materials for the 21 st century aluminium alloys pvc

Materials for the 21 st Century Aluminium alloys PVC glass paint - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Pro f. Mark Mio do wnik Materials for the 21 st Century Aluminium alloys PVC glass paint Reinforced concrete Life wood viscose leather ceramics chromium rubber polystyrene Tarmac amalgams w w w .m ate rials lib rary.o

  1. Pro f. Mark Mio do wnik Materials for the 21 st Century

  2. Aluminium alloys PVC glass paint Reinforced concrete Life wood viscose leather ceramics chromium rubber polystyrene Tarmac amalgams w w w .m ate rials lib rary.o steel Stone cement Silicon Zinc alloys chips

  3. Materials Science 100m 1000mm 10 mm 0.1 mm 1 um 10 nm 0.1 nm

  4. 21 st Ce ntury Mate rials Energy

  5. Solar Cells 100m 1000mm 10 mm 0.1 mm 1 um 10 nm 0.1 nm

  6. Batteries 100m 1000mm 10 mm 0.1 mm 1 um 10 nm 0.1 nm

  7. Carbon Technology 100m 1000mm 10 mm 0.1 mm 1 um 10 nm 0.1 nm

  8. 21 st Ce ntury Mate rials Cities

  9. Future Cities Sustainable Materials, Allwood and Cullen, 2012

  10. Complexity Mike As hb y – GRANT A T EACH I NG RES OURCES

  11. Future Cities Circular Economy

  12. 21 st Ce ntury Mate rials Health

  13. 3D Printing Gizmodo

  14. The University of Hasselt BIOMED Research Institute in Belgium

  15. Wa ke F ore st Institute for Re g e ne ra tive Me dic ine

  16. Dr. Christopher GuérinVIB (Flanders Institute of Biotechnology) 
 Ghent, Belgium

  17. Profe ssor Ale xa nde r Se ifa lia n a nd c o- worke rs UCL Division of Surg e ry & Inte rve ntiona l Sc ie nc e

  18. 21 st Ce ntury Mate rials Food & Drink

  19. Public Engagement

  20. 21 st Ce ntury Mate rials Discovery

  21. Materials Discovery Technical Textiles Isavey, et al. Materials Cartography: Representing and Mining Material Space Using Structural and Electronic Fingerprints, Chemistry of Materials, 2015.

  22. Materials Research F arm e rs Gard e ne rs No ve lis ts J e w e lle rs H is to rians Artis ts Archite cts Make rs Phys icis ts Che m ical Mate rials Ge o lo gis ts Engine e rs De s igne rs Che m is ts Che fs Bio lo gis ts Mine rs Ps ycho lo gis ts De ntis ts Me d ics Me chanical Eco no m is ts Anthro po lo gis ts Engine e rs Arche o lo gis ts Nano te chno lo gis ts Ele ctrical Bio che m ical Engine e rs Engine e rs

  23. 21 st Century Materials 100m 1000mm 10 mm 0.1 mm 1 um 10 nm 0.1 nm

  24. Pub lic Make rs De s igne rs S tud e nts Me d ics Ps ycho lo gis ts F e s tivals Co m panie s H um anitie s S cie ntis ts S cho o ls Archite cts S taff Engine e rs Artis ts Mate rials Lib rary Mate rials & Making Exhib itio ns & Make S pace T he o ry & De ve lo pm e nt T alks T V / Rad io Pub licatio ns w w w .ins titute o fm aking.o

  25. Further Reading and Making M. Miodownik, Stuff Matters, Penguin, 2013. M. Miodownik, Materials for the 21 st Century: What will we dream up next? MRS Bulletin, Volume 40, Issue 12, December 2015, pp 1188 – 1197 Institute of Making, M.Miodownik, Introduction to Steel MOOC, edX, 2015

  26. Pro f. Mark Mio do wnik Materials for the 21 st Century


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