may 24 2020 5th workshop on indian language data

May 24, 2020 5th Workshop on Indian Language Data: Resources and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

May 24, 2020 5th Workshop on Indian Language Data: Resources and Evaluation Language and Resources Evaluation Conference (LREC 2020) Marseille, France (Being held virtually) How? What? Who? So So Why do What? we care? What?

  1. May 24, 2020 5th Workshop on Indian Language Data: Resources and Evaluation Language and Resources Evaluation Conference (LREC 2020) Marseille, France (Being held virtually)

  2. How? What? Who? So So Why do What? we care? What?

  3. ● ● ●

  4. How? What? Who? So So Why do What? we care? What?

  5. ● Text Summarization : “ Distilling the most important information from a What? source (or sources) to produce an abridged version for a particular user (or users) and task (or tasks)” (Mani and Maybury, 1999)

  6. ● Summary : “ ...reductive transformation of source text to summary What? text through content reduction by selection and/or generalization on what is important in the source” (Jones, 1999)

  7. ● Types: ○ Extractive vs Abstractive What? ○ Single vs Multi document ○ Textual vs Multimedia

  8. ● Extractive ○ Important sentences selected from within the What? text and quoted verbatim as the summary ○ Advantages: ■ Summary is good for reference, ■ Easy to develop ○ Problems: ■ Incoherent summaries, ■ Unusable summaries

  9. ● Abstractive ○ Important information selected from text What? ○ Summary produced using new words ○ Advantages: Usable, readable summaries ○ Problem: Difficult to develop Point of our focus

  10. How? What? Who? So So Why do What? we care? What?

  11. ● Internet Boom ● Large texts available So ● Read more in less time What? ● Decide whether to read it or not

  12. How? What? Who? So So Why do What? we care? What?

  13. 1958 H. P. Luhn Who? Long Scientific Paper Short Abstract

  14. नमसॎते ﻲﺗﺳﺎﻣﺎﻧ নামাে� നമസ് െത ثﻔﺳﺷړﺷد நம�� ನಮ�ೆ� నమ�� Who? ● ● ● ● ●

  15. How? What? Who? So So Why do What? we care? What?

  16. संसॎ सॎक ृ तग्ऱ ग्ऱनॎ नॎथा : || पांडु�लपयः || Why do we care? ● ● ●

  17. Efforts in Sanskrit Extractive Text Summarization Why do we care? ● ● ●

  18. Efforts in Sanskrit Abstractive Text Summarization Why do we care? ● ●

  19. How? What? Who? So So Why do What? we care? What?

  20. How? ● ○ ○ ○

  21. How? ● ○ ○ ○

  22. How? ● ○ ○ ○ ○

  23. How? ● ○ ○

  24. How? ● ○ ○ ○

  25. How?

  26. How?

  27. How?

  28. How? What? Who? So So Why do What? we care? What?

  29. So what?

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