MAY 24-27, 2019 | WESTON, FL
C A O B ENIGMA Cup, is in its 2nd year of existence, after an extremely successful inaugural event, is now poised to accept a much larger undertaking as the tournament grows in size and composition, with N O the addition of more teams and the girls divisions. T U A brainchild of the nationally and internationally renowned football/soccer club – FUTSOC, this event promises to once again take the generic concept prevalent in most tournaments and cre- E T ate an altogether new, dynamic and exciting experience for players, families and spectators alike. Among the elements to be introduced into this second-year event, are the special participants, N who are being invited from all reaches of the globe. While quite complex to coordinate invitations / attendances from overseas clubs, we do anticipate a continued growth from last year’s numbers. T U As originally organized, the 2019 ENIGMA CUP will be focused primarily on qualitative factors and in establishing long-lasting memories, which will greatly resonate with the participants and with S S those globally, who will look to us for future competitive challenges in the youth soccer arena. We are proud to announce that our tournament management group has now teamed up with Bill About Us .................................................................................................................................................................................. 2 Fisher and Jairon Moreno, Directors of nationally renowned Tournament Success Group LLC, in The Team ................................................................................................................................................................................. 3 providing the optimal administration of this growing event. With decades of experience in estab- lishing and operating top level events in the US and abroad, 2019 ENIGMA Cup will be led by a The Event ................................................................................................................................................................................. 4 solid group of experienced professionals. With this quality team, we anticipate bringing the en- Venues ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 tirety of our experiences, professionalism, and quality in order to establish and secure this already renowned event among the fjnest in youth soccer. The City of Weston ............................................................................................................................................................... 7 Partnerships ............................................................................................................................................................................ 9 It is our sincerest propose, to continue developing into more than simply another youth soccer event. We greatly aspire to become a genuine celebration for our youths, an undeniable testament Sponsorships ....................................................................................................................................................................... 10 to utmost sportsmanship and fair play, a messenger of the love of our beautiful sport and a con- duit for the unifjcation of people from all nations! 1 2
T JOSE TAMAYO TOURNAMENT FORMAT T TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR • All Boys & Girls age groups will participate in a 3-day tournament format (May 25-27, 2019) H H • Local teams may be applicable to play friday evening games on May 24th, 2019 Director of FUTSOC Soccer Club with over 45 years of coaching experience and over 20 years in managing E E tournaments, leagues, and special events. An Interna- tional banker for nearly 30 years he concurrently has been involved with youth soccer, providing extensive Level Group Format Game Length experience with international teams and tournaments. Youth U09-U10 7 v 7 2 x 25 min T E Youth U11-U12 9 v 9 2 x 30 min E V Youth U13-U14 11 v 11 2 x 30 min FRANCISCO TAMAYO A E Youth U15-U16 11 v 11 2 x 35 min ASSISTANT TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR Youth U17-U19 11 v 11 2 x 40 min M N Director of Project Planning, Social Media, and Public Relations for FUTSOC with over a decade of elite level coaching. He manages the operations and marketing T stafg. and serves as thecollege coach liason and Assis - tant Director of FUTSOC Soccer Club. LEVELS OF PLAY DI: This division will include high level fjrst division teams from across Florida, out-of-state and inter - national teams. This bracket will host the best talent each age group has to ofger. DII: This division will include lower level fjrst division teams and top level second division teams. Teams participating will be from across Florida, out-of-state, and possibly some international teams. DIII: This division will include lower level second division teams and newly established travel teams looking to engage in travel competition. 4 3
REGIONAL PARK Weston Regional Park, the City’s fmagship sportspark, will serve as the main V facility for all competitions during the tournament. It is one of the fjnest soccer complexes in the nation. Featuring: E • 6 x Regulation Grass Fields • 2 x Organic Infjll Synthetic Turf Fields N U E S TEQUESTA TRACE PARK Weston’s fjrst multi-sport park, serves as FUTSOC’s main training facility in the City of Weston. VISTA PARK Featuring: The newest of Weston’s multi-sport parks. This has been the site of many competitions, • 2 x Organic Infjll Synthetic Turf Fields • 4 x Regulation Grass Fields 6 5
W E Historic Peace Mound Park (Tequesta Indian Burial Ground) S T O N City of Weston Entrance Weston Town Center A QUICK LOOK Aerial Photo of The City of Weston • Incorporated ................................ September 3, 1996 Welcome to The City of Weston. Weston • Form of Government ................ Commission/Manager is a family-oriented, master-planned F • Population ……………................… 66,526 (April 2016) community that strives to embrace each • Municipal Parks............................ 14, totaling 245 acres and every resident. Weston’s well man- Tequesta Trace Park L • Household Median Income .... $93,553 (2010) aged growth has given rise to one of • Summer Weather ........................ 89.0°F (31.7°C) South Florida’s most desirable commu- • Winter Weather............................. 68.5°F (20.3°C) nities, both residential and corporate. Mayor Daniel J. Stermer With a culturally diverse population, Weston is comprised of the fjnest residential neighborhoods, and a diverse corporate, commercial and retail environment. We are a safe community with A-rated public schools, superior parks and recreational facilities, a progressive government that is fjnancially strong and a community-wide appearance that cities around the world wish to emulate. Easter Celebration @ Parks Library Park Relief Efgort for Venezuela Town Center Bell Tower 7 8
PREVIOUS AND CURRENT SUPPORTERS... AND HOPEFULLY MANY MORE TO COME P S A P R O T N N S Dear Partner / Sponsor, ENIGMA Cup is the newest international boys & girls youth soccer event to take place in the United States. This tournament selected the beautiful City of Weston as its permanent location, given its E O proximity to a highly dense area of prominent youth soccer clubs, its central location to Europe and Latin America, and one of the iconic destination vacation areas of the world. ENIGMA Cup is a Memorial Day weekend celebration of the fjnest in youth soccer and is comprised of 11 age brackets ranging from U9 – U19 in the boys and girls divisions. R R Once again, It is the tournament’s vision to hold a prestigious event, which includes the fjnest in youth soccer from the U.S. and internationally, making it a total FUTbol-SOCcer event to be enjoyed by all. South Florida events have historically enjoyed excellent support by participants and their fam- ilies, another reason for very high expectations at this, our 2nd year event. It is ENIGMA Cup’s dream S S that this youth festival of soccer join the ranks of many of our existing Florida soccer tournaments - Disney Showcase, Weston Cup & Showcase, Disney Memorial Cup, and the Disney Cup Youth Inter- national Soccer Tournament, to name a few. H H It is our mission to attract the most competitive local, U.S., and international boys and girls soccer teams and to establish an event that honors the beautiful game, creates a global awareness, and brings people from all walks of life together. For our event to attain its goals, it needs to count on the support of our community, the participants, and in no less measure, the support of our generous I sponsors. I For further information regarding sponsorship/partnership opportunities, please contact Francisco Tamayo at (954) 812-7991 or Respectfully Yours, P P S S Jose Tamayo ENIGMA Cup - Tournament Director 9 10 | 954.812.7991 |
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