local district south

Local District South Title I Designee Meeting Robert Oye Lorraine - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Local District South Title I Designee Meeting Robert Oye Lorraine Torres robert.oye@lausd.net lorraine.torres@lausd.net (310) 354-3452 (310) 354-3531 Agenda Opening Title I Updates SPSA Evaluation 2017-2018 Time Task

  1. Local District South Title I Designee Meeting Robert Oye Lorraine Torres robert.oye@lausd.net lorraine.torres@lausd.net (310) 354-3452 (310) 354-3531

  2. Agenda • Opening • Title I Updates • SPSA Evaluation • 2017-2018 Time Task Calendar • Program and Budget Handbook Errata • Budget Adjustment Process • Title I Cheat Sheet

  3. 2016-2017 SPSA Evaluation Impact of the 2016-2017 SPSA Directions: Answer the questions below to determine whether the strategies, actions/tasks and expenditures written in the SPSA have increased students’ achievement. Schools must keep copies of agendas, minutes and sign-ins as evidence that the SSC and English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) reviewed and provided recommendations during the completion of the evaluation. The 2016-2017 SPSA Evaluation is due on or before September 29, 2017.

  4. 2016-2017 SPSA Evaluation Did the school meet the School’s Measurable Objective(s) in the current school year in each of the following areas? Yes or No 100% Graduation - Did the school meet all the School's Measurable Objective(s) in the current school year? Yes or No English Language Arts - Did the school meet all the School's Measurable Objective(s) in the current school year? Yes or No Mathematics - Did the school meet all the School's Measurable Objective(s) in the current school year? Yes or No English Learner Programs- Did the school meet all the School's Measurable Objective(s) in the current school year? Yes or No Student, Staff, Parent and Community Engagement- Did the school meet all the School's Measurable Objective(s) in the current school year? Yes or No 100% Attendance, Suspension/Expulsion and Non-Cognitive Skills - Did the school meet all the School's Measurable Objective(s) in the current school year? Yes or No

  5. 2017-2018 Time Task Calendar

  6. 2017-18 Program & Budget Handbook Errata Sheet outlines recent changes made to the Program and Budget Handbook.

  7. Budget Adjustment Process

  8. Step 1 1. Analyze Student Data to determine needs 2.Meet with School Site Council to present data, discuss needs, and get SSC approval 3.Initiate a Budget Adjustment Request

  9. Step 2: Complete A Budget Adjustment Happy High School has met with School Site Council and based on School Site Council approval they will transfer money from Pending Distribution to cover $6,993 for Teacher X-Time, $11,675 for Teacher Release Days to allow teachers to analyze data and plan differentiated lessons, and $12,278 for a Teacher Assistant.

  10. Insert a brief supplemental description for purpose of expenditure Mrs. s. Princi incipal al 08/23/17 X SSC Chair ir 08/23/17

  11. Mrs. s. Princi incipal al 08/23/17

  12. Step 3: Complete 2017-18 SPSA Modification Page

  13. 2017-18 SPSA Modification Page 2

  14. Lets Review The Budget Adjustment Process Step 1 : Analyze student data to determine school needs. Meet with School Site Council (SSC) to present data, discuss needs, and get SSC approval.  Step 2 : Complete Budget Adjustment Request through BTS. -Make sure you get appropriate signatures -Principal/SSC Chairperson -Insert a brief description for reason for the expenditure  Step 3 : Complete an SPSA Modification. The SPSA Modification must be signed by the Principal and SSC Chairperson  Step 4 : Submit Budget Adjustment Form and SPSA Modification page to your LD South Fiscal Specialist. Budget Adjustment will be reviewed for Compliance by Title I Coordinator and for instructional purpose by the Instructional Director.

  15. 2017-18 SPSA Modification

  16. When school clicks on the SPSA Modifications button it will see the history of all the SPSA Modification PDF files that have been uploaded by the Title l Coordinator, PACE Administrator and the EL Coordinator. Files are sorted in descending order by upload date (most current at the top). Non-pilot schools will not be able to create a new modification.

  17. Sustaining A School Budget  Budget modification  Budget adjustments as needed  Budget monitoring  Budget reports  School spending report  BTS Budget Availability Report  Budget Management  Control Sheets  Accountability

  18. Control Sheets

  19. 2017-2018 Title I Cheat Sheet

  20. Procurement deadlines for purchases with Title I funds For planning purposes, please be aware of the following dates: • New cut-off date for all Imprest requests through Title I is May 5, 2018. All Title I requests must come to our office to be approved before they can be processed. • The cut-off date for all orders placed through shopping cart or paid for with Purchase Orders (PO) is May 5, 2018. • Software License Maintenance- All software renewals must be in place at the school site by May 5, 2018 and end by June 30, 2018 • All equipment purchases through General Supplies-Technology (430001) or Non-Capitalized Equipment (440001) must be received at the school by May 5, 2018. These cut- off dates ensure that this year’s funding benefits the students who generated the funds.

  21. Important Deadlines  SPSA Evaluation due on or before September 29, 2017  Budget Adjustment and SPSA Modification for Title I Second Allocation is due on or before October 27, 2017


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