louis kosiba imrf executive director richard decleene

Louis Kosiba IMRF Executive Director Richard DeCleene IMRF Chief - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Louis Kosiba IMRF Executive Director Richard DeCleene IMRF Chief Financial Officer 1 How Employer Rates Are Calculated How to Understand Funded Status Reducing the Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability 2 Benefits are paid based

  1. Louis Kosiba IMRF Executive Director Richard DeCleene IMRF Chief Financial Officer 1

  2.  How Employer Rates Are Calculated  How to Understand Funded Status  Reducing the Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability 2

  3.  Benefits are paid based upon a formula with fixed member contributions based upon state statutes.  The cost of benefits reduced by member contributions must be paid by investment income or employer contributions.  Each year an independent actuary calculates an employer contribution rate, expressed as a percentage of participating payroll, which determines the employer’s contribution. 3

  4.  To determine the cost of a pension, the actuary needs four types of information ◦ Member demographic information ◦ Actuarial assumptions ◦ Employer information ◦ Actuarial method for distributing cost  This data is used to determine each employer’s individual annual contribution rate 4

  5.  Benefits are based on a formula – defined benefit ◦ Salary determines the final rate of earnings ◦ Years of service determines the final multiplier  Gender and age impact ◦ Mortality ◦ Disability ◦ Separation from service ◦ Marital status 5

  6.  A formal set of estimates of what will happen to IMRF and its members  Every three years IMRF’s actuarial assumptions are compared to its actual experience and adjustments are made as appropriate  A summary of IMRF’s actuarial assumptions can be found in its Annual Actuarial Valuation Report which is available at www.imrf.org 6

  7.  Investment return assumption ◦ Long-term assumption; currently 7.5% ◦ Median return assumption for large public plans is 7.8% ◦ Investment return rate is used to discount actuarial liabilities for funding purposes  Retirement age ◦ Estimate of how many members will retire at a given age ◦ Varies by age and gender ◦ Varies by Tier 1 and Tier 2 7

  8.  Marital status ◦ Estimate of members with survivor’s pension ◦ Varies by age and gender  Mortality for active members ◦ Estimate of active members who will die in a given year ◦ Varies by age and gender  Mortality for retired members ◦ Estimate of retirees who will die in a given year ◦ Varies by age and gender 8

  9.  Disability ◦ Estimate of number of disabilities in a given year ◦ Varies by age, gender and type of service  Separation ◦ Estimate of number of active members leaving service in a given year ◦ Varies by age, gender and type of service  Payroll increases ◦ Estimate of future merit increases of between .1% and 7% ◦ Estimate future increase due to inflation of 4% 9

  10.  Employer assets increased or decreased by ◦ Employer retirement contributions which do not include death, disability and supplemental payment ◦ Interest credited or charged on opening balance, currently 7.5% ◦ Adjustments, if any ◦ Residual investment excess or shortfall allocated based on employer reserve and annuitant reserve ◦ Employer’s share of the cost of an annuitant’s pension on a present value basis 10

  11.  Over or under funded liability for active and inactive members (actuarial assets less actuarial accrued liability)  Amortization period ◦ For taxing bodies like Kane County, the amortization period is 30 years for 2013 reducing to 15 years at which time it will become a 15 year rolling period ◦ For example, the amortization period is 29 years for 2014 and will reduce to 15 years in 2028 at which time it will be a rolling 15 years 11

  12.  Method used to determine how much of the future costs will be paid each year  IMRF uses the most frequently used method – entry ag age n nor ormal  Under this method the cost of a pension is allocated on a level percentage o of payroll between the start of employment through retirement  The cost of the pension assumes future service and salary increases 12

  13.  Using the member demographic data and actuarial assumptions, the actuary calculates the present value of benefits for each active and inactive member for each employer  Using this information the actuary then translates the cost into a percentage of payroll rate – normal cost  Since the present value of benefits is impacted by the elements of the formula, there are significant differences between Tier 1 and Tier 2 13

  14.  Prior to 2006 all IMRF employers had the same normal cost based upon an aggregate calculation of all active members  In 2006 IMRF offered to “individually rate” employers who had over 400 active members  Only three employers availed themselves to this opportunity  For 2013 the aggregated normal cost is as follows: ◦ Tier 1 7.89% of payroll ◦ Tier 2 4.68% of payroll 14

