louis isiana higher educati tion

Louis isiana Higher Educati tion #ElevateLouisiana Dr. Jos - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Louis isiana Higher Educati tion #ElevateLouisiana Dr. Jos Joseph h C. . Rallo allo Com ommis issio ioner of of High gher Edu ducati tion Mar arch 22, , 2018 #ElevateLouisiana 2 Stu tudent Hea eadcount Hist istory 235,000

  1. Louis isiana Higher Educati tion #ElevateLouisiana Dr. Jos Joseph h C. . Rallo allo Com ommis issio ioner of of High gher Edu ducati tion Mar arch 22, , 2018

  2. #ElevateLouisiana 2

  3. Stu tudent Hea eadcount Hist istory 235,000 228,930 228,872 230,000 224,887 225,000 223,815 219,016 220,000 221,110 215,000 212,013 215,170 210,613 210,000 211,248 205,000 200,000 Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Based on Preliminary Enrollment Data for Fall 2017; LCTCS enrollment based on final Fall 2016 enrollment Source: Statewide Student Profile System - Data submitted by institutions 3

  4. th Nat Louisiana Ran Ranks 48 48 th ationally in Educational Attainment Per ercent of Adu dults 25- 64 With Associate’s Degree or Higher Louisiana: 30.9% Louisiana Rank: 49th Louisiana Rank: 50th Excludes Illinois NOTES : 1. Dollars adjusted by 2016 HECA, Cost of Living Adjustment, and Enrollment Index. 2. Total Educational Revenue is the sum of educational appropriations and net tuition, excluding net tuition used for capital debt service. SOURCE : State Higher Education Executive Officers Excludes Illinois NOTES : 1. Dollars adjusted by 2016 HECA, Cost of Living Adjustment, and Enrollment Index. 2. Educational appropriations measures state and local support available for public higher education operation expenses and excludes appropriations for independent institutions, financial aid for students attending independent institutions, and research. 4 SOURCE : State Higher Education Executive Officers Note: Rankings includes La. TOPS program data

  5. *Average of costs calculated by LOSFA, based on tuition and fees, room and board, books and supplies, transportation and miscellaneous personal expenses. Source: SREB 2017 Fact Book 5

  6. 6

  7. Higher Education is the on only state entity where annual increases in mandated costs are not funded in the Executive Budget. 7

  8. System Percentage of Funding Returned to the State for Mandated Costs LCTC System 60.42% LSU System 71.65% Southern University System 74.56% University of Louisiana 97.51% System For FY 17-18, six institutions give back more to the State for mandated costs than they receive in State appropriated funds. 8

  9. Remaining state State Support $831,689,005 support for higher Mandated Costs - $621,769,710 education $209,919,295 9 *State support number includes LCTCS pass through and rapid response funds Source: Board of Regents

  10. Fiscal Year Total State Funds Mandated Costs Dollars Available for Operations 2008-2009 $1,571,583,691 $445,116,071 $1,126,467,620 2017-2018 $831,689,005 $621,769,710 $209,919,295 -$916,548,325 10

  11. • $233 M from TOPS OPS – This red reduction rep represents the e en entire stat ate gen eneral fu fund ap appropri riation fo for r TOPS. However, , the e TOPS fu fund stat atutory dedication am amount (ap (approximatel ely $58M) ) will rem remain, , which will leav eave the e pro rogra ram fu funded at at 20%. %. • LOSFA es estimat ates that a a pro rojected 50,8 ,814 reci recipients will rece receive ap approximately 20% of f the e max aximum aw award am amount (i (including stipend am amounts fo for r Honors an and Perf Performance aw awards). • $13 M from GO GO Gr Grants ts - This rep repre resents a a red reduction of f ap approximately hal alf f of f the an annual al allocation. • Fu Funding fo for r FY FY19 total als $13.4 .4 M, a a $13 M red reduction fro from FY FY 18 ($ ($26.4 .4 M) ) an and rep represents 21% of f act actual nee eed to fu fund al all el eligible GO Gra rant reci recipients ($ ($62.5 .5 M). ). • $25.7 .7 M Base ase funding red educti tion - This red reduction will af affec fect gen enera ral operating fu funds of f the e institutions. The am amount rep represents a a 3.5% pro rorated cu cut fo for r institutions within higher r ed ed. • This will incre rease the e number r of f institutions that give bac ack more re to the e stat ate than what they rece receive in stat ate ap appropri riated fu funds fro from six to ei eight. 11

  12. TOPS? Will my classes be offered? Out of State School? When will I know??? ? ? Tuition for Uncertainty Enrollment Operations ? ? 12

  13. #E #ElevateLouisiana T H A N K Y O U F O R S U P P O R T I N G L O U I S I A N A H I G H E R E D U C AT I O N www.regents.la.gov 13


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