Looking at 5G and Beyond from the Land of Guglielmo Marconi Prof. Giovanni E. Corazza – University of Bologna November 30, 2018
Covering a few cells 5G & Beyond HPC Human Creativity
NESTA (2015): Creativity vs. robots Probability of computarisation (p. 16)
The main take-away... Creativity is a necessity for our survival !
Guglielmo Marconi: Inventor and Visionary
Heinrich Hertz (1857-1894)
The young Marconi: undergraduate passion • 1894 in Villa Griffone
Celestini’s hill: seizing the opportunity
Believe in your intuition
Facing resistance and irony
A man with a destiny (Titanic 1912)
Marconi: The visionary
Forecasting Entertainment in 1922 “I think I am safe in saying that if radio has already done so much for the safety of life at sea, for commerce, and for commercial and military communications it is also destined to bring new and, until recently, unforeseen opportunities for healthy recreation and instruction into the lives of millions of human beings.” [Guglielmo Marconi, 1922]
Forecasting Personal Communications in 1937 Broadcasting [...] is not - in my opinion - the most significant part of modern communications, in so far as it is a one way communication. A far greater importance attaches, in my opinion, to the possibility afforded by radio of exchanging communications wherever the correspondents may be situated : whether in mid-ocean, or on the ice pack of the pole, or in the waste of a desert, or above the clouds in a airplane! [Guglielmo Marconi,”The Significance of Modern Communication”, March 1937]
The world’s first mobile radio terminal! Circa 1900
Marconi’s legacy: innovation pro bono humanitate In radio we have a fitting tool for bringing the people of the world together, for letting their voices be heard, their needs and aspirations be manifested. The significance of this modern means of communication is thus fully revealed: a wide channel for the improvement of our mutual relations is available to us; we have only to follow its course in a spirit of tolerance and sympathy, solicitous of exploiting the achievements of science and human ingenuity for the common well. [Guglielmo Marconi,”The Significance of Modern Communication”, March 1937]
5G Spectrum Auction in Italy
5G spectrum auction in Italy Available frequency blocks (75+200+1000 MHz) 26 GHz band: 5 (200 MHz) TDD blocks 700 MHz band: 6 (2x5 MHz) FDD blocks, 3 (5 MHz) SDL blocks 26500-26700 26700-26900 26900-27100 27100-27300 27300-27500 703-708 708-713 713-718 718-723 723-728 728-733 733-738 738-743 743-748 748-753 753-758 758-763 763-768 768-773 773-778 778-783 783-788 FDD UPLIN K SDL FDD DOWN LIN K TDD PPDR (Public Protection & abstract block abstract block abstract block abstract block abstract block abstract block abstract block abstract block abstract block abstract block abstract block abstract block abstract block abstract block abstract block abstract block abstract block abstract block abstract block abstract block Disaster Relief) guard band abstract blocks: the exact positions in the abstract blocks: the exact positions in the spectrum were undefined spectrum were undefined 3700 MHz band: 2 (80 MHz) TDD blocks, 2 (20 MHz) TDD blocks 3600-3620 3620-3640 3640-3660 3660-3680 3680-3700 3700-3720 3720-3740 3740-3760 3760-3780 3780-3800 TDD Final allotment to 20 20 80 20 80 20 80 be defined after the 80 20 20 auction abstract blocks (120 MHz total) concrete block (80 MHz) the exact positions in the spectrum were the exact position in the undefined spectrum was pre-defined
Final outcome of the Simultaneous Multi‐Round Ascending (SMRA) auction After 171 rounds in 14 days the final revenue was over €6.5 billion! Total offers [€] The blocks in the 700 MHz Supplemental DownLink band remained unassigned 20
The 3700‐MHz band result was the most significant Final price Final price Band Increase wrt. reserve price [€/MHz/Pop] 700 MHz 0.52% 0.56 3700 MHz 965% 0.35 (80MHz blocks) 3700 MHz 1119% 0.40 (20MHz blocks) 26 GHz 0.47% 0.0027 Most of the offers of the participants were focused on Despite of the relatively high the 3700 MHz band frequency the unitary cost nearly reached that of the 700 MHz band 21