  15.  2001 7.66%  2002* 7.60%  2003 7.61%  2004 7.64%  2005* 7.43%  2006 7.42%  2007 7.42%  2008* 7.58%  2009 7.58%  2010 7.58%  2011* 7.89% * Experience Study 15

  16.  Normal Cost 7.79%  Funding Adjustment 2.71  Disability .11  Death .18  Supplemental Retirement .62 Total 11.41% 16

  17. Tier 1 Tier 2 Total Payroll 41,511,635 1,367,014 42,878,649 Percentage 96.8% 3.2% Normal Cost 7.89% 4.86% Weighted Cost 7.64% .15% 7.79% 17

  18.  The funding adjustment represents the carrying costs (principal and interest at 7.5%) on the unfunded liability  Present value of benefits for all non-retirees Less: Member assets Future member contributions Employer assets Future employer normal cost contributions Equal Unfunded actuarial accrued liability (UAAL) 18

  19. UAAL at 12/31/2011 $22,767,748 Multiplied by 30 year amortization factor .05518 Require ired c d contribu ributio ion 1, 1,256, 256,348 48 Divided by estimated Payroll 46,359,705 Funding Adjustment Rate for 2013 2.71% 19

  20.  Disability contributions are used to pay temporary disability benefits for active members  Disability benefits are pooled; effectively this is a cost sharing plan  It is not prefunded and is on a pay-as-you-go basis  The goal is to have a reserve equal to one year’s estimated payouts  All employers pay the same rate which is set each year by the IMRF Board of Trustees  The 2013 rate is .11% of payroll 20

  21.  Death contributions are used to pay death benefits for active members who die in service  Death benefits are pooled; effectively this is a cost sharing plan  It is not prefunded and is on a pay-as-you-go basis  The goal is to have a reserve equal to one year’s estimated payouts  An overall rate is set each year by the IMRF Board of Trustees  The overall 2013 rate is .20% of payroll  The overall rate is adjusted by IMRF’s actuary to calculate a specific rate for each employer based on the age of its employees  Kane County’s 2013 rate is .18% of payroll 21

  22.  Supplemental retirement contributions are used to pay the additional “13 th payment” in July of each year  The amount of the payment is the ratio of an individual’s qualified payment to the total of all qualified payments times the total amount of supplemental contributions in the pool  This is a pay-as-you-go benefit  The contribution is .62% and is set by statute  For 2013 the 13 th payment is estimated to be 38% of the monthly benefit 22

  23.  Available March 29th: GASB disclosures ◦ Show funded status of each employer plan for last three years for its activ ive a and inactiv ive m members o only ly ◦ Reflects actuar arial funded status using five year smoothing of investment returns subject to 20% corridor ◦ Footnote on schedule discloses funded status on market basis  For Kane County’s Regular plan ◦ Actuarial funded status increased from 80.38% to 81.97% due to 7.8% achieved actuarial return versus assumed 7.5% ◦ Market value funded status increased more significantly due to 13.5% return as it increased from 76.55% to 84.76% 23

  24.  Individual employer’s funded status reflects percentage funded for active and inactive employees  It t doe oes n not ot reflect th t the p por orti tion of of th the I IMRF a annuity ty re reserve re rela lated t to it its re retir irees  If annuity portion were added to the analysis the funded percentage would increase for underfunded plans but the unfunded dollar amount would remain unchanged. 24

  25. (Millio llions) Non-retirees Retirees Total Actuarial Assets $13,010 $14,482 $27,492 Actuarial Liability 18,121 14,482 32,603 Unfunded Liability 5,111 0 5,111 Funded Ratio 71.8% 100% 84.3% 25

  26. (Thousands) Non-retirees Retirees Total Actuarial Assets $ 99,442 $67,374 $166,816 Actuarial Liability 121,318 67,374 188,692 Unfunded Liability 21,876 0 21,876 Funded Ratio 81.97% 100% 88.41% 26

  27.  IMRF is recovering the UAAL over 30 years for 2013 calendar year rates for taxing bodies  The amortization period will be reduced one year each year until it reaches 15 years when it will become a 15 year open period  15 year open basically means that the UAAL is refinanced each year  Conceptually it will never be paid off 27


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