m a t t e r elements

M a t t e r Elements Element Are made up of only one type of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

M a t t e r Elements Element Are made up of only one type of matter. And they are also building blocks of matter. An examples of an element Gold Silver Oxygen Atoms Atoms are the smallest particles of an element. Atoms of

  1. M a t t e r

  2. Elements Element Are made up of only one type of matter. And they are also building blocks of matter.

  3. An examples of an element • Gold • Silver • Oxygen

  4. Atoms Atoms are the smallest particles of an element. Atoms of one elements are all alike.

  5. Alloy An alloy is a mixture of two or more elements one must be a metal. Mixing metal with another element can make it stronger.

  6. Compound A compound is when two or more elements combine chemically. Each element loses it's properly when combined.

  7. An examples of an compound • Salt • Sugar • Rust

  8. Mixture Each type keeps its original properties. A solution is a mixture that is blended completely. Two or more types of matter combined.

  9. An example of an mixture • Mixed vegetables • Salt water • Grape juice

  10. How can a mixture can be separated • Sort by picking • Filter • Evaporation

  11. Chemical change The new matter has properties and different than the matter with you stared with. A change in matter itself (starts with one kind of matter and ends with a another). A penny vine- gour vapor the copper acetate. It also involves energy either takes in or gives off energy.

  12. Physical change Heat energy losses its heat energy causes matter to change state. It also begins and ends with the same type of matter. And the mass of the object stays the same.

  13. The 4 types • Change in size or shape • Change in texture • Change in position • Change in state

  14. Thank you for watching By Olivia capers


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