little value creation articulation and propagating forces


LITTLE VALUE CREATION, ARTICULATION AND PROPAGATING FORCES : A HYPOTHESIS FOR THE MEXICAN MANUFACTURING SECTOR Authors: Santiago Roca Luis Simabuko Escuela Escuela de Administracin e Administracin de Negocios de Negocios para para

  1. LITTLE VALUE CREATION, ARTICULATION AND PROPAGATING FORCES : A HYPOTHESIS FOR THE MEXICAN MANUFACTURING SECTOR Authors: Santiago Roca Luis Simabuko Escuela Escuela de Administración e Administración de Negocios de Negocios para para Graduados, ESAN. Lima-Perú Graduados, ESAN. Lima-Perú

  2. Objective Objective The present article examines the impact of “open trade” and “specialization” in Mexican economic growth in the past 20 years ESAN, Lima-Perú 2

  3. Open trade and growth Open trade and growth

  4. Theory Theory Trade permits local companies to buy foreign goods, services, inputs, machinery and technology Also ideas management and organization Open trade eventually allows small countries to increase their exports and ESAN, Lima-Perú to gain access to broader markets 4

  5. Greater possibilities to benefit from economies of scale and from the international division of labor. Foreign markets leads to larger R&D spending, which accelerates technological change and economic growth. ESAN, Lima-Perú 5

  6. An open business environment creates more competition in the internal market, increasing the efficiency of local firms compared to when there are restrictions to international trade. ESAN, Lima-Perú 6

  7. Empirical evidence Empirical evidence Evidence of the positive relationship between open trade and economic growth (Dollar 1992, Sachs and Warner 1995, Edwards 1992) Gravity models (social, demographic, historical and institutional variables) try to isolate the net impact of open trade from other structural factors (Frankel ESAN, Lima-Perú and Romer, 1999; Dollar and Kraay, 2003). 7

  8. Dollar and Kraay 2001 estimate that an increase in the volume of business (as % of GDP) by 20 percent results in an increase in the annual growth rate between 0.5 and 1%. ESAN, Lima-Perú 8

  9. Productive specialization Productive specialization and and growth growth

  10. Theory Theory Graham Graham � if one country specializes in goods with increasing returns and the other country in goods with decreasing returns, the world will overall have increased income, but the level of the second country’s income will be diminishing, while the first country’s income will be increasing. ESAN, Lima-Perú 10

  11. Prebish (term of trade), Myrdal ( “cumulative causations”) , Hirschman ( upstream and downstream links) Matsuyama ( “induced learning”) , Sachs & Warner (institutions), Krugman (market imperfections) Reinert (high/low quality goods) ESAN, Lima-Perú 11

  12. Empirical evidence Empirical evidence IDB: “countries where the exports with intermediate and high technological content represent 10% of GDP tend to grow between 0.1 and 0.2 percent more than others that - other factors being equal- do not export this type of goods” Ros: “for similar initial income and investment rate, the countries that specialize in manufacturing exports grew from 1960-1990 at a faster rate than exporters of primary ESAN, Lima-Perú products” 12

  13. Roca y Simabuko: for each percentage point of primarization growth, per capita consumption fell by 2.6% and real wages and salaries fell by 5.4% and 7.4%, respectively. However, for each additional percentage point in manufacturing, per capita consumption rose by 4.2% and real wages and salaries increased by 10.6% and 15.5%, respectively . ESAN, Lima-Perú 13

  14. The Mexican case The Mexican case

  15. Mexico’s GDP per capita and trade opening, 1980- Mexico’s GDP per capita and trade opening, 1980- 2001 2001 120 80 115 70 GDP PER CAPITA (100=1980) TRADE OPENING (% OF GDP) 110 60 105 50 100 40 95 30 ESAN, Lima-Perú 90 20 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 Source: CEPAL 15

  16. Composition of Mexico’s export goods (%) Composition of Mexico’s export goods (%) 0 Rest 0 1 40 Technological Progress 14 1 2000 23 Durable Industrial Goods 13 1990 2 7 Economics of scale and 17 1980 high intensity goods 8 18 Traditional industrial 9 goods 6 12 Primary goods 47 ESAN, Lima-Perú 81 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Source: CEPAL 16

  17. Model Model ln GDPP = a0 + a1 ln OPEN + a2 ln SPEC + e Where, GDPP GDP per capita OPEN Exports + imports (as % of GDP) SPEC Productive Specialization: Exports of industrial products as % of total exports e Other variables that affect GDP per ESAN, Lima-Perú capita. 17

  18. Hypothesis Hypothesis Hypothesis I: a1 > 0. Trade opening positively affects economic growth. Hypothesis II: a2 > 0. Export specialization in industrial activities has a positive impact on economic growth. ESAN, Lima-Perú 18

  19. ESAN, Lima-Perú Mexico 19

  20. ESAN, Lima-Perú Mexico Mexico 20

  21. Out of 16% increase of GDP per capita in period 1980-2000 the following explain: � Open trade 23% � Specialization -14% � Other factors 7% � Total 16% ESAN, Lima-Perú 21

  22. How does trade opening How does trade opening increases GDP per capita ? increases GDP per capita ?

  23. Imports of technological progress goods (A) Total imports (B) ESAN, Lima-Perú 23

  24. R&D personal Expenses in experimental R&D (Thousand of equivalent (Millions of pesos) full time persons) ESAN, Lima-Perú 24

  25. ESAN, Lima-Perú 25

  26. ESAN, Lima-Perú 26

  27. ESAN, Lima-Perú 27

  28. Why specializing in Why specializing in manufacturing exports does not manufacturing exports does not increase GDP per capita ? increase GDP per capita ?

  29. Limited links Limited links ESAN, Lima-Perú 29

  30. Limited links Limited links Graph 5: Value Added. Maquila and other manufacturing industries (Billion of 1993 pesos) 90 180 Other (right) 75 150 60 120 45 90 30 60 Maquila (left) 15 30 ESAN, Lima-Perú 0 0 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Source: INEGI ( 30

  31. Poor increase in value added Poor increase in value added ESAN, Lima-Perú 31

  32. Cheap labor Cheap labor Maquila: Real remunerations and GDP (% change) % change in remunerations is lower than % change in GDP in all three periods. Labor is gaining less from their contribution to value ESAN, Lima-Perú added. 32

  33. Other Explanations to Explore World market saturated products and declining prices Potentially low division of labor and low technological skill formation Low potential to diffuse and disseminate knowledge in other sectors (slope learning curve close to zero) ESAN, Lima-Perú 33

  34. Conclusions Conclusions

  35. Trade opening is directly related to GDP per capita Manufacturing exports are inversely related to GDP per capita ESAN, Lima-Perú 35

  36. Mexico’s export-led industrialization successfully adapted to the world market and transformed its productive, business, organizational and technological structure. ESAN, Lima-Perú 36

  37. It however did not translate into clear macro benefits due to the absence of strong links, little value and weak dissemination forces over the rest of the economy. ESAN, Lima-Perú 37

  38. Poor internal linkages in the maquila industry, high import propensity and limited generation of VA, among other elements, leads the maquila industry to operate as an export enclave. ESAN, Lima-Perú 38

  39. In those circumstances, manufacturing will generate weak positive externalities and articulations, nor strong disseminations that increase value in other sectors of industry and in economic activity at large. ESAN, Lima-Perú 39

  40. Muchas gracias Muchas gracias


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