~ ~ ~ ~ Wu, Yongan. "Integrating Mixed-Sensory Mode Presentation and Practice Testing at the Beginning Level Chinese Vocabulary Instruction." Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Chinese Language Pedagogy. Eds. S. Cao and Z. Yu. Chengdu, China: Bashu Publishing House, 2013. 826-37. w w , , u u ~ ~ 1 1 l l i i t t 5! 5! 3 3 0 0 ffi. ffi. ; ; t t * * ' ' - - m m ~ ~ # # . . 3 3 0 0 *IJ 5R *IJ 5R t t - - ; ; I I 1 1 " " J J Ji' Ji'
. $i~ ~#~*~f A~.~M~ ~.~.~,M~ ~.~, ~«~, n~.~.L~tL~.M,n~* ~.M.~.~M.~ft.~"A.~.t*m~s ~.~ . ~r ~g~J\!~A;fO~>J ifj!~5~MA ~: M~& $i~ .~&~.*~*~a n~it-.~it ~.~ ~.M.~.~M.~ft.~"A.~.t*m~s n~.~.L~tL~.M,n~* ~.~.~,M~ ~#~*~f .~&~.*~*~a A~.~M~ M~& ~.~, ~«~, ~r ~: ~g~J\!~A;fO~>J ifj!~5~MA n~it-.~it Integrating mixed-sensory mode presentation Integrating mixed-sensory mode presentation and practice testing at the beginning level and practice testing at the beginning level Chinese vocabulary instruction Chinese vocabulary instruction Yongan Wu (University of North Florida, U. S. A.) Yongan Wu (University of North Florida, U. S. A.) Abstract: This study examines the effect of practice testing on short- Abstract: This study examines the effect of practice testing on short- term and long- term memorization of phonetic and semantic values of Chi- term and long- term memorization of phonetic and semantic values of Chi- nese words with beginning level Chinese language learners who received nese words with beginning level Chinese language learners who received new vocabulary through both aural and visual signals. Practice testing was new vocabulary through both aural and visual signals. Practice testing was proved to have a small to moderate effect on participants' short -te rm memo- proved to have a small to moderate effect on participants' short -te rm memo- ry and a considerably large effect for long-term memorization, compared to ry and a considerably large effect for long-term memorization, compared to traditional methods which provided no test until the end of the learning traditional methods which provided no test until the end of the learning process. These findings should serve to encourage teachers to incorporate process. These findings should serve to encourage teachers to incorporate practice tests containing innovative questions into their classes. practice tests containing innovative questions into their classes. Key word: practice testing; mixed-sensory mode; vocabulary; CFL Key word: practice testing; mixed-sensory mode; vocabulary; CFL 9=t)CiP] rc 9=t)CiP] rc 1£ iLfJ1!:1l. n 1£ iLfJ1!:1l. n l..;m.ii fo ~ 't l..;m.ii fo ~ 't JkJ :gmi JkJ :gmi lit lit ;f.. *.Jit ;f.. *.Jit is<. it- ~ is<. it- ~ .¥.. .IJllAib\, ~ .¥.. .IJllAib\, ~ •• •• ~ •• ~ •• •. M.A~, •. M.A~, •• •• •• •• •• •• ,f!1§], Y;(~.~i: ,f!1§], Y;(~.~i:
tal schemas and codes. tal schemas and codes. Review of Literature Review of Literature For beginning CFL (Chinese as a Foreign Language) learners, a For beginning CFL (Chinese as a Foreign Language) learners, a character appears to be either an amalgam of different, distinct graphic u- character appears to be either an amalgam of different, distinct graphic u- nits or a visualization of a single, solitary graphic concept (Li &. Lee nits or a visualization of a single, solitary graphic concept (Li &. Lee 2006) . It then becomes a particularly challenging task for CFL learners to 2006) . It then becomes a particularly challenging task for CFL learners to create, maintain and integrate such an extensive schema into their working create, maintain and integrate such an extensive schema into their working memory, especially one that arbitrarily links the graphic features and se- memory, especially one that arbitrarily links the graphic features and se- mantic values of numerous characters (Zhang 2009) . In order to lower the mantic values of numerous characters (Zhang 2009) . In order to lower the load on learners' working memory, scholars are actively searching for ef- load on learners' working memory, scholars are actively searching for ef- fective instructional methods so that novel, complex information can be re- fective instructional methods so that novel, complex information can be re- tained longer. One noticeable branch of research stems from the theory that tained longer. One noticeable branch of research stems from the theory that the human mind processes and stores information above two independent the human mind processes and stores information above two independent slave cognitive systems, namely, the verbal system for words and the vis- slave cognitive systems, namely, the verbal system for words and the vis- ual system for images and analog representations (Baddeley & Hitch 1974; ual system for images and analog representations (Baddeley & Hitch 1974; Bjorn et al. 2012; Paivio 1986) . The feasibility of dividing the verbal form Bjorn et al. 2012; Paivio 1986) . The feasibility of dividing the verbal form into two modes, i. e., written words (text) and auditory signals (vocali- into two modes, i. e., written words (text) and auditory signals (vocali- zation of text), provides the principal rationale to employ more than one zation of text), provides the principal rationale to employ more than one presentation mode as an instructional means to enhance the rate and relia- presentation mode as an instructional means to enhance the rate and relia- bility of the entire encoding process in case a singular mode causes a detri- bility of the entire encoding process in case a singular mode causes a detri- mental overflow in the cognitive system (Andres & Petersen 2002; Tab- mental overflow in the cognitive system (Andres & Petersen 2002; Tab- bers et al. 2004) . bers et al. 2004) . During the last decade, a few studies have been conducted for the pur- During the last decade, a few studies have been conducted for the pur- pose of adapting such a modality effect into the domain of CFL. By presen- pose of adapting such a modality effect into the domain of CFL. By presen- ting characters visually on screen and their pronunciation and meaning au- ting characters visually on screen and their pronunciation and meaning au- rally through headphones, researchers can effectively isolate, compare and rally through headphones, researchers can effectively isolate, compare and confirm the superiority of the modality effect on character learning. Among confirm the superiority of the modality effect on character learning. Among many well known experiments, three studies are particularly relevant. The many well known experiments, three studies are particularly relevant. The first one was conducted by Jin (2006) to measure and compare the reten- first one was conducted by Jin (2006) to measure and compare the reten- tion of characters among learners of different linguistic backgrounds by tion of characters among learners of different linguistic backgrounds by highlighting the various parts or values of characters in textual, · aural and highlighting the various parts or values of characters in textual, · aural and animated forms. The results suggest that an aural mode is better than tradi- animated forms. The results suggest that an aural mode is better than tradi- I 828 I 828
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