lomas santa fe

Lomas Santa Fe Corridor Study Community Meeting May 24, 2018 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Lomas Santa Fe Corridor Study Community Meeting May 24, 2018 Meeting Overview Welcome Purpose of Meeting Overview of Proposed Improvements Open House 2 Project Approach Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase IV -

  1. Lomas Santa Fe Corridor Study Community Meeting – May 24, 2018

  2. Meeting Overview • Welcome • Purpose of Meeting • Overview of Proposed Improvements • Open House 2

  3. Project Approach Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase IV  - Feasibility • - Environmental • - Final - Research Analysis Review Engineering - Fact Finding  - Preliminary • - 30% Design • - Construction - Initial Engineering • - Permitting Recommendations  - Cost Estimating • - Project Funding 2017 3

  4. Review Proposed Improvements

  5. Install Curb Extensions New On-street Restripe Lanes Parking Stripe Buffered Bicycle Lanes Enhanced Construct Crosswalks Raised Median Western Corridor 5 Western Corridor

  6. Construct New Construct “Spot” Sidewalk Medians Stripe Buffered Bicycle Lanes Construct Curb Extension Construct New Sidewalk Western Corridor 6

  7. Modify Signal for Split Phase Operations Construct Curb Extensions Construct “Spot” Medians Stripe Buffered Bicycle Lanes Western Corridor 7

  8. Construct “Spot” Add On-Street Medians Parking Stripe Buffered Bicycle Lanes Western Corridor 8

  9. 9

  10. 2 OPTIONS FOR EASTBOUND BICYCLE LANE A1: Buffered with Stripe A2: One-Way Cycle Track with Raised Curb 10

  11. New On Street Install Delineators to Parking Define Bicycle Lane Construct “Spot” Medians Stripe Buffered Extend Bicycle Lane Construct Bicycle Lanes into Intersection Pocket Park Western Corridor 11

  12. 12

  13. Completed Sidewalk Project Caltrans Improvements Stripe Buffered Bicycle Lanes Western Corridor 13

  14. Construct Caltrans Improvements Retaining Wall Construct Multiuse Path Stripe Buffered Bicycle Lanes Eastern Corridor 14

  15. 15

  16. 16

  17. Construct Multiuse Path & Retaining Wall Modify Signal for Split Stripe Buffered Phasing Bicycle Lanes Eastern Corridor 17

  18. Striping Option Roundabout Option Eastern Corridor 18

  19. Striping Option Construct Pedestrian Path Restripe for Bicycle Improve Existing Lanes (with Buffer*) Multiuse Path Construct Concrete Sidewalk Eastern Corridor 19

  20. Roundabout Option Construct Pedestrian Path Improve Existing Multiuse Path Construct Construct Restripe Corridor Retaining Wall Roundabout Eastern Corridor 20

  21. 21

  22. Striping Option Improve Existing Stripe Buffered Construct Retaining Multiuse Path Bicycle Lanes Wall Construct Concrete Sidewalk Eastern Corridor 22

  23. Roundabout Option Improve Existing Construct Construct Retaining Multiuse Path Roundabout Wall Construct Concrete Sidewalk Restripe Corridor Eastern Corridor 23

  24. Striping Option Roundabout Option 24

  25. Striping Option Roundabout Option 25

  26. Striping Option Construct Improve Existing Retaining Walls Multiuse Path Construct Connection to Cart Path Maintain Existing Stripe Buffered Raised Median Bicycle Lanes Construct New Raised Median Eastern Corridor 26

  27. Roundabout Option Improve Existing Construct Multiuse Path Construct Connection Relocate Existing Sign Retaining Walls to Cart Path to New Median Construct Concrete Sidewalk Construct Roundabouts (2) Eastern Corridor 27

  28. Striping Option Roundabout Option 28

  29. Striping Option Roundabout Option 29

  30. Streetscape & Themes 30

  31. Share Your Thoughts On Improvements 1 2 3 4 Review the Discuss / Ask Complete Submit Proposed Questions Questionnaire Questionnaire Improvement 31



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