limited path percolation in complex networks

Limited Path Percolation in Complex Networks Eduardo Lpez Los - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Limited Path Percolation in Complex Networks Eduardo Lpez Los Alamos Nat. Lab. LA-UR 07-0432 Outline Motivation. Percolation and its effects. Presentation of new limited path length percolation model Scaling theory of new model

  1. Limited Path Percolation in Complex Networks Eduardo López Los Alamos Nat. Lab. LA-UR 07-0432 Outline • Motivation. Percolation and its effects. • Presentation of new limited path length percolation model • Scaling theory of new model and results • Targeted percolation, theory and results. • Conclusions References “Limited path length percolation in complex networks”, López, Parshani, Cohen, Carmi and Havlin, Phys. Rev. Lett. (in press). cond-mat/0702691. Collaborators Roni Parshani Shlomo Havlin Shai Carmi Reuven Cohen

  2. Motivation: How to go from Salem to Boston? But in Boston, Weatherman wrong: On a sunny day harsh winter! Bigger storm! many paths Question: How many roads need to be closed before most people cannot get to work? Answer: from Percolation theory

  3. What is percolation theory? Theory to determine connectivity in systems p i , j distance S(p): # connected nodes i l’’ ij =1 l ij N <1 l’ ij P ∞ N l ij l’ ij >l ij due to removal j l’ ij =p c l’’ ij > l’ ij N df/d <p c most disconnec. log N p : occupied fraction of links 1 P ∞ : probability of random node to be in largest cluster p>p c p c : connectivity threshold Logarithmic Transition: Fractal Linear Slope 1 df : fractal dim., d dim. Log S P ∞ connected p=p c ↓ Slope d f /d c m i h i t a r o g L disconnected p<p c 0 p 0 1 Log N c

  4. Motivation: What’s the problem with percolation? • Salem-Boston connected with any path! Storm hits • Long or short paths OK • Percolation finds critical percentage p c of roads needed to keep cities connected. • Percolation increases path lengths (and time), i.e., smaller p ⇒ longer path. • There is practical limit to connectivity ⇔ longer paths not useful. Commute time: 50min Commute time: 240min Commute time: 120min Commute time: 60-70min All day driving! Answer: sometimes percolation accepts useless paths.

  5. Social contact network

  6. New percolation model applied to complex networks •Definition of connection: i and j are connected if l’ ij ≤ al ij •Notation: S a (p) : Largest cluster size at occupation p, length condition a ~ = p p •Is there a critical occupation above which S a ~N? c Results: New limited path percolation transition •Scaling theory ~ p > p •Find new critical occupation c c 1 . c •Critical point is now a critical range: r e p LP perc. ( ) ~ δ δ = δ < < . S ~ N , ( a , p ) p p p g e R a c c Logarithmic Fractal Linear •Below and above range, behavior is P ∞ similar to regular percolation: ( ) < S ~ log N p p a c ( ) ~ 0 > S ~ N p p ~ p p 0 1 a c c c

  7. Theory of model networks: Erd ő s-Rényi • Developed in the 1960’s by Erd ő s and Rényi. (Publications of the Mathematical Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1960). • N nodes and each pair connected with probability φ. degree of i , k i =2 • Define k as the degree (number of links of a node), and ‹ k › node i is average number of links per node over the network. Construction degree of j , k j =3 a) Complete network c) Realization of network b) Annihilate links node j with probability − φ 1 ⎡ ⎤ k φ = ⎢ ⎥ − N 1 ⎣ ⎦ k k − k = • Distribution of degree is Poisson-like (exponential) P ( k ) e k !

  8. Outline of scaling theory for Limited Path Percolation Example: Erd ő s-Rényi • Before percolation, typical path length l ~ log N /log <k> • After percolation, local structure is tree-like, with κ = + p k 1 branching factor • Tree approx. ⇒ S a ~ ( κ -1) l = ( p<k> ) a log N /log <k> = N δ • Scaling exponent 0 ≤ δ ≡ a (1+log p /log <k> ) ≤ 1 + p k 1 • δ ≤ 1 because S a cannot exceed N ~ − ( 1 a ) / a = p k • Solving δ = 1 ⇒ a log N / log k c ~ − 1 ⎯ ⎯→ ⎯ = p p k • Usual percolation recovered with a → ∞ : c → ∞ c a

  9. Comparison of phase diagram of regular & Limited Path Percolation (Erd ő s-Rényi) Regular percolation Limited path percolation Regular percolation Communicating 1 1 1 ER Linear phase Concentration p Linear Phase ( δ =1 ) Concentration p Transition line p c Logarithmic Fractal P Linear ∞ ~ Fractal Phase ( δ <1 ) Fractal point p c =<k> -1 p c = <k> -1 0 Logarithmic Logarithmic Phase ( δ =0 ) p 0 1 0 c 0 phase ∞ 1 Length factor a Non-communicating Limited path percolation predicts a larger communication threshold.

