logo go assessing skills in a tw o year lab science

LOGO GO Assessing Skills in a Tw o-year Lab Science Program Using - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

LOGO GO Assessing Skills in a Tw o-year Lab Science Program Using I nternal and External Expertise Presented by: Marguerite W hite-Jeanneau , Coordinator, Laboratory Science Program & Natural Science Department Faculty Noem i

  1. LOGO GO Assessing Skills in a Tw o-year Lab Science Program Using I nternal and External Expertise Presented by: Marguerite W hite-Jeanneau , Coordinator, Laboratory Science Program & Natural Science Department Faculty Noem i Custodia-Lora , Acting Assistant Dean, Foundational Studies, Liberal Arts & Sciences

  2. Curricular and Program Assessm ent Northern Essex Com m unity College

  3. Outline 1 . I ntroduction 2 . Curriculum Developm ent 3 . Com m on Rubrics for Assessm ent 4 . Conclusion – current status Northern Essex Com m unity College

  4. Choosing the Program to Develop Sub title • I nterest from Students • Needs of Em ployers • Sim ilar program s at other institutions. Northern Essex Com m unity College

  5. I nterest from Students Sub title survey for students Why only pursuing careers in the health related sciences? Northern Essex Com m unity College

  6. Needs from Em ployers Sub title Survey for industry 100 regional companies completed an online survey. Questions related to: • Hiring trends • Level of education • Skills/ com petencies • Externships opportunities • Advisory board Northern Essex Com m unity College

  7. Sim ilar Program s in the Region Sub title Other com m unity colleges Met with coordinators of Biotechnology programs from regional community colleges. Questions related to: • Budget • Enrollment • Curriculum development • Graduates Northern Essex Com m unity College

  8. OUR New Program Should… Sub title • prepare students to join the workforce. • focus on basic laboratory techniques. • be transferable to four-year schools. Northern Essex Com m unity College

  9. The Laboratory Science Program Analytical Sub title Sub title Chem istry Core skills Environm ental Biotechnology Analysis Northern Essex Com m unity College

  10. Curriculum Developm ent Northern Essex Com m unity College

  11. Key Questions for Skill Set - I ndustry What specific type of training and/ or education would make a candidate for an entry-level technician position stand out for you? If you could design a program designed to train entry-level technicians, what would be your priorities? Northern Essex Com m unity College

  12. Survey Results - I ndustry Skills Rank Ordered by Level of I m portance Standard lab skills Basic arithmetic Able to learn new skills Basic reading/ writing Problem-solving Ethical Self-initiative/ perseverance Accurately follows SOPs Lab safety awareness Attention to detail Communication Works well in a team Listening/ following directions Understand/ interpret graphs/ charts GLP/ GMP Basic computer literacy Attitude toward supervision Uses time, materials, and staff wisely Northern Essex Com m unity College

  13. Choosing the TOP Skills/ Com petencies Initially 10 skills were chosen… • Standard lab skills • Basic arithmetic • Able to learn new skills • Basic reading/ writing • Problem-solving • Self-initiative/ perseverance • Accurately follows SOPs • Attention to detail • Communication • Uses time, materials, and staff wisely Northern Essex Com m unity College

  14. Choosing the TOP Skills/ Com petencies Top Six Main skills: • Maintaining lab notebooks • Following SOPs • Preparing solutions • Teamwork • Communication skills • Analytical reasoning Northern Essex Com m unity College

  15. I ntegrating Skills into Curriculum Soft skills Hard skills Academic work Northern Essex Com m unity College

  16. Developing Outcom e Assessm ent Skill Define Determine Create Outcome skill outcome Rubric Assessment Northern Essex Com m unity College

  17. Defining the Skill… Com m unication Speak and write clearly and concisely and use those skills to describe a situation, observation, or provide instructions (describe results/ problems, maintain lab notebook, prepare reports and/ or presentations). Put together and deliver a clear, well organized presentation (lab meeting, literature review, or poster). Develop receptive listening skills (hear, interpret, analyze and synthesize information) to increase ability to comprehend data and concepts, ask clarifying questions and complete verbal or written directions. Develop nonverbal listening skills (comprehending the meaning of tone of voice, facial expressions, gestures, and other nonverbal cues). Northern Essex Com m unity College

