maintaining sql invariants in weakly consistent databases


MAINTAINING SQL INVARIANTS IN WEAKLY CONSISTENT DATABASES Nuno Preguia (NOVA LINCS, FCT/Universidade NOVA de Lisboa) Joint work with: Valter Balegas, Cheng Li (MPI, now Oracle), Joo Sousa, David Lopes, Srgio Duarte, Carla Ferreira, Joo

  1. MAINTAINING SQL INVARIANTS IN WEAKLY CONSISTENT DATABASES Nuno Preguiça (NOVA LINCS, FCT/Universidade NOVA de Lisboa) Joint work with: Valter Balegas, Cheng Li (MPI, now Oracle), João Sousa, David Lopes, Sérgio Duarte, Carla Ferreira, João Leitão, Allen Clement (MPI, now Google), Viktor Vafeiadis (MPI), Rodrigo Rodrigues (now Inesc-Id/IST)

  2. INTERNET SERVICES NOWADAYS • Services operate on a global scale. • An unprecedented number of people are using Internet services. • Systems use geo-replication for low latency and high availability. 2

  3. GEO-REPLICATION 150 ms SYNC DC2 DC1 20 ms 20 ms 3


  5. GEO-REPLICATION DC2 DC1 create table player( id varchar(20), primary key id) create table tournament( id varchar(20), primary key id) create table pt( p varchar(20), t varchar(20), foreign key (p) REFERENCES player (id), foreign key (t) REFERENCES tournament (id)) Player PT Tournament Player PT Tournament Sonic Sonic, A A Sonic Sonic, A A Pacman Sonic, B B Pacman Sonic, B B Mario Mario 5

  6. GEO-REPLICATION DC2 DC1 enroll(Pacman, A): insert into PT values(‘Pacman’,’A’) Player PT PT Tournament Player PT Tournament Sonic Sonic, A Sonic, A A Sonic Sonic, A A Pacman Sonic, B Sonic, B B Pacman Sonic, B B Mario Pacman, A Mario 6

  7. GEO-REPLICATION DC2 DC1 enroll(Mario, A): insert into PT values(‘Mario’,’A’) PT Player PT PT Tournament Player PT Tournament Sonic, A Sonic Sonic, A Sonic, A A Sonic Sonic, A A Sonic, B Pacman Sonic, B Sonic, B B Pacman Sonic, B B Mario, A Mario Pacman, A Mario 7

  8. GEO-REPLICATION DC2 DC1 removeTournament(A): delete from tournament where id = ’A’ delete from PT where t = ’A’ PT Player PT Tournament Player Tournament Sonic, A Sonic Sonic, A A Sonic A Sonic, B Pacman Sonic, B B Pacman B Mario, A Mario Pacman, A Mario 8

  9. GEO-REPLICATION SYNC DC2 DC1 PT Player PT Tournament Player Tournament Sonic, A Sonic Sonic, A A Sonic A Sonic, B Pacman Sonic, B B Pacman B Mario, A Mario Pacman, A Mario 9

  10. GEO-REPLICATION SYNC DC2 DC1 Mario is enrolled in tournament that was concurrently removed. Referential integrity violation. PT Player PT Tournament Player Tournament Sonic, A Sonic Sonic, A A Sonic A Sonic, B Pacman Sonic, B B Pacman B Pacman, A Mario Pacman, A Mario Mario, A Mario, A 10

  11. OUTLINE • Context / problem • First take: Sieve • Second take: SQL IPA • Final remarks 11

  12. RedBlue Consistency Builds replicated systems that are fast and correct

  13. RedBlue Consistency Builds replicated systems that are fast and correct Blue ops: local, fast, weakly consistent

  14. RedBlue Consistency Builds replicated systems that are fast and correct State convergence Blue ops: local, fast, weakly consistent Invariant preservation

  15. RedBlue Consistency Builds replicated systems that are fast and correct State convergence Blue ops: local, fast, weakly consistent Red ops: global, slow, strongly consistent Invariant preservation

  16. Choosing between Blue or Red operation u Ensuring state convergence No commutative ? Red

  17. Choosing between Blue or Red operation u Ensuring state convergence Ensuring No commutative invariant ? preservation Yes Yes No breaks Red Blue invariants?

  18. Choosing between Blue or Red Good performance obtained if blue ops dominate op space operation u Ensuring state convergence Ensuring No commutative invariant ? preservation Yes Yes No breaks Red Blue invariants?

