
Discipleship The purpose of the church is to draw people to Christ. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Discipleship The purpose of the church is to draw people to Christ. And make them like Christ. The church exists for no other purpose if the church is not doing this all the cathedrals, clergy, missions, sermons and even the Bible itself are

  1. Discipleship The purpose of the church is to draw people to Christ. And make them like Christ. The church exists for no other purpose – if the church is not doing this all the cathedrals, clergy, missions, sermons and even the Bible itself are a waste of time. CS Lewis

  2. Transferable Principles 1. Scripture-Based 2. Obedience-Driven 3. Lifelong Learner-Focused 4. Portable and Reproducible 5. Grace-FULL

  3. High Invitation Chaplaincy Quadrant – Disciple Quadrant – Cozy culture Empowering culture Low Challenge High Challenge Boring Quadrant – Stressful Quadrant – Apathetic culture Discouraged culture Low Invitation Environments 1. Count the Cost 2. High Challenge/ High Invitation 3. Not Perfect to be a Follower but Persistent

  4. Expectations 1. Calibrated 2. Consistent 3. Christ


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