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Maxcom Telecomunicaciones, S.A.B. de C.V. Quarterly Conference Call - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Maxcom Telecomunicaciones, S.A.B. de C.V. Quarterly Conference Call February 24th, 2015 Agenda 1. Progress and perspectives of the transformation process 2014 progress 2015 perspectives 2. Presentation of 4Q14 results 3. Guidance

  1. Maxcom Telecomunicaciones, S.A.B. de C.V. Quarterly Conference Call February 24th, 2015

  2. Agenda 1. Progress and perspectives of the transformation process 2014 progress • 2015 perspectives • 2. Presentation of 4Q14 results 3. Guidance 2015 4. Questions and answers 2

  3. 1. Progress and perspectives of the transformation process 2014 Progress 3

  4. Maxcom 2014 Evaluation of the transformation initiatives during 2014  The turnaround process has proven to be more challenging, due to the fact the company was in worst shape than previously diagnosed.  We have introduced several iniciatives on Human Capital formation and development. Moreover, we have restructured the executive and mid- management team.  We have finished the design to revitalize the transimision and data networks. The implementation itself is close to being finalized.  We have defined a new product and service portfolio for the Retail business in order to reposition Maxcom; this portfolio is intended to satisfy our customers’ needs.  Maxcom continues to sustain a firm financial position that allows it to focus on its transformation process. 4

  5. Maxcom 2014 Evaluation of the transformation initiatives during 2014 The mentioned initiatives are a sample of actions executed during 2014 that allows us to begin 2015 with a much more solid position. 5

  6. 1. Progress and perspectives of the transformation process 2015 Perspectives 6

  7. Maxcom 2015 Focus of efforts during 2015 During 2015 our efforts will be focussed on 4 well identified iniciatives under a favorable regulatory environment. Favorable Regulatory Environment Commercial Retail Carriers Network, Systems and Processes 7

  8. Maxcom 2015 Regulatory environment Increased Competitiveness  We have signed agreements with the Predominant operator to use its last mile links and its pasive infrastructure; this will enable us to expand our coverage with Commercial customers.  We are in the final stage of defining the regulatory framework to unbundle the local loop of the Predominant operator, this will allow us to expand our coverage for the Retail business.  The regulatory measures are enabling us to negotiate MVNO rates that imply approximately a 50% saving over the current rates. 8

  9. Maxcom 2015 Network, Systems and Processes Network Improvements  We acquired 3 new generation Class 5 telephone exchanges to strengthen and expand our voice services. These will be operational by April 2015.  We substantially improved the electronics of our metropolitan fiber optic network. And by 1Q15 we will have implemented the improvements in one of our long distance fiber routes, as well as in the data core.  We have strengthened our monitoring capabilities and are making substantial improvements to our NOC in order to predictively and preventively manage our network and services. 9

  10. Maxcom 2015 Network, Systems and Processes Implementation of Systems and Improvement of Processes  The operation support systems and processes will be totally operative by 3Q15, including the BSS (SAP) and the OSS (Netcracker).  We have refocused the customer service systems in order to improve customer experience.  We have redesigned the commercial processes in order to optimize “time to market” . The first phase will be ready in 1Q15 and the second in 3Q15. 10

  11. Maxcom 2015 Retail Churn Rate Reduction  We have an effective sales team in terms of customer acquisition. However, we must reduce the voluntary disconnection rate.  To achieve the above we are working on correcting the 3 main idenfied causes for churn: service flaws, billing flaws and deficient customer service.  We have, and will continue, to improve credit policies in order to increase the quality of customers and, therefore, help reduce the involuntary disconnection rate.  We have began to observe an improvement in the root causes of churn which should lead to churn reduction in the future. 11

  12. Maxcom 2015 Retail Introduction of Higher Profitability Products  We have stopped selling low value products, improving the ARPC of new acquisitions.  We are Up-selling and Cross-selling products to about 35% of the customer base.  We restructured our sales team, which helped increase its productivity.  We will launch OTT products in 2Q15, which will strengthen our Retail portfolio and allow us to sell beyond our coverage area. 12

  13. Maxcom 2015 Commercial Specialization per Segment and Increased Coverage  We have specialized the work teams, products and operations at the segment level (midsize, corporate and government).  There has been a substantial improvement in our access capilarity through agreements with other operators, including the Predominant operator.  During 1Q15 we will launch new products that enable us to have a more competitive portfolio, which is in accordance to the industry, for example, MPLS, Clean Pipe, Carrier Ethernet, and hosted IP-PBX. 13

  14. Maxcom 2015 Carriers Infrastructure Monetization  The modernization of our 7,255 km of fiber will enable Maxcom to possition itself as a top player for high capacity data transport services.  We have an evident and unique opportunity for monetizing our transport infrastructure due to the continuous increase in demand.  Derived from the lower number of players in the industry due to mergers and acquisitions, customers will look for a healthy diversification of data transport providers, resulting in sales opportunities for Maxcom. 14

  15. 2. Presentation of 4Q14 results 15

  16. 3. Guidance 2015 16

  17. Maxcom 2015 Guidance 2015 Items $ Million pesos Revenues 2,700 EBITDA 620 Cash(Dec 31, 2015) 850 CAPEX (million USD) 50 17

  18. 4. Q&A Session 18

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