maria barbaro university of turin and infn italy nuint12

Maria Barbaro, University of Turin and INFN, ITALY NUINT12 Rio de - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

SuperScaling in electron-nucleus scattering and its link to CC and NC QE neutrino-nucleus scattering Maria Barbaro, University of Turin and INFN, ITALY NUINT12 Rio de Janeiro e e' October 22-27,2012 p,n p,n Collaboration: J.E.

  1. SuperScaling in electron-nucleus scattering and its link to CC and NC QE neutrino-nucleus scattering Maria Barbaro, University of Turin and INFN, ITALY NUINT12 Rio de Janeiro e e' October 22-27,2012  p,n p,n Collaboration: J.E. Amaro (Granada, Spain) CC NC M.B. (Torino, Italy) J.A. Caballero (Sevilla, Spain) T.W. Donnelly (MIT, USA) ν ν µ ν R. Gonzalez-Jimenez (Sevilla, Spain) M. Ivanov (Sofia, Bulgaria) W Z I. Sick (Basel, Switzerland) J.M. Udias (Madrid, Spain) p,n n,p p,n p,n C. Williamson (MIT, USA)

  2. Outline Review of SuperScaling in quasi-elastic inclusive electron scattering Connecting electron and neutrino scattering via SuperScaling: the “SuSA” approach Extended SuSA model: Meson Exchange Currents Application to CC quasielastic neutrino scattering and comparison with MiniBooNE cross sections Application to NC quasielastic neutrino scattering and comparison with MiniBooNE cross sections and ratio p/N Predictions for antineutrino scattering (see Joe Grange's talk for comparison with data)

  3. SuperScaling Approximation Many high quality data are available for quasi-elastic electron scattering [O. Benhar, D. Day and I. Sick, Rev. Mod. Phys. 80 (2008) ,] Any reliable nuclear model must reproduce these data Is there a way to use (e,e') data to predict CC and NC ν-scattering cross sections in the QE region? Answer: yes, exploiting Super-Scaling properties of QE electron scattering [Day,McCarthy,Donnelly,Sick,Ann.Rev.Nucl.Part.Sci.40(1990); Donnelly & Sick, PRC60(1999),PRL82(1999)]

  4. SuperScaling Approximation Many high quality data are available for quasi-elastic electron scattering [O. Benhar, D. Day and I. Sick, Rev. Mod. Phys. 80 (2008) ,] Any reliable nuclear model must reproduce these data Is there a way to use (e,e') data to predict CC and NC ν-scattering cross sections in the QE region? Answer: yes, exploiting Super-Scaling properties of QE electron scattering [Day,McCarthy,Donnelly,Sick,Ann.Rev.Nucl.Part.Sci.40(1990); Donnelly & Sick, PRC60(1999),PRL82(1999)]

  5. SuperScaling Approximation Many high quality data are available for quasi-elastic electron scattering [O. Benhar, D. Day and I. Sick, Rev. Mod. Phys. 80 (2008) ,] Any reliable nuclear model must reproduce these data Is there a way to use (e,e') data to predict CC and NC ν-scattering cross sections in the QE region? Answer: yes, exploiting Super-Scaling properties of QE electron scattering [Day,McCarthy,Donnelly,Sick,Ann.Rev.Nucl.Part.Sci.40(1990); Donnelly & Sick, PRC60(1999),PRL82(1999)] Assume that QE scattering is dominated by (e,e'N) d / d  d  F  q, y = scaling function  Mott  v L G L  v T G T  y  q , =− p min scaling variable (y=0 QEP)

  6. SuperScaling Approximation Many high quality data are available for quasi-elastic electron scattering [O. Benhar, D. Day and I. Sick, Rev. Mod. Phys. 80 (2008) ,] Any reliable nuclear model must reproduce these data Is there a way to use (e,e') data to predict CC and NC ν-scattering cross sections in the QE region? Answer: yes, exploiting Super-Scaling properties of QE electron scattering [Day,McCarthy,Donnelly,Sick,Ann.Rev.Nucl.Part.Sci.40(1990); Donnelly & Sick, PRC60(1999),PRL82(1999)] Assume that QE scattering is dominated by (e,e'N) d / d  d  F  q, y = scaling function  Mott  v L G L  v T G T  QEP y  q , =− p min scaling variable (y=0 QEP) Scaling of I kind F  q , y  F  y  q sufficiently large ( q > 400 MeV/c roughly )

  7. SuperScaling Approximation Many high quality data are available for quasi-elastic electron scattering [O. Benhar, D. Day and I. Sick, Rev. Mod. Phys. 80 (2008) ,] Any reliable nuclear model must reproduce these data Is there a way to use (e,e') data to predict CC and NC ν-scattering cross sections in the QE region? Answer: yes, exploiting Super-Scaling properties of QE electron scattering [Day,McCarthy,Donnelly,Sick,Ann.Rev.Nucl.Part.Sci.40(1990); Donnelly & Sick, PRC60(1999),PRL82(1999)] scaling variable  q , =±  T min / T F ≃ y / k F (relativistic) d  / d  d  scaling function F  q , =  Mott  v L G L  v T G T  F  q ,  F  q large Scaling of I kind

