March 8 2011 March 8, 2011 County Council Chambers
Agenda Agenda A look back… 1998 1998 – 2011 2011 Definitions 2011 Overview 2011 Overview Budget Process Budget Summary Budget Summary Budget Exclusions Departmental Budgets Reserves and Reserve Funds Tangible Capital Assets Third Party Budgets Third ‐ Party Budgets
County of Middlesex 1998 and estimated 2010 Tax Levy in 1998 Dollars (14.9% decrease) 20,153,691 25,000,000 17,308,922 20,000,000 15,000,000 x Levy Tax 10,000,000 5,000,000 0 1998 2011 Years
Residential & Farm Tax Rate Residential & Farm Tax Rate 1998 and estimated 2011 30.5% decrease 0.00555153 0.0060000 0.00386042 0.0050000 0 0050000 0.0040000 Rate Tax R 0 0030000 0.0030000 0.0020000 0.0010000 0.0000000 1998 2011 Y Years
R Residential Tax Rate Comparisons id ti l T R t C i 2010 2010 County of Middlesex .00386 County of Middlesex .00386 Huron County .00600 Elgin County .00580 Wellington County .00707 Oxford County .00454
Levy / Tax Rate / Real Growth L / T R / R l G h Levy A levy increase is an increase in the amount of money that the municipality requires from the community’s tax that the municipality requires from the community’s tax payers in a given year Tax Rate A tax rate increase is impacted by the growth in assessment Assessment growth does not always relate to new development that is available to share the cost associated with funding the levy g y
Definitions Real Growth Real growth is an estimate provided by Municipal l h d d b l Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) of the new construction and development in the community that p y is available to help pay the cost of the levy We utilize the real growth number and the levy to determine increases or decreases in our costs
Definitions continued Reassessment Growth In 2008 a reassessment of all properties in Ontario took f ll k place. Any increased assessment was phased in over four years (2009 – 2012), any decrease in assessment y ( ), y was allocated in the first year (2009). The next reassessment is to take place in 2012 for the following four year period.
Budget Committee The budget committee was established by County Council to review in detail the departmental budgets and develop an overall budget philosophy an overall budget philosophy Warden Vanderheyden Deputy Warden Maudsley Deputy Warden Maudsley Councillors Reycraft, Meyer and Hall This committee uses a modified zero ‐ based budget g process to ensure that every dollar expended is appropriate
Budgeting Philosophy Eliminate non ‐ essential budget increases Examine current expenditures to determine whether they remain relevant in 2011 Eliminate expenditures that are not consistent with council policies council policies Limit expenditure increases Without dramatically impacting reserve levels Without dramatically impacting reserve levels Continue to fund the PSAB process
Municipal County Expenditures Municipal County Expenditures 23,712,684 17,157,695 11,276,491 10,593,222 847,406 3,182,840 2,864,771 1,497,391 698,955 1,180,011 969,183 387,131
2011 Tax Levy 12,790,384 6,018,159 741 576 741,576 2 458 213 2,458,213 1,801,113 1,548,575 1,274,656 1,180,011 757,000 592,826 376,378 70,158
2011 Levy The County levy for 2011 is up 5.6% or $1,412,753 The County in 2011 had real growth of $372,543 or 1.5% when tax ratios are applied The budget includes a transfer from the tax rate stabilization reserve of $537 621 stabilization reserve of $537,621 This leaves approximately $868,000 in the reserve We anticipate that this will allow us to utilize this reserve We anticipate that this will allow us to utilize this reserve for an additional year
Major Budget Impacts Increase in Provincial Uploading of Social Programs Increase in Children with Special Needs Increase in Economic Development Departments have a net 2011 levy decrease of $244,179 Loss of transfer from capital funding in 2011 $813,000 2010 Surplus included in the 2011 budget $500,000 OMPF decrease of $130,500 Western Ontario Warden’s Caucus is reviewing this item
2011 B d 2011 Budget Changes t Ch During the Budget Committee review, a number of budget changes were made to reduce the 2011 budget increase changes were made to reduce the 2011 budget increase Child Care Wait List $402,000 Special Needs Resourcing 25,000 Roads – Transfer from Reserve 750,000 Roads – Transfer to Reserve 200,000 Transfer from Reserve – Roads 200,000 Clean Water Program 70,000 Special Project Econ. Dev. S i l P j t E D 30 000 30,000 Econ. Dev. Promotions 20,000 Students – Woodlands Students Woodlands 9 000 9,000
