Page 2 MAGMA project Project concept MAGMA is a high-temperature oxygen fuel continuous unit used for recycling of unsorted municipal waste that allows to implement a waste-free, profitable and environmentally clean technology of waste recycling.
Page 3 mineral constituent of waste Cooling system of smelting chamber body 1400-1650 Temperature of molten slag, 0 С 1800-1900 of the unit, 0 С Temperature of gas phase in free space technical oxygen (О 2 95%) Oxidant for waste recycling products (construction materials and iron alloy) MAGMA project Raw material for processing of saleable organic constituent of waste Fuel type 100 Maximum thermal power, MW 300,000 wet unsorted municipal waste, metric tons per year Maximum production capacity of one module for Specifications of MAGMA unit liquid metal coolant
Page 4 Iron alloy Oxygen station Heated gaseous nitrogen Slag and stone casting Drying and feeding MAGMA project device Heat exchanger Saleable electric power Casting mold Slag crushed stones Flow diagram of Gaseous nitrogen for own needs Electric power Slag Purified gases Gas purification Heat recovery boiler Off-gases MAGMA Metal turbine Flux Dust Unsorted municipal waste Steam Gaseous nitrogen Steam waste recycling Oxygen Dust
Page 5 device 3) use of heat from the body of the unit for heating of gaseous nitrogen improves energy drying and improves energy performance of recycling process; 2) use of gaseous nitrogen definitely eliminates spontaneous ignition of waste during 1) drying of waste decreases formation of off-gases when recycling of waste; Advantages: by heated gaseous nitrogen Preliminary drying of waste in the feeding device Drying and feeding MAGMA project To smelting chamber Heated gaseous nitrogen Device for grinding of waste waste Unsorted municipal Flux Preparation of waste for recycling performance of recycling process.
Page 6 waste is smelted to slag without forming in oxygen on the surface of molten slag Advantages: 1) the process of waste recycling does not require additional fuel; 2) at a temperature above 1350°С formationof dioxins and furans is definitely prevented; 3) at a high temperature the mineral part of toxic ash; chemical composition of slag Waste is recycled at a is adjusted by adding flux; 4) toxic dust captured by the gas purification is returned to the molten slag and is absorbed by the slag; 5) waste recycling in oxygen allows the unit to decrease the volume of off-gases and achieve concentrations of NOx < 80 mg/m 3 , СО < 7 mg/m 3 ; 6) the original cooling system of the body of the unit allows making a continuous temperature above 1650°С Heat exchanger MAGMA project Slag Waste recycling Purified gases Gas purification Heat recovery boiler Off-gases up to 1900 °С up to 1650 °С waste Metal Dust Gaseous nitrogen Heated gaseous nitrogen Smelting chamber Unsorted municipal process of waste recycling. Oxygen Dust
Page 7 Steam Drying and feeding electric power Saleable gaseous nitrogen Heated Oxygen station Oxygen Gaseous nitrogen for own needs Electric power turbine Steam Gaseous nitrogen waste MAGMA project Unsorted municipal Flux Metal Slag MAGMA Off-gases boiler Heat recovery 2) sale of part of electric power as a saleable product. 1) energy–independent process of waste recycling; Advantages: Production of own electric power recycling Energy of waste device
Page 8 MAGMA project Production figures of products Electric power production 0.45-0.55 MWh/t Iron alloy production 5-30 kg/t Construction materials production 250-300 kg/t The figures above are indicated as per ton of municipal waste with initial humidity of 30% and can be changed according to the morphological composition of waste.
Page 9 MAGMA project Conclusion The MAGMA project provides: 1) environmentally clean recycling of unsorted municipal waste according to EU standards; 2) profitable process of waste recycling; 3) waste-free technology of waste recycling.
INDUSTRIAl COMPANY Technologiya Metallov, Branch Offjce GERMANY Römerring 13, D-55278 Mommenheim Phone: +49.6138.940.063 Fax: +49.6138.940.062 info@techno-met.de
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