life is good

Life is Good Simplicity is Simplicit The ultimate y is the - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Life is Good Simplicity is Simplicit The ultimate y is the sophistication. Leonardo da Vinci We are in the spreading the power of optimism business L Optimism Super Powers Superman Wonderwoman Tom Brady your average kid The

  1. Life is Good

  2. Simplicity is Simplicit The ultimate y is the sophistication. Leonardo da Vinci

  3. We are in the spreading the power of optimism business L

  4. Optimism

  5. Super Powers

  6. Superman

  7. Wonderwoman

  8. Tom Brady

  9. your average kid

  10. The important thing is to keep the important thing the important thing. Albert Einstein

  11. The important thing is to keep the important thing the important thing. Taylor Swift

  12. The important thing is to keep the important thing the important thing. Albert Einstein

  13. Everyone’s got a plan until they get punched in the mouth. Mike Tyson

  14. “The most threatening health crisis facing children in America is exposure to adverse childhood experiences.” - American Journal of Preventive Medicine

  15. Panksepp’s Rats

  16. Dendrite Development Unenriched Environment

  17. Dendrite Development Unenriched Environment

  18. Dendrite Development Enriched Environment

  19. Play Lots Some Little None Days 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

  20. What is an O’Playsis? An O’Playsis is an environment where children can freely and joyfully engage, connect & explore.

  21. The 4 domains of O’Playsis Internal Control

  22. Internal Control

  23. Internal Control Active Engagement

  24. Internal Active Control Engagement Social Connection

  25. Abel and Krueger 2010 No Smile Partial Smile Full Smile 72.9 years 75 years 79.9 years

  26. Internal Active Control Engagement Social Joyfulness Connection

  27. the sun never stops shining

  28. Internal Active Control Engagement Social Joyfulness Connection

  29. Internal Control Active The Big Social Engagement O Connection Joyfulness

  30. If you don’t live it, it won’t come out your horn. Charlie Parker

  31. Outstanding human services require outstanding humans

  32. Steve Gross


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