Andover Road Sight Distance Improvements Linthicum Heights, MD Presented by: Anne Arundel County Department of Public Works August 05, 2019 Debra Russell | Making a difference, together | Making a difference, together
Outline • Purpose of Meeting • Proj ect Background • S cope of Work • Existing Conditions-Driveway S ight Distance • What to Expect for the Improvements • Driveway S ight Distance Plan and Profiles • Next S teps • Q&A | Making a difference, together 2
Location Map • Andover Road from White Avenue to Main Avenue. • Approximate length 2100 feet. | Making a difference, together 3
Project Background • Intended to improve sight distance for citizens exiting residential driveways. • Concept study conducted (2017-2018). • The concept study recommended interim solution- Driveway S ight Distance Improvements. • Current design is at S chematic Design (15% complete) | Making a difference, together 4
Scope of Work • Evaluate existing sight distance at driveways along Andover Road from White Avenue to Main Avenue. • Improve driveway sight distance by grading roadside slope, providing drainage ditch, and clearing and trimming the vegetation. • Roadway profile revision, pavement reconstruction and resurfacing are NOT part of scope. | Making a difference, together 5
Existing Conditions-Driveway Sight Distance • Two-lane, two-way open section • 30 mph post speed limit west of culvert crossing. • 35 mph post speed limit east of culvert crossing. • 40 mph prevailing/ 85th Percentile speed for sight distance analysis. • None of the driveways meets 40 mph sight distance requirements. | Making a difference, together 6
What to Expect for the Improvements • Trees and hedges within the sight lines may be removed, relocated/ replanted outside of sight lines. • Proposed Grading will improve sight distance as following: • 9 Driveways – Will meet 40 mph Design S peed • 5 Driveways+Buck Cavey Lane – Will Improve the sight distance from existing • 6 Driveways – No improvements from existing condition and speed due to sub-standard roadway geometry | Making a difference, together 7
703 Andover Road- Sight Distance Plan and Profiles | Making a difference, together 8
704 Andover Road- Sight Distance Plan and Profiles | Making a difference, together 9
706 Andover Road- Sight Distance Plan and Profiles | Making a difference, together 10
706A Andover Road- Sight Distance Plan and Profiles | Making a difference, together 11
710 Andover Road- Sight Distance Plan and Profiles | Making a difference, together 12
711 Andover Road- Sight Distance Plan and Profiles | Making a difference, together 13
712 Andover Road- Sight Distance Plan and Profiles | Making a difference, together 14
715 Andover Road- Sight Distance Plan and Profiles | Making a difference, together 15
716 Andover Road- Sight Distance Plan and Profiles | Making a difference, together 16
716A Andover Road- Sight Distance Plan and Profiles | Making a difference, together 17
718 Andover Road- Sight Distance Plan and Profiles | Making a difference, together 18
722 Andover Road- Sight Distance Plan and Profiles | Making a difference, together 19
724 Andover Road- Sight Distance Plan and Profiles | Making a difference, together 20
725 Andover Road- Sight Distance Plan and Profiles | Making a difference, together 21
805/807/809 Andover Road- Sight Distance Plan and Profiles | Making a difference, together 22
808 Andover Road- Sight Distance Plan and Profiles | Making a difference, together 23
812 Andover Road- Sight Distance Plan and Profiles | Making a difference, together 24
813 Andover Road- Sight Distance Plan and Profiles | Making a difference, together 25
6038 Buck Cavey Lane- Sight Distance Plan and Profiles | Making a difference, together 26
824 Andover Road- Sight Distance Plan and Profiles | Making a difference, together 27
Next Steps • Evaluate the community feedback for the proposed improvements. • Progress the design to 30% and 90% stage. • Evaluate the Right-of-Way (R/ W) needs. • Complete Design and secure the Permits. • Utility Relocation and Coordination. | Making a difference, together 28
Who to Contact Debra Russell, P .E. Proj ect Manager, Transportation Engineering Anne Arundel County Department of Public Works Bureau of Engineering 2662 Riva Road, MS -7301 Annapolis, MD 21401 Phone: (410) 222-1340 Questions? | Making a difference, together 29
Bureau of Utility Bureau of Highways Operations Northern District: (410) 222-6120 Central District: (410) 222-7940 24-Hour Emergency Water Southern District: (410) 222-1933 Services: (410) 222-8400 Traffic Lights/Signs: (410) 222-1940 Billing Inquiries: (410) 222-1144 Bureau of Waste Bureau of Engineering Management General Inquiries: (410) 222-7500 Services Bulk Trash Service/Curbside Collections: (410) 222-6100 annearundeldpw @ AACoDPW | Making a difference, together 30
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