macarthur s evidence advanced 2019

MacArthurs Evidence AdvancED 2019 English/Language Arts Overall - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

MacArthurs Evidence AdvancED 2019 English/Language Arts Overall Rating Impact Advance ED Quality Factors: Healthy Culture, High Expectations, Resource Management, Efficiency of Engagement, Impact of Instruction MacArthur elementary teachers

  1. MacArthur’s Evidence AdvancED 2019 English/Language Arts Overall Rating Impact Advance ED Quality Factors: Healthy Culture, High Expectations, Resource Management, Efficiency of Engagement, Impact of Instruction MacArthur elementary teachers will continue to improve their teaching of English/Language Arts and utilize effect strategies within the literacy continuum. We aim to have 90% of students reading at their instructional level by the end of the school year. We hope to have 95% of students demonstrate at least 1 year of growth at their instructional reading level. In addition, 90% of students will pass ISTEP+ in English/Language Arts with a median growth percentile of 60 or higher. Program or Practice Evidence 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 Jen Hochstetler/1 ​ st ​ Grade Literacy Coaches ​ at Improve Improve Impact Teacher MacArthur has two full time classroom Mandy Wenglarz/5 ​ th ​ Grade teachers that are given release time on a monthly basis to coach, utilizing the Teacher coaching cycle. On a daily basis the Coaching Game Plan coaches are available before and after Literacy Coaching school to assist teachers as well. Coaching Document Literacy Coaching Document #2

  2. Differentiated & Initiate Improve Words Their Way Program Personalized Word Study (Words Their Way) ​ is a Words Their Way Spelling Inventory (sample) developmental spelling, phonics, & vocabulary program. It is intended to be a part of a balanced literacy plan that includes fluency, comprehension & writing. Words their way is an open-ended individual process. Facilitating Inquiry Jr. Great Books Improve Improve Improve Discussions ​ is an approach to Jr. Great Books Discussion learning that emphasizes the student’s Organizer active role in the learning process. Rather than the teacher telling students what they need to know, students are encouraged to explore the material, ask questions, and share ideas CLEAR-Purdue University Improve Improve Impact Literacy Coaches Training ​ initially began in 2015 with Junior Great Books PD for a partnership with Purdue University. Coaches MacArthur had 2 coaches trained & one moved away. During the 2017 school Literacy End of the Year Report year a new coach was trained. Guided Reading ​ The practice “Guiding Readers & Writers” by Impact Impact Impact Fountas & Pinnell of Guided Reading was fully “The Continuum of Literacy implemented several years ago at MacArthur. Learning” by Fountas & Pinnell 5th Grade Blue Close Reading Guided Plans

  3. 5th Grade Yellow Guided Reading Group 5th Grade Red Guided Reading Group Literacy PD ​ There has been a webPD by Smekens Education Initiate Improve plethora of professional development mClass available to the teachers. Star 360 Training Certification Extra Reading Practice #1 Impact Impact Impact Extra Reading Practice Extra Reading Practice #2 Every morning before the start of the Extra Reading Practice #3 school day students read for an average of 30 minutes Extra Reading Practice #4 Extra Reading Practice #5 Accelerated Reading ​ is a ​ Accelerated Reading Student Improve Improve Improve Report reading incentive program. Each grade level sets a goal for the students to earn “x” amount of points during each grading period. mClass ​ is a universal screener that mClass Summary Impact Impact Improve measures the development of reading skills of all students in grades K-2 through two main assessments: Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) and the Text Reading Comprehension (TRC) assessments.

