chazen Companies Harriman | The Chazen Companies Village of Mamaroneck, New York May 29, 2018 | 26

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