Discipleship The purpose of the church is to draw people to Christ. And make them like Christ. The church exists for no other purpose – if the church is not doing this all the cathedrals, clergy, missions, sermons and even the Bible itself are a waste of time. CS Lewis
Transferable Principles 1. Scripture-Based 2. Obedience-Driven 3. Lifelong Learner-Focused 4. Portable and Reproducible 5. Grace-FULL
High Invitation Chaplaincy Quadrant – Disciple Quadrant – Cozy culture Empowering culture Low Challenge High Challenge Boring Quadrant – Stressful Quadrant – Apathetic culture Discouraged culture Low Invitation Environments 1. Count the Cost 2. High Challenge/ High Invitation 3. Not Perfect to be a Follower but Persistent
Expectations 1. Calibrated 2. Consistent 3. Christ
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