  19. SIEVE Operation stream Transforming Commutative shadow operations Classifying Slow, Fast, Strongly consistent Weakly consistent

  20. SIEVE Operation stream Transforming Commutative shadow operations

  21. SIEVE Operation stream Transforming Commutative shadow operations Challenges: • Making arbitrary side effects commute • Minimizing human intervention

  22. SIEVE Operation stream Transforming Commutative shadow operations Challenges: • Making arbitrary side effects commute • Minimizing human intervention

  23. CRDT Annotation Example @AUSET CREATE TABLE BankAccount( id INT(11) NOT NULL, @NUMDELTA balance INT(11) default 0, @LWW name char(60) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB

  24. CRDT Annotation Example @AUSET CREATE TABLE BankAccount( id INT(11) NOT NULL, @NUMDELTA balance INT(11) default 0, @LWW name char(60) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB

  25. SIEVE Operation stream Transforming Commutative shadow operations Classifying Slow, Fast, Strongly consistent Weakly consistent

  26. SIEVE Commutative shadow operations Classifying Slow, Fast, Strongly consistent Weakly consistent

  27. SIEVE Challenge: • How to classify accurately and efficiently? Commutative shadow operations Classifying Slow, Fast, Strongly consistent Weakly consistent

  28. SIEVE Challenge: • How to classify accurately and efficiently? Commutative shadow operations Classifying Slow, Fast, Strongly consistent Weakly consistent

  29. OUTLINE • Context / problem • First take: Sieve • Second take: SQL IPA • Final remarks 29

  30. Limitations of Sieve • Operations that may violate the invariant need to be red/coordinated => slow – Acquiring reservation/token (Indigo/CISE) • Static analysis of complete application(s) – Changes in applications require rerunning the analysis process 30

  31. Limitations of Sieve • Operations that may violate the invariant need to be blue/coordinated => slow – Acquiring reservation/token (Indigo/CISE) Goal : maintain invariants while avoiding • Static analysis of complete application(s) coordination – Changes in applications require rerunning the analysis process 31

  32. GEO-REPLICATION DC2 DC1 removeTournament(A): delete from tournament where id = ’A’ delete from PT where t = ’A’ PT Tournament PT Player PT Tournament Player Tournament Sonic, A A Sonic, A Sonic Sonic, A A Sonic A Sonic, B B Sonic, B Pacman Sonic, B B Pacman B Mario Mario 32

  33. GEO-REPLICATION DC2 DC1 enroll(Mario, A): insert into PT values(‘Mario’,’A’) PT PT Player PT Tournament Player Tournament Sonic, A Sonic, A Sonic Sonic, A A Sonic A Sonic, B Sonic, B Pacman Sonic, B B Pacman B Mario, A Mario Mario 33

  34. GEO-REPLICATION DC2 DC1 enroll(Mario, A): insert into PT values(‘Mario’,’A’) touch tournament where id = ‘A’ PT PT Player PT Tournament Player Tournament Sonic, A Sonic, A Sonic Sonic, A A Sonic A Sonic, B Sonic, B Pacman Sonic, B B Pacman B Mario, A Mario Mario 34

  35. GEO-REPLICATION DC2 DC1 enroll(Mario, A): insert into PT values(‘Mario’,’A’) touch tournament where id = ‘A’ touch cascade PT where t=’A’ PT PT Player PT Tournament Player Tournament Sonic, A Sonic, A Sonic Sonic, A A Sonic A Sonic, B Sonic, B Pacman Sonic, B B Pacman B Mario, A Mario Mario 35

  36. GEO-REPLICATION DC2 DC1 enroll(Mario, A): insert into PT values(‘Mario’,’A’) removeTournament(A): touch tournament where id = ‘A’ delete from tournament where id = ’A’ touch cascade PT where t=’A’ delete cascade from PT where t = ’A’ PT PT Player PT Tournament Player Tournament Sonic, A Sonic, A Sonic Sonic, A A Sonic A Sonic, B Sonic, B Pacman Sonic, B B Pacman B Mario, A Mario Mario 36

  37. GEO-REPLICATION SYNC DC2 DC1 Rules add-wins : 1. || => 2. || => PT PT Player PT Tournament Player Tournament Sonic, A Sonic, A Sonic Sonic, A A Sonic A Sonic, B Sonic, B Pacman Sonic, B B Pacman B Mario, A Mario Mario 37

  38. GEO-REPLICATION SYNC DC2 DC1 Rules add-wins : 1. || => 2. || => PT PT Player PT Tournament Player Tournament Sonic, A Sonic, A Sonic Sonic, A A Sonic A Sonic, B Sonic, B Pacman Sonic, B B Pacman B Mario, A Mario Mario 38

  39. Other invariants • Primary key (uniqueness) – Split keyspace • Check constraint – E.g. stock int CHECK (stock >= 0) – Solved using bounded counter (escrow) 39

  40. Limitations of Sieve • Operations that may violate the invariant need Goal : “modify” operations in runtime. to be blue/coordinated => slow Use schema definition. – Acquiring reservation/token (Indigo/CISE) • Static analysis of complete application(s) – Changes in applications require rerunning the analysis process 40

  41. create table player( id varchar(20), primary key id) GEO-REPLICATION create table tournament( id varchar(20), primary key id) create table pt( p varchar(20), t varchar(20), foreign key (p) REFERENCES player (id), foreign key (t) REFERENCES tournament (id)) DC2 DC1 enroll(Mario, A): insert into PT values(‘Mario’,’A’) PT PT Player PT Tournament Player Tournament Sonic, A Sonic, A Sonic Sonic, A A Sonic A Sonic, B Sonic, B Pacman Sonic, B B Pacman B Mario, A Mario Mario 41


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