construction workshop in Addis Abeba, Ethiopia - December 05 th -16 th 2016 M E M B R A N E . an odyssey in domestic space E T R A A new L L * * south A Y C G N E
Membrane, limit of space, beginning of space, space “closed within itself and infjnitely IMPORTANT INFORMATION : open” (Edouard al-Kharrat, Al-zamân al-akhâr, 1985) You are invited to take part in the fjrst workshop of the series MEMBRANE. An odyssey in domestjc space : the constructjon of Four African Citjes. Four Climates. an experimental pavilion in Addis Ababa, hosted by the Ethiopian instjtute of Architecture, Building constructjon and City develop - Four Architecture Workshops. ment (EIABC). MEMBRANE. An odyssey in domestjc space, is a series of workshops and Applicatjon Deadline - 28 October 2016 lectures centered around the questjon of housing in Africa, that will take place during a two year period. Its ambitjon is to traverse the contjnent and Send a Short motjvatjon letuer + completed Registratjon form to its various climates in order to paint a landscape of contemporary African housing, in both its diversity and commonality. Please tjtle the email “WORKSHOP APPLICATION - ADDIS”. The membrane, in its thickness, materiality, and the diversity of its Final selectjon - 02 November 2016 vernacular incarnatjons, serves as the entrance point to an exploratjon of the invisible as well as the tangible, social imaginaries as well as technologies Accomodatjon details and pavilion design documents will be sent of constructjon. to the selected partjcipants Workshop - 05-16 December 2016 The architecture workshops will vary between building at one to one scale and theoretjcal analysis, in collaboratjon with various local schools and Pavilion constructjon in Addis Ababa universitjes. The entjre process will be documented with the publicatjon of a book compiling two years of research, as well as through video throughout the journey. Organisatjon : New South + Lateral Offjce Contact : Meriem Chabani Partner schools : President, New South, EiABC - Ethiopia Architect & Urban Planner. With the support of : African Union Ambassade de France Cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine de Paris MEMBRANE. An odyssey in domestjc space. Workshop in Addis Abeba . 3
WHY THESE WORKSHOPS ? WORKSHOP N°1 : ADDIS ABABA The Climate, The House, and Us MEMBRANE. An odyssey in domestjc space You are invited to take part in the fjrst workshop in the series Yesterday, the Cop 21 in Paris. Tomorrow, the Cop 22 in Mar - Housing spatjally defjnes its own limits, generatjng domestjc MEMBRANE. An odyssey in domestjc space! rakech. These events and their multjplicatjon reveal increasing protectjon by defjning an ‘outside’. Qualifying the relatjonship awareness of the efgects of our lifestyle on the climate, and the between the inside and the outside of the house means under - It will take place in Addis Ababa, hosted by the Ethiopian instjtute imperatjve to take actjon. However, the making of our habitat is standing its antagonistjc nature: impermeable yet porous. of Architecture, Building constructjon and City development (EIA - scarcely a part of the conversatjon. Why, when the sustainable That limit is a membrane that separates two ‘milieu’, two envi - BC). The instjtute will also provide the site for the constructjon of relatjonship between the house and its environment is at the ronments, two climates. the workshop project, which will remain in place for one year. very origin of the act of constructjon? The measure in which we separate ourselves from the outside The technologies that have so far accompanied our persistent defjnes the landscape of our citjes. How do we qualify this tran - We will build a ‘hybrid’ pavilion that will unite exploratjons into impact on the environment have blurred the immediacy of our sitjon? The nature of the membrane, limit of a space yet space a range of domestjc conditjons : where to sleep, where to cook, relatjonship to climate. Throughout the world, we have progres - “closed within itself and infjnitely open” (Edouard al-Kharrat, where to eat, where to live... The choice of program is not sively abandoned traditjonal know-how in favour of standard - Al-zamân al-akhâr, 1985), is the substance we want to study dur - intended to dictate a form, but to serve as a laboratory. ized systems: air conditjoning, heatjng, insulatjon, double glaz - ing this workshop cycle. ing, mechanical ventjlatjon... In that in-between, lies the distance between two worlds, the The constructjon process will also provide the opportunity for Within this research cycle, we hypothesise that through revis - intjmate, domestjc, private realm and the open, social, public exploratjon and recombinatjon of materials and constructjon itjng the knowledge contained in the vernacular architectures realm: a fragile space where society is crystallized. techniques inspired by the diverse vocabulary of Ethiopian that have constjtuted the specifjc vocabulary and identjty of vernacular architecture. each culture, it is possible to respond to today’s environmental Learning from four citjes issues in a resolutely contemporary way. In order to constjtute a coherent basis of refmexion, the work - The fjnished pavilion will functjon as a ‘composite house’ that shops will take place in a number of citjes of the African con - may be used by the university’s students throughout the year, and Reconnectjng with tjme tjnent, representjng various climates. So far, the selected citjes provide the basis for further experimentatjons in domestjc space. Our houses have lefu the care of their solidity to technicity, tak - are Algiers (Algeria), Bamako (Mali), Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) and ing away the need for diligent human maintenance. Yet we fjnd Cape Town (South Africa). The collaboratjon with the EiABC will take place in three phases. that through the care of inhabitants, masons, gardeners, paint - This call is an invitatjon to join Phase 3 of the process : ers with in the household, people get closer to their home, their In order to go beyond environmental prescriptjons, we choose to neighbors, and their community, in such a way that the experi - approach the climatjc questjon through a study of local domestjc Phase 1 - 17-21 October 2016 ence of inhabitatjon, and the shared practjce of maintaining the architecture: understanding ancient practjces, the intelligence house, are inextricably bound together. of traditjon, examining the evolutjon of constructjon and engi - Preparatory seminar of fjve days hosted by the EiABC neering, while stjll investjng the domain of domestjc imaginaries. (partjcipants: local teachers and students, guest internatjonal This combined space, where - and through which - household speakers). and society are bound together, translates into the concept The work will study how, under various climates, people have of ‘fragile’ housing: seasonal paintjng of the house, renewed inhabited that membrane, the way that limit thickens or slims Phase 2 - 24 October - 02 December 2016 render, and organic expansion, all necessitate the presence of down to defjne a climatjc in-between. This focus will be artjcu - Development of a design concept for the pavilion by EiABC watchful, careful individual, of a ‘caretaker of space’. lated by reinvestjng maintenance of the house in order to bring students (partjcipants: local students) inhabitants and their habitat closer together. Broady, we will It is this embraced fragility, this fmexibility, that we wish to examine the relatjonship between the house and the outside explore, through the possibilitjes that it ofgers for the construc - world. Phase 3 - 05-16 December 2016 tjon of a collectjve imaginary, and in its relatjonship to tjme and Pavilion constructjon - design experimentatjon environment. (partjcipants: open) MEMBRANE. An odyssey in domestjc space. Workshop in Addis Abeba . 4 MEMBRANE. An odyssey in domestjc space. Workshop in Addis Abeba . 5
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