looking back looking forward a personal career reflection

Looking Back, Looking Forward A Personal Career Reflection Mr Alan - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Looking Back, Looking Forward A Personal Career Reflection Mr Alan Corry Finn Executive Director of Nursing, and Director of Primary Care & Older Peoples Services Western HSC Trust NIPE PEC C Annu nual Confe ferenc rence 8 March

  1. Looking Back, Looking Forward A Personal Career Reflection Mr Alan Corry Finn Executive Director of Nursing, and Director of Primary Care & Older People’s Services Western HSC Trust NIPE PEC C Annu nual Confe ferenc rence 8 March 2017 Maximising Outcomes, Embracing Challenges

  2.  A personal career reflection  Nursing in 70’s  What has changed?  What is much the same?  What needs to change?  What next for services and the profession?  What next for me?  Some tips for progression and enjoyment in your career

  3. 1975 – Studen 1975 dent t Nurse e – Purdysb sburn Hospita pital  1978 1978 – RMN / S Staff ff Nurse  1979 – Post 1979 t Regist strat ration on Student ent – Belfast st City Hospi pita tal and Musgrave grave Park Hospita pital  1981 1981 – RCN Staff f Nurse e – Surger ery  1981 1981 – Charge e Nurse e – Older People’s Services, Ulster Hospital  1983 1983 – Nursing g Officer er – Royal Victoria ria Hospita tal  1988 – Senior 1988 r Nursing g Officer er – Belfast st City Hospi pita tal Community ty linked ed Directo torat rate  1990 – Nursing 1990 g Servic rvices es Manager er – Belvoi oir r Park and F Forster ter Green Hospi pital tals  1992 1992 – Direc ecto tor r of Nursing – Green Park  1994 1994 – Execu cutive tive Direc ecto tor of Nursing – Green Park Trust st  1997 1997 – Execu cutive tive Direc ecto tor of Nursing and D Direc ecto tor of Menta tal Health Servic vices es – Down  & Lisburn rn Trust 2003 2003 – Execu cutive tive Direc ecto tor of Nursing and D Direc ecto tor of Acute e Servic rvices es – Down &  Lisbu burn rn Trust 2007 2007 – Executive Director of Nursing and Director of Primary Care & Older People’s  Servic vices es – Western tern HSC Trust

  4.  Fun  Fashion  Music  Wide eyed anticipation  Change the world / challenge the status quo  Impact of the troubles  Rules and regulations  Hierarchies  Patients  Care  Colleagues  Practice based on trial, error and tradition

  5.  Patients nts age profil ile e / l long ng term conditions itions  Public ic expectat ation ions KPI’s / Evidence of care  Patients nts as partne ners rs  Media scrut utin iny   Focus us on hospit itals als Move to gradua uate te work rkforce force   Homecare care developm opments ents Respect t for position tion of nurs rsing ing in   Researc arch h and evidence nce based socie iety ty practice ice Gender r and mari rital al / partners ership hip  status us  Nurs rses s being g driven n rather her than Role e – technolog nological ical / leading ng  computeri uterisation ation  Local l governm ernment ent Email il / d demand for inform format ation ion /  Targe get t culture ture  data Speed of patient nt journ rney ey / q quality ity  of care Specialis alist role les  Infection ction risks ks 

  6.  Patient dependency culture  Trust  Birth – death – life stage dependence  Emphasis and investment in hospitals  Community and hard to reach groups still poor relation  Nurses going the extra mile  Striving for excellence and good patient experience  Culture of caring

  7.  Workforce rkforce plann annin ing g / over verseas seas recruit ruitmen ent / local cal init itiat iativ ives es  Ne New w roles les – special cialis ist and nd support, pport, ANPs, , Con onsu sult ltan ants  Redu duce ce some me targets ets  First t port of call ll Primar mary, y, Comm ommunit ity  Patients ients / famil ily / and d Secon condary dary Care commu ommunity ity engag gagem emen ent t /  Recog ecognit nitio ion and d reward ward partner tnersh ship ip  Professi fessiona onali lism sm and d reco cord d  Outcom utcome e measu asurem emen ent keeping eping  Foc ocus on n safet ety y / quali ality ty first  Leadershi adership  Fun un – it’s a serious busin iness  Style le of leadersh adership in our ur cou ountry try  Hon onesty esty with th the publi blic  Publi lic opinio inion / reali list stic ic expec ecta tatio ions

  8.  Setting ing standard ards  Matc tching hing resou ources rces to to expect cted ed standards ards  Being ng open with the public ic  Encourag couraging ing self care re / partner nership ships in care  Big soc ocietal etal debate te – care e / c cos ost t / choi oice ce  Cultural tural chan ange  Nurses es as leaders ers – stepping ng up access ess to to services vices  Regulat ulation ion / revali alidation dation / scrutiny utiny  Create ate accountab ountabilit ility

  9.  Vice President – Northern Ireland Hospice  Chair – International Accreditation Panel (CHKS)  CHKS Surveyor  All Ireland Institute of Hospice and Palliative Care

  10.  Church Work  Child care  Open to offers!

  11.  Have a vision ion / share re it  Chal alleng lenge e sta tatu tus quo  Don’t be satisfie ied d with mediocr cre  Be true to yours rself lf  Respect ct others rs and d expect it back  Inspire pire ot other ers  Be determin ined  Encou coura rage ge facil ilitat itate leadershi rship p at all levels ls – talent ent spot  Lead and let others rs lead  See eek fee eedback ck from om ot other ers  Take care of yourself … and each other  Plan an time out!  Have extra a cur urri ricula cular r intere rests ts

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