  10. Results for S a ~N δ (Erd ő s-Rényi) Regular Percolation Limited path percolation (a) ER <k>=3.0 (random) 5 10 a=1.0 1.1 p>p c 1.2 1.4 4 10 1.7 Slope 1 Log S S a 4 10 3 p=p c 10 3 Slope d f /d 10 S a Logarithmic 2 10 p<p c 2 10 N 4 5 10 10 Log N 3 4 5 6 10 10 10 10 > ⎧ N ( p p ) N ~ > ⎧ N ( p p ) c ⎪ c ⎪ = 2 / 3 ~ S ~ N ( p p ) ⎨ δ ≤ ≤ S ~ N ( p p p ) ⎨ c c c ⎪ ⎪ < log N ( p p ) ⎩ < log N ( p p ) ⎩ c c ~ − 1 − ( 1 a ) / a = = p c k p k c δ ≡ a log pk log k

  11. Complex Networks Poisson distribution Scale-free distribution - λ K m Erd ő s-Rényi Network Scale-free Network

  12. Some basic network properties Erd ő s-Rényi networks Scale-free networks •Narrow range of typical degree •Wide range of typical degree ( ) λ − ≤ ≤ 1 / 1 − ≤ ≤ + k k k N k k k k k min min ( k min is minimum degree) •Small diameter •Small or ultra-small diameter < λ < D ~ ln(ln N ) [ 2 3 ] D ~ ln N λ > D ~ ln N [ 3 ]

  13. Scaling theory for limited path percolation on scale-free networks • For λ >3: [ ] ( ) + κ − a 1 log p / log 1 S ~ N o a ( ) ( ~ ) a − 1 a = κ − p 1 c o • For 2< λ <3: Tree approximation invalid. Networks are ultra-small: λ − l ~ log log N log( 2 ) λ − l ' ~ log log P N log( 2 ) ∞ Therefore: l ' log log P N = → ∞ a ~ 1 l log log N → ∞ N

  14. Phase Diagram of Limited Path Percolation on scale-free networks Communicating 1 1 SF 2< λ <3 SF λ >3 Linear Phase ( δ =1 ) Concentration p ) Concentration p 0 = ( δ Transition line p c e s a h p ~ r a e n i L Fractal Phase ( δ <1 ) p c = ( κ o -1 ) -1 Logarithmic Phase ( δ =0 ) ~ = p 0 0 c ∞ ∞ 1 1 Length factor a Length factor a Non-communicating

  15. Results for S a ~N δ Scale-free (b) SF ( λ =3.5) (random) (c) SF (2< λ <3) (random) λ =2.2 a=1.01 4 10 4 10 2.3 1.1 2.4 1.2 1 1.5 3 10 S a S a 5 10 4 10 S a 3 3 10 10 2 10 2 10 N 4 5 10 10 3 4 4 5 10 10 10 10 N N

  16. Targeted attacks on scale-free networks • Scale-free networks have sensitive nodes (hubs) with large k. • Examples: Airline hubs, central communication nodes, disease super-spreaders. Model for targeted percolation • p : fraction of lowest degree nodes present. • In targeted percolation (no length restriction) p c is large: p c =1 ( λ → 2) hub p c close to 1 ( λ >2) Network falls apart with few node removals. Question: What happens for limited path percolation?

  17. Scaling theory for limited path targeted percolation on scale-free networks • For λ >3: ( ) ( ) κ − κ − a log 1 log 1 S ~ N o a ~ ~ = κ κ p p ( a , , ) c c o • For 2< λ <3: Tree approximation valid again after percolation: ( ) ( ) ( ) κ − λ − 2 a log 1 log 2 S ~ log N a Any finite a fails to produce transition to linear phase: ~ = p 1 c

  18. Phase Diagram of Limited Path Percolation Scale-free targeted removal Communicating ~ = 1 p 1 c SF 2< λ <3 SF λ >3 Linear Phase ( δ =1 ) Concentration p e Concentration p Random T r s a n a s i t h i o n p l i n ~ e c p c i m h t i r a g o Fractal Phase ( δ <1 ) L p c = ( κ o -1 ) -1 Logarithmic Phase ( δ =0 ) 0 ∞ ∞ 1 1 Length factor a Length factor a Non-communicating

  19. Results for S a ~N δ Scale-free targeted removal 5 4.25 10 (d) SF ( λ =2.3) (targeted) (d) SF ( λ =3.5) (targeted) 1.2 1.5 2.0 4 10 3.75 Slope=6.0+/ − 0.1 Log S a S a 4 3 10 10 3.25 S a 3 10 2 10 N 4 5 10 10 2.75 4 5 10 10 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 N Log (Log N)

  20. Differences in Limited Path Percolation due to ~ network structure and removal method at p c ≤ p ≤ p c Random removal Erd ő s-Rényi Scale-free ( λ >3) Scale-free (2 ≤λ≤ 3) Quantity ( ) ~ ( − 1 a ) / a − ( 1 a ) / a κ − 1 p k 0 Transition c o ⎛ + ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ log p log p ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ + δ a 1 a 1 1 ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ κ − log( 1 ) log k ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ No Transition Transition o N δ N δ N δ S a Targeted removal ~ ~ κ κ p c a ( , , ) p 1 - o c κ − log( 1 ) κ − log( 1 ) - 2 a δ a λ − κ − log( 2 ) log( 1 ) o N δ - (log N) δ S a


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