  4. Star Reading ​ is an online 2nd Grade Star Reading Impact Impact Impact Benchmark Report Dec. 2019 assessment program developed by 1st Grader Star Reading Renaissance Learning for students typically in grades K-12. The program Progress Report uses a combination of the cloze method 5th Grader Star Reading and traditional ​ reading ​ comprehension Progress Report passages to assess forty-six ​ reading skills across eleven domains. Early Star Literacy Impact Impact Impact Early Star Literacy ​ is an online adaptive assessment program developed by Renaissance Learning for students typically in grades PK-3. The program uses a series of questions to assess a student's early literacy and early ​ ​ numeracy skills through a simple process. ... The final part is the actual assessment Interventionists/Paras/Title I Impact Impact Impact RTI (Response to 2017-2018 RTI Dates Instruction) ​ is a process designed 2018-2019 RTI Dates to help us focus on high quality September RTI Schedule instruction and interventions that match October RTI Schedule student needs and on monitoring November RTI Schedule student progress on a frequent basis. The information gained from an RTI December RTI Schedule process allows us to adapt instruction and to make decisions regarding the student’s educational program. Literacy Roundtable ​ is a Literacy Round Table Initiate Literacy Roundtable Game Plan group of teachers who provide resources and support for learners and teachers through the collaboration of classroom teachers and our Literacy Coaches.

  5. Academic Tutoring ​ is Academic Tutoring Picture Improve Improve Improve Academic Tutoring Picture #2 provided by a license teacher who gives Academic Tutoring Picture #3 additional, special or basic instruction to Tier II and Tier III students extra help. The purpose of the academic tutoring is to help students become an independent learner. Literacy Night ​ is a Title I Literacy Night Impact Impact Impact Literacy Night sponsored program one evening each Literacy Night Flyer spring. All K-5 families are invited to participate in a variety of educational, literary fun activities. One Book One School ​ is a One Book One School ​ /Fudge A Initiate Improve Mania movement designed to get an entire school community - including parents - involved in the joy of reading. Each One Book One School/Ralph S. family gets a copy of the selected book. Mouse Following a shared schedule, the families read at home together. Summer Interventions Jump Start/Summer School Impact Impact Impact Summer School Reading Plans takes place in June & August by Summer School Reading Plans providing 5 weeks of summer school remediation to all K-5 students. Jump 2 start is a program that invites the 12-15 lowest in coming K students to attend a remediation program in August. ABC Shirts ​ is a program where ABC Shirt Impact Impact Impact Kindergarten students who learn all their upper and lower case letters earn an ABC t-shirt.

  6. 500 Club ​ is a program that begins 500 Club Parent Letter Impact Impact Impact Fry Word Sample Testing in Kindergarten. The challenge is by the end of 1 ​ st ​ grade all first graders will memorize 500 Fry words. High Ability Impact Impact Impact High Ability ​ consists of identified 4 ​ th ​ and 5 ​ th ​ grade students me who meet one day a week for 90 minutes in English and/or Math with a specialized high ability teacher. In addition, the high ability specialist provides enrichment lessons for students K-3. Her job also includes designing independent projects for students with needs above and beyond their classroom, as well as providing teachers with lessons and ideas for meeting their students’ academic and affective needs in the regular classroom. Seeing Stars ​ is a research- Seeing Stars Initiate Impact validated program used in the LRE room that provides students with symbol imagery for phonological and orthographic processing in reading and spelling. K Side by Side Parent Side by Side Picture Improve Impact Impact Meeting ​ is an opportunity for parents to see what we are learning in the classroom, ways to help their child at home, materials/games for parents to take home and use with their child.

  7. Learn Academy Initiate Impact Learn Academy ​ Professional Development created and delivered by our own teaching colleague. Baby Bags Impact Impact Impact Baby Bags ​ are given out to a MacArthur mom when she has a baby. The bag provides the parent with a plethora of educational items (i.e. books, music C.D., puzzle, etc.). 2nd Grade WIN Initiate Impact WIN (What I Need) ​ During What I Need (WIN) time, students are clustered into groups based on their individual need on a skill in either ELA or Math. Based on where they are performing, students are either remediated or enriched at their level. School Improvement School Improvement Plan Improve 2018-2019 Plan Imagination Library ​ is a 60 Dolly Parton’s Imagination Initiate Impact Impact Library volume set of books beginning with the children’s classic the “The Little Engine That Could”. Each month a new, carefully selected book will be mailed to each child’s home who is enrolled in the program.

  8. School Brochure ​ is ​ ​ updated MacArthur School Brochure annually and given out to new families describing the programs and opportunities at MacArthur


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