  18. Skill Rubric - Exam ple Soft Skills Rubrics: Com m unication Rubric: Place a 0, 1, 2, or 3 next to the skills being assessed in the exercise Grading Scale: Score of 3- Consistently does skill being assessed exceptionally well throughout exercise ( Good) Score of 2- Consistently does skill being assessed through out exercise ( Proficient) Score of 1- Establishes skill and demonstrates it fairly but not consistently ( Fair) Score of 0- Student does not demonstrate skill ( I nadequate) score Select Com m unication Skills ORAL Skills: O1. Speaks clearly and consistently throughout conversation or presentation O2. Describes a situation to the extent that listener can visualize experience clearly without questions LI STENI NG Skills: L1. Demonstates receptive listening skills (this includes: hearing, interpreting, analyzing and synthesizing information) W RI TI NG Skills: W3. Clearly write about results and problems that occurred over the course of reasearch or experimentation Northern Essex Com m unity College

  19. Linking Skills to Courses: I deal Plan Com m unication Analytical Team w ork Reasoning skills I nteg. General Topics in Lab Chem istry Sciences Science I I Research I nstrum ental I ntro Org Chem Experience Analysis & Biochem . Northern Essex Com m unity College

  20. Linking Skills to Courses: 1 st Cohort Com m unication Analytical Team w ork Reasoning skills I nteg. General Topics in Lab Chem istry Sciences Science I I Research I nstrum ental I ntro Org Chem Externship Experience Analysis & Biochem . Northern Essex Com m unity College

  21. External assessm ent: Externship All Lab Science students are required to complete an externship course in order to graduate from the program. The immediate supervisors were asked to complete a mid-term and end-term survey which included assessment of the SIX skills. Northern Essex Com m unity College

  22. Results: Com m unication Select Com m unication Year 1 I nternal Year 2 External Skills Assessm ent Assessm ent from Externship Externship Supervisors Students Only ORAL Skills: O1. Speaks clearly and consistently 2.44 2.50 throughout conversation or (n = 9) (n = 9) presentation 2.78 2.44 O2. Describes a situation to the extent that listener can visualize (n = 9) (n = 9) experience clearly without questions LI STENI NG Skills: L1. Demonstrates receptive 2.56 2.28 listening skills (this includes: hearing, interpreting, analyzing and (n = 9) (n = 9) synthesizing information) W RI TI NG Skills: W3. Clearly write about results and 2.56 2.57 problems that occurred over the course of research or (n = 9) (n = 9) experimentation Northern Essex Com m unity College

  23. Results: Analytical Reasoning Select Analytical Reasoning Year 1 I nternal Year 2 External Skills Assessm ent Assessm ent from Externship Students Externship Only Supervisors AR3. Student gathers information from a variety of reputable sources 2.56 2.21 and presents multiple viewpoints; (n = 9) (n = 7) information cited is presented in student’s own words. AR6. Student thoughtfully analyzes results and data; identifies errors 2.44 2.50 that may have occurred during (n = 9) (n = 7) experimentation and the effects on results 2.67 2.71 AR7. Student uses appropriate quantitative methods in analysis (n = 9) (n = 7) Northern Essex Com m unity College

  24. Results: Team w ork Select Team w ork Skills Year 1 I nternal Year 2 External Assessm ent Assessm ent from Externship Students Externship Only Supervisors T3.The student demonstrated 3.00 2.61 appropriate and respectful communication and interactions with (n = 8) (n = 9) peers, faculty, and/ or supervisor T4. The student demonstrated a positive and cooperative attitude 2.89 2.78 towards the group work by making multiple useful suggestions and (n = 8) (n = 9) contributions towards the final product Northern Essex Com m unity College

  25. Data Driven Changes • Presentation assignments now in every course • Working with a faculty ‘communication coach’ Communication • Gradually increasing spoken lab directions in upper level courses • More case studies as part of curriculum Analytical • Research Experience course prior to Externship Reasoning • New Basic Lab Calculations course Teamwork • New Externship ‘Boot Camp’ Northern Essex Com m unity College

  26. The Continuing Outcom e Assessm ent Cycle I dentify Learning Outcom e • Continue collecting internal and external assessment data for Analyze future classes data to Develop improve assessment • Include hard skills learning plan outcome assessments • Continue revising curriculum in response to assessment data Implement Implement external internal assessment assessment Northern Essex Com m unity College

  27. LOGO GO Thank you! Lab Science Core Team NECC Staff and Adm inistrators Lab Science Advisory Board Northern Essex Community College


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