2011 B d 2011 Budget Changes continued t Ch ti d Strathmere Lodge S h L d 46 000 46,000 reduce purchased services by $22,000 1. reduce salaries by $20,000 2. reduce benefits by $4,000 d b fit b $4 000 3. 3 Human Resource project 35,000 Elevator renovations 50,000 , Reduce one student – Admin 14,700 IT person 40,000 Reduce 1 POE switch (IT) 2,500 Emergency Planning Operation 500
Administration and Facilities Administration and Facilities 2011 Operating Budget 2011 budget has an increase to non union staff, b d h i i ff Council, Warden and Committees of 2.0% An allocation of $45,000 for Golf Course tax appeal A ll ti f $45 000 f G lf C t l Increase to Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) of 3 2% Corporation (MPAC) of 3.2% 2011 C 2011 Capital Budget it l B d t Computer and Printer replacements ($7,500) Elevator refurbishment – 50 King Street ($70,000) l f b h ($ )
Planning and Economic Development Planning and Economic Development Revenues Approval/fees to show an increase in 2011 Transfers from reserves will increase to cover the Transfers from reserves will increase to cover the costs of the Official Plan 5 year review which is due to be completed in 2011 Woodlot revenues are estimated at $50,000; however, woodland management requirements and the soft economic market for lumber may result in lower revenues.
Planning and Economic Development Planning and Economic Development Planning Expenditures Salaries and benefits are increased nominally to include one summer student Purchased service shows a decrease due to student salary P h d i h d d t t d t l allocated to salaries. The 2011 installment for SWOOP aerial photography is $12,910. $27,830 is being placed in the Official Plan account to complete work on the County’s five year review. These funds are being transferred from Planning reserves are being transferred from Planning reserves. $70,000 for the Clean Water Project has been cut from the 2011 budget.
Planning and Economic Development Planning and Economic Development Economic Development Expenditures Salaries, benefits and consultant fees remain constant for 2011 Operations show a decrease in 2011 as travel and memberships are reduced while conventions/seminars show b hi d d hil ti / i h an increase. Promotions show an increase in 2011 at $86,550 as more work $ , in promotions will take place in this budget year including an ICCI Program for Foreign Direct Investment, community profiles sector workshops sponsorship of tourism magazine profiles, sector workshops, sponsorship of tourism magazine, and a food processing event.
Planning and Economic Development Planning and Economic Development Economic Development Expenditures The MEDT mission, manufacturing workshop and a portion of the marketing plan implementation project has been deferred in keeping with requested budget reductions in keeping with requested budget reductions. Funds for three Special Projects including a Middlesex signage strategy, employment land needs analysis and 401 signage installation have been reduced by one third in keeping with budget reductions.
Planning and Economic Development Planning and Economic Development Woodlands Expenditures Salaries and benefits in the woodlands budget will remain constant in 2011 Woodlands expenses are reduced in 2011 as a summer student has been omitted in keeping with b d budget reductions d i No transfers to reserves are expected from timber revenues in 2011 i 2011
Emergency Planning Fire Emergency Planning, Fire Projected increase of 11.4 % (increase of $38,655) to base budget. Continuation of emergency planning fire prevention and Continuation of emergency planning, fire prevention and inspection, fire dispatch, fire communication, & 911 communication services as approved by council. Wage increases per existing employment contracts. Payments to London Police Department and London Fire Department to provide 911 call taking and fire dispatch Department to provide 911 call taking and fire dispatch Training programs include: media training course for councillors and senior staff, a BEM course, R&I intake workshop workshop. One emergency exercise & one reception centre exercise
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