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Math 211 Math 211 Lecture #39 Invariant Sets November 30, 2001 2 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

1 Math 211 Math 211 Lecture #39 Invariant Sets November 30, 2001 2 Review of Methods Review of Methods Linearization at an equilibrium point y = f ( y ) has an equilibrium point at y 0 . The linearization u = J ( y 0 ) u has

  1. 1 Math 211 Math 211 Lecture #39 Invariant Sets November 30, 2001

  2. 2 Review of Methods Review of Methods Linearization at an equilibrium point • y ′ = f ( y ) has an equilibrium point at y 0 . • The linearization u ′ = J ( y 0 ) u has an equilibrium point at u = 0 . • The linearization can sometimes predict the behavior of solutions to the nonlinear system near the equilibrium point. • The linearization gives only local information. Return

  3. 3 Consider the planar system Theorem: x ′ = f ( x, y ) y ′ = g ( x, y ) where f and g are continuously differentiable. Suppose that ( x 0 , y 0 ) is an equilibrium point. If the linearization at ( x 0 , y 0 ) has a generic equilibrium point at the origin, then the equilibrium point at ( x 0 , y 0 ) is of the same type. Return Review

  4. 4 Suppose that y 0 is an equilibrium point for Theorem: y ′ = f ( y ) . Let J be the Jacobian of f at y 0 . 1. Suppose that the real part of every eigenvalue of J is negative. Then y 0 is an asymptotically stable equilibrium point. 2. Suppose that J has at least one eigenvalue with positive real part. Then y 0 is an unstable equilibrium point. Return Theorem 1

  5. 5 Invariant Sets Invariant Sets A set S is (positively) invariant for the Definition: system y ′ = f ( y ) if y (0) = y 0 ∈ S implies that y ( t ) ∈ S for all t ≥ 0 . • Examples: � An equilibrium point. � Any solution curve. Return

  6. 6 Example — Competing Species Example — Competing Species x ′ = (5 − 2 x − y ) x y ′ = (7 − 2 x − 3 y ) y • The positive x - and y -axes are invariant. • The positive quadrant is invariant. � Populations should remain nonnegative. • The set S = { ( x, y ) | 0 < x < 3 , 0 < y < 3 } is positively invariant. Return

  7. 7 Nullclines Nullclines x ′ = f ( x, y ) y ′ = g ( x, y ) The x -nullcline is the set defined by Definition: f ( x, y ) = 0 . The y -nullcline is the set defined by g ( x, y ) = 0 . • Along the x -nullcline the vector field points up or down. • Along the y -nullcline the vector field points left or right. Return

  8. 8 Competing Species Competing Species x ′ = (5 − 2 x − y ) x y ′ = (7 − 2 x − 3 y ) y • The x -nullcline consists of the two lines x = 0 and 2 x + y = 5 . • The y -nullcline consists of the two lines y = 0 and 2 x + 3 y = 7 . • The nullclines intersect at the equilibrium points. Return Nullclines

  9. 9 • Two of the four regions in the positive quadrant defined by the nullclines are positively invariant. • This information allows us to predict that all solutions in the positive quadrant → (2 , 1) as t → ∞ . Return

  10. 10 Competing Species – 2 nd Example Competing Species – 2 nd Example x ′ = (1 − x − y ) x y ′ = (4 − 7 x − 3 y ) y • The axes are invariant. The positive quadrant is invariant. • The equilibrium point at (1 / 4 , 3 / 4) is a saddle point. • Almost all solutions go to one of the nodal sinks (0 , 4 / 3) or (1 , 0) . Return

  11. 11 The basin of attraction of a sink y 0 consists Definition: of all points y such that the solution staring at y approaches y 0 as t → ∞ . • In the example , the basins of attraction of the two sinks are separated by the stable orbits of the saddle point. • The stable and unstable orbits of a saddle point are called separatrices . (Separatrices is the plural of separatrix.) Return

  12. 12 Summary Summary • Sometimes the understanding of invariant sets can help us understand the long term behavior of all solutions. • Nullclines can sometimes help us find informative invariant sets. • None of this helps us understand the predator-prey system.


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