Research results from colleagues @ UNIBO
Fog Computing: Energy and delay constrained solutions for 5G Scenarios Arash Bozorgchenani, Daniele Tarchi, and Giovanni Emanuele Corazza, Department of Electrical, Electronic and Information Engineering, University of Bologna • Joint Energy and delay constrained optimization of computational sharing • Centralized and Distributed solutions for energy limited scenarios [1] A. Bozorgchenani, D. Tarchi, and G. E. Corazza, “An energy‐aware offloading clustering approach (EAOCA) in fog computing,” in 2017 International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS), Aug 2017, pp. 390–395. [2] A. Bozorgchenani, D. Tarchi, and G. E. Corazza, “An energy and delay efficient partial offloading technique for fog computing architectures,” in GLOBECOM 2017 ‐ 2017 IEEE Global Communications Conference, Dec. 2017. [3] A. Bozorgchenani, D. Tarchi, and G. E. Corazza, “Centralized and Distributed Architectures for Energy and Delay Efficient Fog Network based Edge Computing Services,” IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, submitted x • Reliability‐driven optimization for D2D communication mobile urban scenarios �x j ,y j � • Heterogenous networking solution R j based on control and data plane i,j � � �x i ,y i � decoupling y Mobile Fixed FN FN – F‐AP FN – FN F‐AP F‐AP [4] A. Bozorgchenani, D. Tarchi, and G. E. Corazza, “A Control and Data Plane Split Approach for Partial Offloading in Mobile Fog Networks,” in 2018 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, Apr 2018. [5] A. Bozorgchenani, D. Tarchi, and G. E. Corazza, “Mobile Edge Computing Partial Offloading Techniques for Mobile Urban Scenarios,” in GLOBECOM 2018 ‐ 2018 IEEE Global Communications Conference, Dec. 2017, accepted for publication.
Massive Multiple Ac c ess via Coded Slotted AL OHA (M. Chiani, E . Paolini – { marco.chiani,e.paolini}@unibo.it ) • Multiple ac c e ss pro to c o ls fo r a massive numbe r o f unc o o rdinate d use rs base d o n c o de s-o n-graphs and suc c e ssive inte rfe re nc e c anc e llatio n • Pe ak thro ughput muc h large r than c lassic al AL OHA-base d sc he me s • Re liability base d o n advanc e d signal pro c e ssing with no re transmissio ns E . Pao lini, G. L iva, M. Chiani, “Co de d slo tte d AL OHA: A graph-base d me tho d fo r unc o o rdinate d multiple ac c e ss,” I E E E T rans. I nf. T he o ry , De c . 2015
Dynamic Spec tr um Ac c ess (M. Chiani, A. Gior getti – { marco.chiani,andrea.giorgetti}@unibo.it ) • Wide band se nsing te c hnique s fo r agile spe c trum utilizatio n • Blind se nsing base d o n mo de l o rde r se le c tio n to o ve rc o me re c e ive r impe rfe c tio ns (no ise po we r unc e rtainty) • E xample : Pro bability to c o rre c tly e stimate the numbe r o f o c c upie d bins as a func tio n o f the numbe r N o f o bse rvatio ns, SNR = 0 dB . • A. Mariani, A. Giorgetti, and M. Chiani, "Wideband Spectrum Sensing by Model Order Selection," IEEE Trans. on Wireless Comm. , Dec. 2015. • A. Mariani, A. Giorgetti, and M. Chiani, “Effects of noise power estimation on energy detection for cognitive radio applications,” IEEE Trans. Commun., Dec. 2011.
Localization, C‐V2X and distributed processing for beyond 5G • Active and Passive localization (D. Dardari): • Ultra‐wide bandwidth (UWB) technologies • Crowd‐based learning and tracking algorithms • mm‐wave beamforming (5G initial access, single‐anchor localization) Environment radio mapping Crowd mapping and personal radar • for “mapless” and “infrastructureless” localization • Backscatter passive communication and power transfer • Simultaneously Localization and Mapping (SLAM) • 5G technologies for connected self‐driving cars (B. Masini – A. Bazzi): performance evaluation of Cellular‐Vehicle to Everything (C‐V2X) and hybrid communications for future vehicular scenarios • Consensus algorithms (G. Pasolini – F. Zabini): computation of globally relevant statistics exploiting only local communications among sensors applied to spectrum sensing, cooperative driving, drone formation and environmental monitoring. Davide Dardari 26
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