Play Based Learning � Play Based Learning provides an engaging learning environment during the day that is based on a child’s natural desire for play. Kindergarten will help your child grow socially, emotionally, physically and intellectually. � Children are naturally curious about the world, which is why they are always asking “WHY?” Kindergarten allows children to actively explore their environment and the world around them through play. � During Explore Time, students are given the freedom to choose where they play in the classroom. They will explore language, ideas and problem solving as they experiment with materials such as blocks, items from nature, paint, books and playdough.
Typical Day in Full Day Kindergarten � 8:50 – First bell and drop off � 9:00 – School begins with ‘O Canada and attendance � 9:05 – Morning Meeting with movement break � 9:30 – Writer’s Workshop � 10:00 – Explore Time � 10:30 – Snack Time (provided by family) � 11:00 – Physical Education � 11:30 – Music � 12:00 – 1:00 – Lunch time � 1:05 – Story Time with phonemic awareness � 1:30 – Math centres � 2:00 – Explore Time � 3:00 – Outdoor Play � 3:30 Pick Up
Drop Off and Pick Up Information � Students must be dropped off and picked up by a designated adult � Siblings are not permitted to drop off or pick up students � The Nursery/Kindergarten hallway is closed until 8:45 a.m. � Students can be dropped off at 8:50 a.m. once the teacher has arrived � Please put your child’s lunch on top of their locker and have them get their shoes on � If you are arriving after 9:00 a.m., please go to the office to sign in a get a late slip � If you are picking your child up early, you must sign them out in the office before coming to the classroom � Students must be picked up at 3:30 p.m. by a designated adult � Any students not picked up at 3:30 p.m. will go to the office to wait for their adult
FDK Lunch Program � Students may stay for lunch with supervision provided by the Lunch Program � The cost of the lunch program is $25.00 which covers supervision and milk � Students must bring their own lunch each day � There is access to a microwave for items to be heated up � You will need to complete a separate lunch program registration form, which will be available to pick up at the school in the fall. � If your child goes home for lunch, they must be picked up by an adult at 12:00 p.m. and dropped off by an adult at 1:00 p.m.
Learning Activities � Students will have the opportunity to participate in reading, writing, mathematics, science experiments, health and social studies. � Full Day Kindergarten students receive Music and Phys. Ed. classes with the specialist teachers � Students that are in need, may have access to our speech and language program called Talk To Me, where they receive specialized speech and language instruction � We strive to play outdoors each day, as long as the weather cooperates
Is Full Day Kindergarten Right For Your Child? Some Things to Consider: � What is their impression of school? Are they excited for it? � Are they identify their name? � Can they identify some letters in the alphabet? � Do they understand the idea of counting? � Are they able to comfortably hold a pencil or marker? � Can they independently use the washroom? � How are transition times? Are they okay being away from parents for longer periods of time? � Are they ready to be at school for 6.5 hours? (vs. 2.5 hours in half days) � Are they able follow simple instructions? � Can they get dressed independently? � Has your child attended Nursery School or other structured programs?
Registration If you have not registered for next school year, please visit the school website: https://www.winnipegsd.ca/schools/LordSelkirk/School_Registration_Information/Pages/default.aspx You can email the registration to the school at lordselkirk@wsd1.org , mail to Lord Selkirk School 170 Poplar Ave, Winnipeg, MB R2L 2B6 or drop off in an envelope in the “drop off” container in the front vestibule of the school between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. If you have any questions, please contact the school office at 204-667-8495 Interest Interview Our support teacher Mr. Kozarchuk will be phoning families who are interested in this program at the end of May to ask a few questions about your child’s readiness for Full Day Kindergarten Full Day Kindergarten – Limited Spots Students living in the Lord Selkirk School catchment area receive first priority for acceptance into the Full Day Kindergarten program. If there is room, then consideration will be given to families who are not in the catchment area, but live in the Winnipeg School Division. Families who do not reside in the Winnipeg School Division are not eligible for this program.
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