machine learning in conceptual spaces

Machine Learning in Conceptual Spaces Two Learning Processes Lucas - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Machine Learning in Conceptual Spaces Two Learning Processes Lucas Bechberger Conceptual Spaces x :apple ( x ) red ( x ) Symbolic Layer Formal Logics Geometric ? Conceptual Layer Representation

  1. Machine Learning in Conceptual Spaces Two Learning Processes Lucas Bechberger

  2. Conceptual Spaces ∀ x :apple ( x )⇒ red ( x ) Symbolic Layer Formal Logics Geometric ? Conceptual Layer Representation Sensor Values, Subsymbolic Layer [0.42; -1.337, ...] Machine Learning Machine Learning in Conceptual Spaces / Lucas Bechberger 2

  3. My PhD Project / Outline Symbolic Layer Manually define 3.) Learning Concepts regions Conceptual Layer 1.) Mathematical Formalization Manually define 2.) Learning Dimensions dimensions Subsymbolic Layer Machine Learning in Conceptual Spaces / Lucas Bechberger 3

  4. My PhD Project / Outline Symbolic Layer Manually define 3.) Learning Concepts regions Conceptual Layer 1.) Mathematical Formalization Manually define 2.) Learning Dimensions dimensions Subsymbolic Layer Machine Learning in Conceptual Spaces / Lucas Bechberger 4

  5. Learning Dimensions  There are (at least) three approaches:  Handcrafting  Multidimensional Scaling  Artificial Neural Networks  Bonus: A Hybrid Approach Machine Learning in Conceptual Spaces / Lucas Bechberger 5

  6. Learning Dimensions  There are (at least) three approaches:  Handcrafting  Multidimensional Scaling  Artificial Neural Networks  Bonus: A Hybrid Approach Machine Learning in Conceptual Spaces / Lucas Bechberger 6

  7. Learning Dimensions: MDS 1) Psychological experiment similarity judgments 2) Average across participants matrix # dimensions 3) Multidimensional Scaling space Psychological grounding Dealing with unseen inputs Machine Learning in Conceptual Spaces / Lucas Bechberger 7

  8. Learning Dimensions  There are (at least) three approaches:  Handcrafting  Multidimensional Scaling  Artificial Neural Networks  Bonus: A Hybrid Approach Machine Learning in Conceptual Spaces / Lucas Bechberger 8

  9. Learning Dimensions: ANNs  Autoencoder (e.g., β-VAE): compress and reconstruct input 22 76 03 50 output 42 91 hidden representation Dealing with unseen inputs 24 75 02 53 input Psychological grounding  Hidden neurons = dimensions in our conceptual space Higgins, I.; Matthey, L.; Pal, A.; Burgess, C.; Glorot, X.; Botvinick, M.; Mohamed, S. & Lerchner, A. β-VAE: Learning Basic Visual Concepts with a Constrained Variational Framework, ICLR 2017 Machine Learning in Conceptual Spaces / Lucas Bechberger 9

  10. Learning Dimensions: ANNs  Centered, unrotated rectangles  Differing only with respect to width and height  Use InfoGAN to learn interpretable dimensions Chen, X.; Duan, Y.; Houthooft, R.; Schulman, J.; Sutskever, I. & Abbeel, P. InfoGAN: Interpretable Representation Learning by Information Maximizing Generative Adversarial Nets Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 2016 Machine Learning in Conceptual Spaces / Lucas Bechberger 10

  11. Learning Dimensions  There are (at least) three approaches:  Handcrafting  Multidimensional Scaling  Artificial Neural Networks  Bonus: A Hybrid Approach Machine Learning in Conceptual Spaces / Lucas Bechberger 11

  12. Learning Dimensions: Hybrid dog cat . . . ANN Psychological MDS Experiment Psychological grounding Dealing with unseen inputs Bechberger, L. & Kypridemou, E. Mapping Images to Psychological Similarity Spaces Using Neural Networks. AIC 2018 Machine Learning in Conceptual Spaces / Lucas Bechberger 12

  13. My PhD Project / Outline Symbolic Layer Manually define 3.) Learning Concepts regions Conceptual Layer 1.) Mathematical Formalization Manually define 2.) Learning Dimensions dimensions Subsymbolic Layer Machine Learning in Conceptual Spaces / Lucas Bechberger 13

  14. Learning Concepts Give me a big data set of labeled examples! Wait a second, that’s cognitively implausible! I’ll train a neural network In real life, for a bunch of epochs we have more to find a nice unlabeled than decision boundary. labeled examples. It’s just a standard Plus: ML problem! Humans don’t learn via batch processing. Machine Learning Cognitive Science Engineer Researcher That’s too complicated for now. Machine Learning in Conceptual Spaces / Lucas Bechberger 14

  15. Learning Concepts: LTN  Fuzzy Logic  Degree of membership between 0 and 1 apple: 1.0 red: 0.9 round: 0.7 banana: 0.0  One can generalize logical operators: Symbolic  apple AND red = min(apple, red) Conceptual  We can express rules over these fuzzy sets Subsymbolic Machine Learning in Conceptual Spaces / Lucas Bechberger 15

  16. Learning Concepts: LTN  Use neural networks to learn membership Apple AND red IMPLIES sweet: 0.31 functions 0.99 0.75 0.31  Constraints: apple red sweet  Labels  Rules  Tune NN weights such that all constraints are fulfilled Machine Learning in Conceptual Spaces / Lucas Bechberger 16

  17. Learning Concepts: LTN  Conceptual space of movies from Derrac and Schockaert  Extracted conceptual space from movie reviews  15.000 data points, labeled with one or more of 23 genres  Use LTN to learn genres in that space  Compare to kNN with respect to classification performance  Compare to simple counting with respect to rule extraction  Long run: align LTN with conceptual spaces theory  Convexity, domain structure, ... Joaquín Derrac and Steven Schockaert. Inducing semantic relations from conceptual spaces: a data-driven approach to commonsense reasoning, Artificial Intelligence, vol. 228, pages 66-94, 2015 Machine Learning in Conceptual Spaces / Lucas Bechberger 17

  18. My PhD Project / Outline Symbolic Layer Manually define 3.) Learning Concepts regions Conceptual Layer 1.) Mathematical Formalization Manually define 2.) Learning Dimensions dimensions Subsymbolic Layer Machine Learning in Conceptual Spaces / Lucas Bechberger 18

  19. Thank you for your attention! Questions? Comments? Discussions? @LucasBechberger


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