Pro f. Mark Mio do wnik Materials for the 21 st Century
Aluminium alloys PVC glass paint Reinforced concrete Life wood viscose leather ceramics chromium rubber polystyrene Tarmac amalgams w w w .m ate rials lib rary.o steel Stone cement Silicon Zinc alloys chips
Materials Science 100m 1000mm 10 mm 0.1 mm 1 um 10 nm 0.1 nm
21 st Ce ntury Mate rials Energy
Solar Cells 100m 1000mm 10 mm 0.1 mm 1 um 10 nm 0.1 nm
Batteries 100m 1000mm 10 mm 0.1 mm 1 um 10 nm 0.1 nm
Carbon Technology 100m 1000mm 10 mm 0.1 mm 1 um 10 nm 0.1 nm
21 st Ce ntury Mate rials Cities
Future Cities Sustainable Materials, Allwood and Cullen, 2012
Complexity Mike As hb y – GRANT A T EACH I NG RES OURCES
Future Cities Circular Economy
21 st Ce ntury Mate rials Health
3D Printing Gizmodo
The University of Hasselt BIOMED Research Institute in Belgium
Wa ke F ore st Institute for Re g e ne ra tive Me dic ine
Dr. Christopher GuérinVIB (Flanders Institute of Biotechnology) Ghent, Belgium
Profe ssor Ale xa nde r Se ifa lia n a nd c o- worke rs UCL Division of Surg e ry & Inte rve ntiona l Sc ie nc e
21 st Ce ntury Mate rials Food & Drink
Public Engagement
21 st Ce ntury Mate rials Discovery
Materials Discovery Technical Textiles Isavey, et al. Materials Cartography: Representing and Mining Material Space Using Structural and Electronic Fingerprints, Chemistry of Materials, 2015.
Materials Research F arm e rs Gard e ne rs No ve lis ts J e w e lle rs H is to rians Artis ts Archite cts Make rs Phys icis ts Che m ical Mate rials Ge o lo gis ts Engine e rs De s igne rs Che m is ts Che fs Bio lo gis ts Mine rs Ps ycho lo gis ts De ntis ts Me d ics Me chanical Eco no m is ts Anthro po lo gis ts Engine e rs Arche o lo gis ts Nano te chno lo gis ts Ele ctrical Bio che m ical Engine e rs Engine e rs
21 st Century Materials 100m 1000mm 10 mm 0.1 mm 1 um 10 nm 0.1 nm
Pub lic Make rs De s igne rs S tud e nts Me d ics Ps ycho lo gis ts F e s tivals Co m panie s H um anitie s S cie ntis ts S cho o ls Archite cts S taff Engine e rs Artis ts Mate rials Lib rary Mate rials & Making Exhib itio ns & Make S pace T he o ry & De ve lo pm e nt T alks T V / Rad io Pub licatio ns w w w .ins titute o fm aking.o
Further Reading and Making M. Miodownik, Stuff Matters, Penguin, 2013. M. Miodownik, Materials for the 21 st Century: What will we dream up next? MRS Bulletin, Volume 40, Issue 12, December 2015, pp 1188 – 1197 Institute of Making, M.Miodownik, Introduction to Steel MOOC, edX, 2015
Pro f. Mark Mio do wnik Materials for the 21 st Century
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