lunch and learn john mckim

Lunch and Learn John McKim @johncmckim Software Engineer A Cloud - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Lunch and Learn John McKim @johncmckim Software Engineer A Cloud Guru Serverless Framework Contributor Serverless Framework What is Serverless? Functions as a Service Properties of FaaS Services Function as unit of

  1. Lunch and Learn

  2. John McKim @johncmckim Software Engineer A Cloud Guru Serverless Framework Contributor

  3. Serverless Framework

  4. What is Serverless?

  5. Functions as a Service Properties of FaaS Services Function as unit of Deployment Function as unit of Scale Fully managed Scaling Triggered by Events Pay for execution time

  6. Serverless FaaS + The Herd

  7. What is Serverless? A Serverless Architecture is an event driven system that utilises FaaS and other fully managed services for logic and persistence.

  8. Why choose Serverless? Bene fi ts Easier Ops - (Not NoOps) Reduced Operational Cost Reduced Development Time / Cost Highly Scalable Loosely Coupled systems

  9. Example Architecture Serverless Garden

  10. Who's Who in the Zoo Providers in this space Functions as a Service * as a Service AWS, Azure, Google AWS Lambda Auth0 Azure Functions Algolia Google Cloud Functions Firebase IBM Open Whisk Netlify Webtask

  11. Who's Who in the Zoo Tools in this space Frameworks Other Tools Serverless Framework CloudFormation Apex Terraform Claudia Ansible Chalice Sparta

  12. Demo Time From Zero to Serverless AWS - API GW, Lambda, DynamoDB Serverless Framework Yeoman generator - serverless-service


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