making and measuring progress in adversarial machine

Making and Measuring Progress in Adversarial Machine Learning - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Making and Measuring Progress in Adversarial Machine Learning Nicholas Carlini Google Research Act I Background Why should we care about adversarial examples? Make ML Make ML robust better Act II An Apparent Problem Let's go

  1. Making and Measuring Progress in Adversarial Machine Learning Nicholas Carlini Google Research

  2. Act I 

  3. Why should we care about adversarial examples? Make ML Make ML robust better

  4. Act II 
 An Apparent Problem

  5. Let's go back to ~5 years ago ...

  6. Generative Adversarial Nets SotA, 2014

  7. Progressive Growing of GANs SotA, 2017

  8. Evasion Attacks against ML 
 at Test Time SotA, 2013

  9. Exploiting Excessive Invariance caused by Norm-Bounded Adversarial Robustness SotA, 2019

  10. that is ... ... less impressive

  11. 3 years: 6 years:

  12. Why?

  13. Act III 
 Measuring Progress

  14. Have we even made any progress?

  15. A Brief History of time defenses - Oakland'16 - broken - ICLR'17 - broken - CCS'17 - broken - ICLR'18 - broken (mostly) - CVPR'18 - broken - NeurIPS'18 - broken (some)

  16. Have we even made any progress?

  17. Is this a constant cat-and-mouse game?

  18. What does it mean to make progress?

  19. What does it mean to make progress? Learning something new .

  20. A Brief History of time defenses - Oakland'16 - gradient masking - ICLR'17 - attack objective functions - CCS'17 - transferability of examples - ICLR'18 - obfuscated gradients

  21. A Brief History of time defenses - Oakland'16 - gradient masking - ICLR'17 - attack objective functions - CCS'17 - transferability of examples - ICLR'18 - obfuscated gradients - 2019 - ???

  22. Measure by how much 
 we learn; not by how 
 much robustness we gain.

  23. Act IV 
 Making Progress 
 (for defenses)

  24. While we have learned 
 a lot, it's less than I would have hoped.

  25. Cargo Cult Evaluations

  26. Going through the motions is insufficient to do proper security evaluations

  27. An all too common paper:

  28. An all too common paper:

  29. The two types of defenses: Defenses that 
 Defenses that 
 are broken by 
 are broken by 
 existing attacks new attacks

  30. Exciting new directions

  31. Exciting new directions

  32. Exciting new directions

  33. Exciting new directions

  34. Act IV ½
 Making Progress 
 (for attacks)

  35. Advice for performing evaluations

  36. Perform Adaptive Attacks

  37. An all too common paper:

  38. Ensure correct implementations

  39. An all too common paper:

  40. An all too common paper:

  41. Use meaningful threat models

  42. An all too common paper:

  43. An all too common paper:

  44. An all too common paper:

  45. Compute Worst-Case Robustness

  46. An all too common paper:

  47. An all too common paper:

  48. An all too common paper:

  49. Compare to Prior Work

  50. An all too common paper:

  51. Sanity-Check Conclusions

  52. An all too common paper:

  53. An all too common paper:

  54. Making errors in defense evaluations is okay . Making errors in 
 attack evaluations is not.

  55. Breaking a defense is useful ... ... teaching a lesson is better

  56. Exciting new directions

  57. Exciting new directions

  58. Exciting new directions

  59. Exciting new directions

  60. Exciting new directions

  61. Exciting new directions

  62. Exciting new directions

  63. Act VI 

  64. Research new topics Do good science Progress is learning

  65. Questions?

  66. References Biggio et al. Evasion Attacks on Machine Learning at Test Time. Jaconbsen et al. Exploiting Excessive Invariance caused by Norm-Bounded Adversarial Robustness Carlini et al. On Evaluating Adversarial Robustness. Chou et al. SentiNet: Detecting Physical Attacks Against Deep Learning Systems. Shumailov et al. Sitatapatra: Blocking the Transfer of Adversarial Samples. Ilyas et al. Adversarial Examples Are Not Bugs, They Are Features. Brendel et al. Decision-Based Adversarial Attacks: Reliable Attacks Against Black-Box Machine Learning Wong et al. Wasserstein Adversarial Examples via Projected Sinkhorn Iterations


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