lift ladder

Lift Ladder Silver B Probl blem em: 50-100 lb shingle packs - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Lift Ladder Silver B Probl blem em: 50-100 lb shingle packs 500,000 accidents in roofing $11B in injuries why? Conce cerns rns: safe efficient affordable how? what? Conce cerns rns: safe efficient

  1. Lift Ladder Silver B

  2. Probl blem em: � 50-100 lb shingle packs � 500,000 accidents in roofing � $11B in injuries why?

  3. Conce cerns rns: � safe � efficient � affordable how?

  4. what?

  5. Conce cerns rns: � safe � efficient � affordable how?

  6. The Question stion: Can we build a functional track system that allows the load to safely and smoothly travel up and down a ladder lift? how?

  7. The Model el: � locking mechanism � minimal friction � smooth travel how?

  8. who?

  9. who?

  10. Marke ket: � 136,000 professional roofers in 2010 � 18% growth by 2020 � over $850M in ladder sales who?

  11. Tr TranzSport orter gas or electric $1400-$1900 wo wooden n shingle hoist manual homemade who else?

  12. � incorporate cranking system � safe release mechanism � size/collapsible what now?

  13. questions?


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