LTP 2018-2028 Long Term Plan Strategic Framework PRESENTATION TO COUNCILLORS JUNE 2017 1
FEEDBACK LAST TIME…. • Governance is about enduring aspirations, envisaging and providing strategic direction and guidance for implementation by staff • Building resilience and resource allocation • Long Term Plan resource allocation • The vision needed to be more succinct and measurable. • The vision should be about what the region wanted to achieve. • The vision should be about behaviour. • Council’s philosophies should lead to vision. • Many of Council’s plans tended towards a green vision and environmental sustainability • Need to be mindful of use of words so that clear message sent eg. Hawkes Bay’s vision to be GE free stated their ethos which give business a direction to aim for. 2
Spatial Plan workshop…. • The unique lifestyle that Gisborne offers, in part owing to its splendid isolation, diverse offerings of its natural and built environment (eg space – the quarter acre dream, fishing, diving, hunting, surfing, cycling, untouched coastline); ‐ Guardian of a relaxed Kiwi lifestyle • The importance of agriculture, horticulture and food production, leveraging off very fertile soils to provide an economic base to support the unique Gisborne (traditional NZ) lifestyle; ‐ A sustainable primary producer and food supplier for NZ • Gisborne’s point of difference with respect to its culture and history; being the place of the first meeting between European and Maori in NZ; and its current high percentage of Maori population compared to other regions in NZ. First encounters 3
Our Vision Tairāwhiti First Tairāwhiti First to see the light Tairāwhiti Tāngata First choice for people and lifestyle Tairāwhiti Taonga First choice for enterprise and innovation Tairāwhiti Wawata First place for the environment, culture and heritage. Our vision speaks of our region of firsts; locally, nationally and globally. We are the first city in the world to see the rising sun. A place where people want to be and are proud to live. A place that is home to productive and innovative businesses and where our agriculture and natural resource strengths are leveraged into value added job rich opportunities. A place where we care for our environment as an integral part of our lifestyle. A place rich in history that celebrates and keeps alive its language, culture and traditions. 4
Our Values Tairāwhiti Piritahi Together Tairāwhiti kia mārama make it smart kia ngāwari make it easy kia ū make it happen Our values guide how we will work together to achieve our vision. The LTP shows how we will work smarter, spend smarter and showcase our district and its people through our work. 5
Our Community Outcomes TAIRĀWHITI TANGATA – TAIRĀWHITI TAONGA – Our TAIRĀWHITI WAWATA – Our people environment, culture and Our aspirations realised economy Gisborne’s greatest asset is its people. We are a cohesive, connected, culturally rich and creative community. We have access to and celebrate those things that foster our Our three Community Outcomes reflect our vision. They present an over‐ wellbeing including quality arts, arching view of Council’s activities that encourages integrated thinking and recreational, cultural and educational action across Council activities. They also keep us opportunities; strong health; infrastructure focused on what is important. and good jobs. 6
Our Community Outcomes TAIRĀWHITI TANGATA – TAIRĀWHITI TAONGA – Our TAIRĀWHITI WAWATA – Our people environment, culture and Our aspirations realised economy Gisborne is blessed with many natural assets. Our rich coastline, fertile soils, warm climate and abundant freshwater are key to our community’s well‐being and prosperity. Our three Community Outcomes reflect our vision. They present an over‐ Our unique cultural heritage is a source of arching view of Council’s activities that encourages integrated thinking and enduring pride. We celebrate our dual action across Council activities. They also keep us heritage and collaborate for a healthy focused on what is important. future. 7
Our Community Outcomes TAIRĀWHITI TANGATA – TAIRĀWHITI TAONGA – Our TAIRĀWHITI WAWATA – Our people environment, culture and Our aspirations realised economy Gisborne is a district where we achieve our aspirations, not only locally, but nationally and globally. We are a district that leads and advocates for itself. Citizens are actively Our three Community Outcomes reflect our vision. They present an over‐ involved in community life and Council arching view of Council’s activities that encourages integrated thinking and engages the community in its decision action across Council activities. They also keep us making to achieve our aspirations. focused on what is important. 8
Strategic Priorities From - To Tairawhiti Piritahi Tairawhiti Piritahi • Building trust in the community • Connect with our communities in in Council's leadership so they different ways to involve them in engage more effectively in decisions that affect them and decision‐making. deliver outcomes that reflect their needs and aspirations. Thrive Tairawhiti Prosperous Tairawhiti • Create an environment for • Authentic economic economy to develop and thrive, development "enabler" by generating ideas and generating ideas, identifying opportunities, providing opportunities, providing supportive community supportive community infrastructure and easy consent infrastructure (cycleways, processes. walkways,townships) and being business friendly. 9
Strategic Priorities From - To Wai Tairawhiti Wai Tairawhiti • An integrated and sustainable • Manage three waters resources water strategy for three waters and infrastructure with an (meeting future water needs) in integrated and sustainable order to support the economic, strategy, and progress the social, cultural and wellbeing of our waterways, our environmental wellbeing (and in coastline and in particular particular protection of soils). protection of soils. Emergent strategy focus Early Adapters • Plan now for the future • Be innovative and creative in the opportunities and disrupters. use of Council resources, and Hold to being innovative and actively look for and welcome creative in the use of council new ways of working and resources now and in the future. thinking. 10
Strategic Priorities From - To Infrastructure management Infrastructure management • Reliable and intelligent • Invest in the existing and future infrastructure, including needs for reliable, relevant and maintaining what we've got intelligent infrastructure Money matters • Make sensible decisions on Money matters spending and borrowing, and get • Being Fiscally responsible good quality value for our community’s money Mana Tairawhiti Mana Tairawhiti: • Embrace localism through • Embrace localism and celebrate developing regional solutions – our uniqueness. Use local skills council contracting and and talent, and develop our own employing locals and celebrating local solutions who we are uniquely 11
Key changes and questions for discussion • Shorter and more succinct statements – more targeted • Is there enough emphasis on environmental sustainability? Green city? • Less reference to our cultural uniqueness? • Prosperous Tairawhiti – Is Council an “ideas” generator? 12
Making our strategic priorities happen. Customer and Communications Strategy and Tairawhiti Piritahi Tairawhiti Piritahi: Connect with our communities in LTP Community Engagement (the right different ways to debate) involve them in decisions that affect Delivering on our commitments (from them and deliver replying/responding to RFS to delivering our outcomes that major projects) reflect their needs ) Increased and aspirations. Transparency and Accountability (continued improvements to performance reporting to Council) Resident Satisfaction Surveys and LGNZ Reputation Survey 13
Making our strategic priorities happen. Community Facilities Strategy & community Prosperous Tairawhiti: infrastructure projects Create an environment for economy to develop and thrive, generating Amalgamation of Economic Development ideas and opportunities, Agencies providing supportive community infrastructure and easy consent Ridiculous Rules processes. LTP Early Engagement Speaker Series 14
Making our strategic priorities happen. Wai Tairawhiti: Manage three waters resources and Water Plan infrastructure with an integrated and sustainable strategy, Infrastructure Strategy / Financial Strategy / and progress the LTP wellbeing of our waterways, our Drainwise, Water Utilities Asset coastline and in Management Plans and Catchment particular protection Management Plans of soils. 15
Making our strategic priorities happen. Strategic Planning Programme Early adapters: Be innovative and LTP Programme (environmental scan, creative in the use strategic priority setting, early engagement of Council and speaker series) resources, and actively look for and Smarter Services welcome new ways of working and Incorporating opportunities for innovation / thinking. creativity into community engagement, strategic planning, project management, business planning and asset management planning etc. 16
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