  8. SuperScaling Approximation Many high quality data are available for quasi-elastic electron scattering [O. Benhar, D. Day and I. Sick, Rev. Mod. Phys. 80 (2008) ,] Any reliable nuclear model must reproduce these data Is there a way to use (e,e') data to predict CC and NC ν-scattering cross sections in the QE region? Answer: yes, exploiting Super-Scaling properties of QE electron scattering [Day,McCarthy,Donnelly,Sick,Ann.Rev.Nucl.Part.Sci.40(1990); Donnelly & Sick, PRC60(1999),PRL82(1999)] scaling variable  q , =±  T min / T F ≃ y / k F (relativistic) d  / d  d  scaling function F  q , =  Mott  v L G L  v T G T  F  q ,  F  q large Scaling of I kind At ψ >0 scaling is broken by resonances, meson production, etc., mainly in the transverse channel (from analysis of L/T separated data)

  9. SuperScaling Approximation Many high quality data are available for quasi-elastic electron scattering [O. Benhar, D. Day and I. Sick, Rev. Mod. Phys. 80 (2008) ,] Any reliable nuclear model must reproduce these data Is there a way to use (e,e') data to predict CC and NC ν-scattering cross sections in the QE region? Answer: yes, exploiting Super-Scaling properties of QE electron scattering [Day,McCarthy,Donnelly,Sick,Ann.Rev.Nucl.Part.Sci.40(1990); Donnelly & Sick, PRC60(1999),PRL82(1999)] f = k F ∗ F super-scaling function super-scaling function k F Fermi momentum Plot f as a function of ψ Scaling of II kind for different nuclei at fixed kinematics: E e =3.6 GeV Θ=16 deg

  10. SuperScaling Approximation Many high quality data are available for quasi-elastic electron scattering [O. Benhar, D. Day and I. Sick, Rev. Mod. Phys. 80 (2008) ,] Any reliable nuclear model must reproduce these data Is there a way to use (e,e') data to predict CC and NC ν-scattering cross sections in the QE region? Answer: yes, exploiting Super-Scaling properties of QE electron scattering [Day,McCarthy,Donnelly,Sick,Ann.Rev.Nucl.Part.Sci.40(1990); Donnelly & Sick, PRC60(1999),PRL82(1999)] Scaling of II kind E e =3.6 GeV Scaling of I kind Θ=16 deg

  11. SuperScaling Approximation Many high quality data are available for quasi-elastic electron scattering [O. Benhar, D. Day and I. Sick, Rev. Mod. Phys. 80 (2008) ,] Any reliable nuclear model must reproduce these data Is there a way to use (e,e') data to predict CC and NC ν-scattering cross sections in the QE region? Answer: yes, exploiting Super-Scaling properties of QE electron scattering [Day,McCarthy,Donnelly,Sick,Ann.Rev.Nucl.Part.Sci.40(1990); Donnelly & Sick, PRC60(1999),PRL82(1999)] “SuSA” approach 1) extract the super-scaling function from QE electron scattering data 2) plug it into neutrino cross sections R weak ~ G weak s.n. * f( ψ ) f( ψ ) ~ R em /G em s.n.

  12. Formalism: (l,l') inclusive scattering  e,e'  2  d d  ' d  ' = Mott  v L R L  v T R T  e'  2 electromagnetic response functions L μν W μν e Hadronic tensor Leptonic tensor  ,l  CC 2  d d  ' d  ' = 0  V CC R CC  2 V CL R CL  V L L R L L  V T R T ± 2 V T ' R T '  −   l  − V L R L W + ν 5 (3) weak response functions – ν Purely isovector −  l Typically transverse (CC,CL,LL small) Have VV, AA and VA components generated by V +J μ A J μ =J μ l = ,e , 

  13. L-T-T' separation MiniBooNE kinematics −    , 

  14. VV-AA-VA separation MiniBooNE kinematics −    , 

  15. Formalism: (l,l') inclusive scattering  e,e'  2  d d  ' d  ' = Mott  v L R L  v T R T  e'  2 electromagnetic response functions L μν W μν t-inclusive e t = (k e -k' e ) 2 Hadronic tensor Leptonic tensor ( ν , ν ' ) NC (−) N ν ' l  − W 2 σ d = σ 0 [ V L R L + V T R T + V TT R TT + V TL R TL ±( 2 V T ' R T ' + 2 V TL' R TL' )] d T N d Ω N (−) ν l u-inclusive 6 weak response functions u = (k ν -p N ) 2 l = ,e , 

  16. Phenomenological super-scaling function The analysis of (e,e') world data shows that: 1. Scaling of I kind is reasonably good below the QE peak (ψ< 0) 2. Scaling of II kind is excellent in the same region 3. Scaling violations, particularly of I kind, occur above the QEP and reside mainly in the transverse response 4. The longitudinal response super-scales A phenomenological super-scaling function has been extracted from the (e,e') world data [Jourdan, NPA603, 117 ('96)] Asymmetric shape: long tail at high energy transfer L Only 4 parameters for all kinematics and all nuclei Represents a strong constraint on nuclear models f RFG = 3 2  1 − 2  4  1 − The RFG is very poor: it does super-scale, but to the wrong function!


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