maine sustainable agriculture society

Maine Sustainable Agriculture Society Annual Meeting Sustainable - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Maine Sustainable Agriculture Society Annual Meeting Sustainable Year-round Agriculture Cluster Initiative Demonstration Update January 13 th , 2015 Steering Committee Name Organization Name Organization Mark Hutton Umaine Extension

  1. Maine Sustainable Agriculture Society Annual Meeting Sustainable Year-round Agriculture Cluster Initiative Demonstration Update January 13 th , 2015

  2. Steering Committee Name Organization Name Organization Mark Hutton Umaine Extension Mark Hews MESAS Steve Hinchman ReVision Energy Penny Jordan MESAS Ellis Sprague Independent Tony Kieffer MaineAsia Gabe Clark Cold Spring Farm Gray Harris Coastal Enterprises Steve Von Vogt Maine Composites Alliance Katherine Creswell KVCC Dave Lavway Maine Department of Agriculture Amy Hudnor KVCC Ellis Additon Maine Department of Mick Dunn Shift NRG Agriculture Jeff McElroy Independent Pauline Pare USDA NRCS Dan Dixon Umaine Fred Morton Farm Credit East Stephanie Burnett Umaine Clara Coleman Independent Habib Dagher Advanced Composites Rick Grondin Independent Center Barry Stevens Zehndar Heat Mary Bulan Unity College 2

  3. High–level Design and Construction Timelines 2017 2014 2016 2015 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Cluster Initiative Strategy and Management Design LRFF UME TY/KVCC Construction LRFF UME TY/KVCC Demonstration LRFF UME 3 TY/KVCC

  4. Project Demonstration Site Updates Little River Flower Farm Buxton, Maine Olivia’s Garden New Gloucester, Maine Tao Yuan Restaurant Brunswick, Maine Kennebec Valley Community College Fairfield, Maine Extreme Environment Education and Research Building (E3RB) Orono, Maine

  5. In-ground Organic Gutter Connected Solar GH: Little River Flower Farm, Buxton, ME • For over 18 years Bruce and Nancy Stedman have worked their land year round. They are certified organic in ground growers that sell via Whole Foods, CSA’s and direct to Portland area restaurants. • As part of their 10 year plan they plan to expand their greenhouses by 15,000 s.f. in 2015 and again in 2016. Demonstration Objectives Technologies to be Implemented Anticipated Outcomes Raised heated beds to grow: Performance of crops over • 5500 s.f. Greenhouse • different scenarios Lisianthus, Dahlia, other • Solar • Different lighting scenarios flowers • LED • 1 section partially covered In ground organic Kale, • • Heat storage system for • in PV Panels to test growth Bok Choy, Lettuce, Other capturing daytime heat and 3 Watts/s.f, 9.3 kwp for • Greens reticulating heat to beds each bay • Demonstrate ability to meet most of the electricity requirements of the greenhouse for mechanical and supplemental light Heat savings vs control • 5

  6. In-ground Organic Gutter Connected Solar GH: Little River Flower Farm, Buxton, ME

  7. Little River Flower Farm Features and Benefits 5,500 sf structure, 47’ wide x 20’ high • Panels are integrated into glazing • Design for either Un-heated or heated use • Configurable solar coverage to generate 3-15 watts/s.f. • 7 With/Without Supplemental Light •

  8. Little River Project- continued Applications Multi-purpose- • Greenhouse in Spring and Summer and Fall • Dual use as a GH and wood kiln in winter • Animal production structure • Cold crops in winter 8 ArchSolar LLC Confidential

  9. In-ground Organic Gutter Connected Solar GH: Little River Flower Farm, Buxton, ME Timeline Task Date Final Design January-Early Feb Funding Secured February LED Lighting Tests Begin in November- Ongoing Site Work April Construction April Production May

  10. In-ground Organic Gutter Connected Solar GH: Little River Flower Farm, Buxton, ME Recently Completed Items Completed model for design Confirmed footing requirements and obtained bids Updated loan application and financial models Samples/quotes received for polycarbonate, footings Sample LEDs purchased and installed for 9x9 section of greenhouse Completed solar engineering and line drawings for CMP submission Upcoming Items Submit loan application Analyze sample materials for engineering specification confirmation Submit interconnect application Order/ship FRP, polycarbonate and solar Begin Construction April 10

