lubbock city council

Lubbock City Council May 12, 2016 CSST Lightning Issue u The threat - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Lubbock City Council May 12, 2016 CSST Lightning Issue u The threat of lightning damage to CSST has been solved u CSST industry offers CSST products with conductive jackets to disperse arcing electrical energy u Tested to national standard ANSI

  1. Lubbock City Council May 12, 2016

  2. CSST Lightning Issue u The threat of lightning damage to CSST has been solved u CSST industry offers CSST products with conductive jackets to disperse arcing electrical energy u Tested to national standard ANSI LC-1 u Proven in the field

  3. OmegaFlex Commitment to Safety 2011 Today 2007 OmegaFlex voluntarily Over 125 million feet of Second generation of transitions CSST business CounterStrike installed – the CounterStrike introduced – exclusively to CounterStrike leading CSST brand in the increases arc resistance 50x CSST United States 1999 more than yellow CSST Gains wide market acceptance OmegaFlex requires bonding of all TracPipe CSST to avoid electrical arcing from lightning 2014 2007 - 2010 ANSI LC-1 – the only national Growing acceptance of standard for CSST – adopts CounterStrike CSST in the testing for arc resistant CSST 2002-2004 market – despite higher price based on original CounterStrike Contractors value durable tests OmegaFlex develops rugged construction and added Titeflex voted in favor of this CounterStrike – the first arc safety change resistant CSST

  4. Flawed Testing u Tests relied on by city staff are flawed and unreliable u Tests conducted by persons having conflict of interest u Tests were not conducted per PMG LC1027 test criteria u No required pretreating of samples u Did not use the correct lightning waveform u Did not replicate results over several samples

  5. Flawed Testing

  6. Flawed Testing

  7. Flawed Testing

  8. Flawed Testing

  9. Flawed Testing; No Pretreating

  10. Flawed Testing; Only 1 Sample

  11. Flawed Testing; Improper Waveform

  12. Patent Monopoly u Titeflex has received three patents for the FlashShield design and fittings u US Patent No. 9,249,904, u US Patent No. 8,905,083 u US Patent No. 8,399,767 u Patents cover CSST multi- layered jacket and fitting

  13. Patent Monopoly

  14. Patent Monopoly

  15. “ ICC has a branch known as the Evaluation Service (ICC-ES), where manufacturers may submit their systems for engineering review ” and certification. Model Codes Advisory Board Report of the Special Fuel Gas Subcommittee Addressing Lightning-Induced Failures of Corrugated Stainless Steel Tubing; Tab K

  16. Patent Monopoly

  17. Patent Monopoly u Goodson patent infringement lawsuit u Goodson patents for multi-layered CSST u US Patent 7,562,448 u US Patent 7,821,763 u Goodson advises the model code committee

  18. Flawed Testing; Conflict of Interest

  19. Flawed Testing; Conflict of Interest

  20. Flawed Testing; Conflict of Interest

  21. Patent Monopoly u Prior attempts for PMG LC1027 to become the standard u Proposals rejected by national and state code organizations u National Fire Protection Assoc. u OK Uniform Building Code Comm

  22. LC1027 Independent Testing u Independent testing by Texas Tech faculty shows: u FlashShield does not meet heightened performance standard proposed in Lubbock, TX u FlashShield does not meet LC-1027 performance criteria u FlashShield performance is degraded when exposed to real-world conditions:

  23. Lab Test Results

  24. FlashShield Doesn’t Deliver u Independent testing shows FlashShield cannot meet the levels in proposed ordinance (85C) u Lab tests are not the real world u Tested in strict accordance w/ LC-1027 u Galvanic corrosion at fittings affects performance u Dissimilar metals between fitting and mesh causes corrosion u Failure is just a matter of time

  25. Independent Testing; Lightning

  26. Lab Test

  27. Lab Test

  28. Lab Test

  29. FlashShield Field Failure Arkansas

  30. FlashShield & 120v

  31. FlashShield & 120v

  32. Old Technology Less Safe u Old technology using black iron or steel pipe is less safe than CSST u Black iron or steel pipe more likely to leak or break – possibly causing fire or explosion

  33. Examples of BIP Deaths u Dobbin TX u 2 women killed, one child hurt from corroded BIP

  34. Example BIP Deaths u Atlantic IA u Husband and wife killed in gas explosion u Leak in BIP caused leaking natural gas

  35. Examples BIP Deaths u Hatboro PA u Gas fired dryer in basement dislodged by flooding u Dryer pulled on BIP causing crack at elbow u Accumulated gas caused explosion killing 6 people

  36. Example – BIP Lightning Failure u Report by FL Bureau LP Gas Insp u Lightning fire St. Johns FL u “Bottom side of the gas line in the attic through a mirror. This hole is about ¼ inch dia. in a schedule 40 black iron pipe. u “There was an electrical wire that was running underneath this pipe as shown in the [insert].”

  37. CounterStrike Development u Counterstrike was developed beginning in 2002-2003 u Testing at lightning lab confirmed mode of damage to CSST tubing u Two different approaches tested u Conductive u Insulative u CounterStrike commercially introduced in 2004

  38. CounterStrike – Tested in the Lab u Further improvements resulted in improved CounterStrike in 2007 u Electrical current from arc is dispersed along the length of the conductive jacket u No damage to inner CSST piping

  39. CounterStrike - Proven in the Field u Florida u Direct lightning strike to home; extensive fire in attic. u Pressure test of CounterStrike – no leaks, no holes u Texas u Direct lighting strike to home; electrical appliances and TVs damaged u No damage to CounterStrike CSST

  40. CounterStrike’s Capabilities u Computer simulations based on work with NFPA, Gas Technology Institute, and Texas Tech u Tested CounterStrike CSST at lightning lab for data on lightning performance u Simulated direct lightning strikes to home with CounterStrike CSST based on lab results u No electrical arcing damage to CounterStrike CSST

  41. ANSI LC-1 u Testing for arc-resistant CSST was u LC-1027 is a solution in search of a recognized in ANSI LC-1 in 2014 problem u This culminated in seven year u Lightning problem solved with ANSI effort by OmegaFlex for LC-1 recognition of this technology in u LC-1027 allegedly higher the CSST product standard performance levels are surplus u Over 10 years – 125 million feet has u Reasons to change the standard are proven success record non-existent u Lightning problem has been solved by ANSI LC-1


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