make me a match

Make Me a Match! Friendship Force International Presenter: Kristin - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Make Me a Match! Friendship Force International Presenter: Kristin Harrison WHAT IS EXCHANGE MATCHING ? A process by which inbound and outbound exchange opportunities are created. Clubs are matched based on: Requests Availability

  1. Make Me a Match! Friendship Force International Presenter: Kristin Harrison

  2. WHAT IS EXCHANGE MATCHING ? A process by which inbound and outbound exchange opportunities are created. Clubs are matched based on: • Requests • Availability • Host Capacity • Exchange History

  3. MATCHING PROCESS FOR 2018 ONLINE FORM #1 ONLINE FORM #2 Gives clubs the Gives clubs the ability to specify the ability to indicate number of weeks where they want to they will be able to travel in 2018. host in 2018.

  4. 2018 EXCHANGE MATCHING TIMELINE July 15-Aug 15, 2016 Sept 1-Nov 1, 2016 Nov-Dec 2016 January 31, 2017 February 28, 2017 Exchange Matching Distribution of Distribution of the Distribution of the Process Change Process Exchange 2018 Inbound Host 2018 Outbound Requests Assignments Availability Form Request Form T he data collected History has shown from the forms is After assignments are The first step in the that the majority of downloaded and used made by FFI Planning Exchange Matching exchange assignments The second step is to to process requests. and reviewed by the Process is to distribute are accepted by clubs. distribute an online Exchange Matching is Program staff, an a form that allows We anticipate a small form that allows clubs a manual process that email confirmation users to specify their percentage of clubs to request their relies on a number of containing exchange hosting availability. will request changes preferred exchange different factors information will be This form also allows to the original destinations. Clubs including: destination sent to the club clubs to identify assignment. Our goal can select up to 4 requests, past travel presidents. mutual exchange is to finalize the destinations. history, availability, agreements. assignments by and number of February 28th. travellers.

  5. DO YOU KNOW THAT… There are FF clubs in 60 countries around the world. However, half of those countries only have 1 club (ex: Sweden) Norway is available to host 1 week in 2016. There were 42 requests to visit Norway. There are 88 weeks of hosting available in Europe in 2016. There were 390 requests to visit Europe. The average hosting capacity for European clubs is 16.

  6. HOW TO GET A GREAT EXCHANGE Ø Turn in the forms on time Ø Be flexible in terms of destinations Ø Select realistic destinations Ø Include as much information as possible on the request form - use the ‘Additional Comments’ box! Ø Arrange mutual exchanges

  7. Questions?

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