  11. Solar GH and Aquaponics: Olivia’s Garden – New Gloucester, ME Scott Howard is the grower and owner at Olivia’s Garden • Olivia’s markets to area retailers, CSAs, institutions, restaurants and farmer’s markets • 15,000 s.f. • Maine’s most advanced multi-croping hydroponic production facility growing tomatoes, basil, micro-greens, and lettuce Technologies to be Implemented Anticipated Outcomes Demonstration Objectives • Prove out and test Yield comparisons of 720-square feet of production • • aquaponics model floor converted to aquaponics watercress, basil, Compare aquaponics yield and lettuce, arugula and • Confirm benefits of • crop output to the hydroponic microgreens supplemental LED lighting growth using LED Organic Status • Gather data to influence • Testing LED light against HPS light • Lower Energy Costs next round of expansion • over 3,000ft hydroponic growth Real-time data • for productivity and energy costs New knowledge • 11

  12. Trials 12

  13. Solar GH and Aquaponics: Olivia’s Garden – New Gloucester, ME Timeline Task Date Underway Set up hydroponic test and control for growth under HPS v. LED Completed Begin construction of aquaponic system December Finalize budget Engage aquaponic consulting services January Early 2015 Finalize system design Hook up aquaponic system to small scale Early 2015 Early 2015 Expand hydroponic system into next phase of construction Early 2015 Begin tracking and collecting data Begin Internship Program Early 2015

  14. Solar GH and Aquaponics: Olivia’s Garden – New Gloucester, ME Recently Completed Items Installed LED lights for testing Began construction of aquaponics facility Planted first round of seedlings under LED lights Approved new budget breakdown Upcoming Items Hire aquaponics consultant Connect aquaponics production system Hire academic advisor who will also support intern selection 14

  15. Solar Greenhouse: Tao Yuan Restaurant – Brunswick, ME Owned by John Stadler and family, Tao Yuan is a restaurant specializing in Asian infused cuisine restaurant, guided by fresh ingredients that are available locally, and include a mixture of modern cooking techniques. The demonstration of a greenhouse and aquaponics system will further the goal of local, fresh, and high quality food. The chef, Cara Stadler, was named a Food & Wine’s "2014 Best New Chef Award" Demonstration Objectives Technologies to be Implemented Anticipated Outcomes Aquaponics Production • Demonstrate the viability of a self • Sustainably produced • Strategy contained farm-to-table food for the restaurant production system integrated into PV combined with LED to • Year-round source of a restaurant. • provide adequate year reliable, high-quality round lighting to grow at Growing multiple exotic Asian • food recommended light levels foods and fish together Build experience and • Develop a work-study position that • data in growing builds to collect, analyze and specialty varieties of disseminate data. year round produce not found in Maine. 15

  16. Solar GH: Tao Yuan Restaurant – Brunswick, ME Timeline Task Date Preliminary Design options to Town Complete: Working through fire code setback issues Explicit Budget and Build-out Plan January Define Building Orientation • Select Crop Type • Compare Estimates • Village Review Board February Determine Height • Finalize Architectural and March 2015 Engineering Plans Construction June 2015 16

  17. Solar Greenhouse: Tao Yuan Restaurant – Brunswick, ME Recently Completed Items Hired greenhouse manager Prepared grow plan and layout Design concept review with John Bartok Town concept review with fire inspector Upcoming Items Determine exact design of building and greenhouse Obtain estimates for alternative greenhouse Detailed Design Package Aquaponics system design Village Board Review for Permission to build 17

  18. Solar Greenhouse: Kennebec Valley Community College, Fairfield, ME The Farm at Kennebec Valley Community College (KVCC) is located on 120 acres of prime agricultural land at the center of the college’s new Harold Alfond Campus in Hinckley, Maine. The former pasture-based dairy is being converted into a four- season production and educational farm growing mixed vegetables, fruits, livestock, and specialty crops using innovative and sustainable practices. Part of sustainable agriculture, culinary arts, sustainable energy programs Demonstration Objectives Technologies to be Implemented Anticipated Outcomes Integrate the greenhouse as a • 2500-3000 greenhouse Train work force and build • • classroom into new curriculum PV expertise • Provide a teaching environment to • Designed to accept Grow food for use in the • • build experience biomass heating culinary program as well as Increase sustainably-grown food in • at the school Maine Demonstrate technologies • Work together with extension to offer • that can be used affordably research opportunities by small and medium sized farms 18

  19. Solar Greenhouse: Kennebec Valley Community College, Fairfield, ME 19

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