market ready for 2030

Market ready for 2030 What is the role for network codes and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

pen informasjon Getting the European Energy Market ready for 2030 What is the role for network codes and guidelines? Bente Hagem Chair of the Board, ENTSO-E European Energy Forum 23 October 2018, Strasbourg pen informasjon Can they

  1. Åpen informasjon Getting the European Energy Market ready for 2030 What is the role for network codes and guidelines? Bente Hagem Chair of the Board, ENTSO-E European Energy Forum 23 October 2018, Strasbourg

  2. Åpen informasjon Can they manage 4 degrees? 2

  3. Åpen informasjon Transformative changes… Paris agreement Energy Union and Clean Energy Package Market coupling Distributed energy sources Digitisation Electric vehicles Picture by Nil Castellvi

  4. Åpen informasjon The future is electric 50% generating capacity from RES in 2030 40% increase of hourly flexibility needed by 2025 5 countries to allow only electric vehicles sold from 2025/2030

  5. Åpen informasjon Our systems are tightly connected Highly meshed network Increasingly connected

  6. Åpen informasjon Tasks of ENTSO-E: a technical advisor for EU Ten-Year Network Development Plans 43 TSOs from 36 countries Network Codes development and implementation 530 million citizens served We build markets 1,14 TW installed generation capacity Regional cooperation, building RCCs 480 000 km of interconnections Adequacy forecasts 6

  7. Åpen informasjon We have delivered 8 codes and guidelines • Efficient utilization of grid and generation – incl. capacity Market 3 calculation on borders • Lower costs to industry and consumers Codes • Improved competition • Defining regional coordination Operation 2 • Secure operations in spite of more RES Codes • More efficient exchange of reserves • Harmonized requirements for investments and operations Connection 3 • Better industrial solutions, competition and cost reductions Codes

  8. Åpen informasjon Network Codes deliver regional cooperation Regional Coordination Centers (RCC): RCC 1. Capacity calculation RCC 2. Security analysis 3. Common grid model 4. Adequacy forecast 5. Outage planning We are prepared to take on new tasks from CEP

  9. Åpen informasjon Network codes deliver efficient markets DAY-AHEAD MARKETS INTRADAY MARKETS • 1400 TWh , 50% of consumption in • 140 TWh traded on main European market coupling power exchanges in 2017 • 1 B€/year in social welfare • New European platform (XBID) from June 2018 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Source: Nordpool, EpexSpot, OMIE, GME

  10. Åpen informasjon Network Codes will deliver balancing markets BALANCING 2021 (derogation to 2025) M A R K E T • Imbalance settlement MILESTONES period, 15 minutes Q4/2021 • aFRR and mFRR Q4/2019 • Replacement reserves Q4/2019 • Imbalance netting Continental Europe

  11. Åpen informasjon 74% of Network Codes methods are already completed or underway 24 completed 37 planned 81 in progress ENTSO-E Pan-European Regional ER 5 3 SOGL 1 2 9 3 3 1 10 18 CNC 3 3 EBGL 3 4 12 14 1 5 FCA 1 6 4 4 CACM 2 2 6 2 6 2 3 4 11 Source: ENTSO-E (October 2018)

  12. Åpen informasjon Implementing CACM NC will increase the capacity on borders Ratio between available tradable capacity and the benchmark capacity of HVAC interconnectors per region – 2017 (%) % Source: ACER market monitoring 2017; in green: flow-based methodologies; in blue: coordinated net transfer capacity

  13. Åpen informasjon What we need is to implement the Codes • 5 RCCs are established with capacity calculation function • Capacity calculation methods are developed in each region, scrutinized by regional NRAs. If disagreement, ACER takes over • Regional methods developed for re-dispatch and countertrading • A procedure for bidding zone configuration involving TSOs, NRAs and ACER

  14. Åpen informasjon Let us complete the job – delete Articles 13 and 14 Don't jeopardize our market model • No clear definition of suggested targets of 75% • No assessment of consequences We do not need a regulatory experiment that: • Challenges operations and security of supply • Increases costs for consumers • Weakens price signals • Reduces incentives to build interconnectors

  15. Åpen informasjon Thank you for your attention


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