life well planned chairmans message

LIFE WELL PLANNED CHAIRMANS MESSAGE Combining good old fashioned - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

LIFE WELL PLANNED CHAIRMANS MESSAGE Combining good old fashioned face-to-face service with real value for our Clients has brought Globaleye to where we are today. We complement this with some of the most innovative online solutions which help


  2. CHAIRMANS MESSAGE Combining good old fashioned face-to-face service with real value for our Clients has brought Globaleye to where we are today. We complement this with some of the most innovative online solutions which help to ensure we remain at the forefront of our industry and keeping our Clients abreast of fjnancial matters that may affect them. As our awards prove, we know the value of best advice, ensuring we build long term relationships whether you are a private or corporate Client. Understanding risks, listening to your needs and always being there are key to our proposition. We know that we all hope for the best, but let us help you plan for all eventualities so we can secure your fjnancial peace of mind. Welcome to Globaleye. Tim Searle Chairman

  3. ABOUT US Globaleye is an independently-owned fjrm of private Wealth Managers with headquarters in Dubai. Independence gives you choice and our expertise in international fjnancial planning has made us the fjrst choice for over 15,000 Clients worldwide. We have connections with some of the biggest and best fjnancial brands in the world, enabling us to offer you the fullest range of solutions from across the entire market. We treat everyone individually, offer bespoke advice and provide personally tailored fjnancial solutions based on your needs. Globaleye are recognised for being innovative and exceeding the needs of our Clients’ service requirements. We have also been voted the best IFA in several leading industry awards, primarily due to our outstanding service, compliance and unique in-house services. Matching dedication to service with an equal commitment to high standards has seen Globaleye become a global leader in the offshore fjnancial services arena.

  4. VISION & MISSION Our mission is to deliver exceptional tailored fjnancial solutions to meet private and corporate client needs worldwide. We align our interests completely with the interests of the client so that our objectives are one and the same. We believe that through our interactions with clients and the implementation of perfectly developed, thought out and constantly monitored plans, we are able to improve their lives by putting them and their families in a position of greater fjnancial security and prosperity. Our people are professional, ethical and qualifjed at all levels to the highest standards in order to deliver best advice with a commitment to best in class service, innovation, honesty and integrity. We aim for Globaleye to be the benchmark in excellency within our industry and for years to come.

  5. OUR PEOPLE At Globaleye we fjrmly believe our people are our greatest asset. Being a global organisation our employees are truly international, but are all bound by a shared passion to help look after our Clients’ fjnancial needs. The quality of our employees begins from the recruitment process up. Our Wealth Managers are qualifjed and trained to international standards to ensure our Clients are provided with the best advice and service at all levels. Continual professional development and qualifjcations remain core throughout all levels of our team. Our advisors are all supported by an experienced and qualifjed Administration team, with our dedicated CRM, HR, IT, Legal and Marketing divisions all working together to create a superior level of service for our Clients. The dedication and determination of all our employees ensures your fjnances are in the best hands, whilst supported by some of the most innovative IT solutions available.

  6. PLANNING FOR YOUR FUTURE As an independent fjrm of advisers, Globaleye have connections with some of the biggest and best fjnancial brands across the world, enabling us to offer you an extensive range of products and solutions from across the market. PeNSiONS & reTiremeNT GeNeral iNSUraNCe PlaNNiNG eSTaTe PlaNNiNG eDUCaTiON Fee PlaNNiNG OFFSHOre BaNKiNG PrOTeCTiON emPlOYee BeNeFiTS iNTerNaTiONal mOrTGaGeS

  7. OUR PRODUCTS AND SOLUTIONS Pensions & retirement Planning This is a key element in everyone’s fjnancial planning. For the majority of us our goal is early retirement, yet few of us actually make a conscious effort to consider our retirement planning in good time. We utilise the best pension providers in the world and make our recommendations based on your needs today and for the future. estate Planning Effective estate planning for many may mean control over and access to assets whilst ensuring a smooth transfer of benefjts on death. We can introduce our clients to a comprehensive range of trust solutions for use in estate planning, tax mitigation and even formation of offshore companies. Offshore Banking Banking offshore provides a link between all your banking arrangements, giving you easy international access to your fjnances and a central home for your money. Having an offshore bank account could also be a tax effjcient way to manage your money. Employee Benefjts Critical to any organisation, its health, wealth and profjts, is the employee, especially when time and funds have been invested in his or her development, training and overall knowledge. Protecting individual members of staff is, therefore, essential. As companies become internationally mobile across the world’s marketplaces there is an increasing need to have plans in place to protect employees from the unforeseen problems of life.

  8. General insurance Insuring anything other than human life is referred to as general insurance and covers property such as your home, your business and belongings against fjre and theft, or vehicles against accidental damage or theft. Personal liability as a result of any accident can also be insured and this type of insurance is compulsory in some cases. education Fee Planning Providing a good education for your child is probably the best gift you can ever give. However, the spiralling costs involved can pre-determine your choice of school, college or university. Globaleye consistently delivers unbiased and professionally tailored solutions for education fee planning so your choice of school is based on your child’s ability and not your ability to pay. Protection Globaleye can create a range of solutions to protect you, your family or your business. Insurance provides comfort and peace of mind so you can face challenges in life with the fjnancial confjdence when it is needed most. international mortgages Buying property can be a complicated process and requires detailed knowledge on locating the most suitable fjnancing options. We have access to specialist brokers to help you secure the right mortgage for the right price in an array of currencies.

  9. EXCLUSIVE SERVICES Globaleye provide a host of in-house services that will enable you stay on top of your fjnances and keep track of the latest developments. These include: Globaleye Valuation Service (GVS) Designed to give you up-to-date online information on all of your fjnancial plans whenever you need it. The GVS combines all your assets including property, cash, insurance and investments to give you a snap shot of your net worth plus an array of reports to help your plans. Globaleye Portfolio Service (GPS) Selecting the right fjnancial plan is one thing; keeping an eye on how it performs over time is another. The GPS is an information service whereby we send you the performance of your funds directly to your inbox each month so you can see how your funds are doing in an easy to understand format. Also viewable on GVS, we identify when changes to your portfolio are required in line with your risk profjle. Globaleye Newsletter Our newsletter delivers essential and informative fjnancial news straight to your inbox. The monthly broadcast features product spotlights, videos, seminars, fund launches, investor warnings, competitions and much more.

  10. ӔON ÆON; the power to respond to the rapidly changing world through dynamic asset allocation utilising some of the best investment managers in the world. ÆON secures institutional solutions, both in terms of choice and cost to retail investors alike delivering outcomes in line with your chosen risk profjle. It addresses the need to ensure your money is exposed to the right investments at the right time by employing award winning investment managers who can move between single stocks, ETFs, trackers and funds as the economic climate dictates. And, ÆON can react with the speed needed to capture the upside and limit exposure in falling markets. ÆON gives investors the peace of mind to know that their money is being looked after at all times, benefjtting from institutional discounts and access to top flight managers.

  11. OUR OFFICES Globaleye Headquarters PO Box 24592 Villa 801, Al Thanya Street Umm Suqeim 3, Dubai, UAE Toll Free: 800 4558 Tel: +971 4 404 3700 Email: Additional Offjce Locations Abu Dhabi Doha Hong Kong Singapore Ho Chi Minh City Geneva Moscow Kuala Lumpur Sri Lanka Manila


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